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 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
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 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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Bureau Of Indian Standards, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
August, 07th 2018
                                        Bureau of Indian Standards
                                        (Ahmedabad Branch Office)

 Our Ref: AHBO/Accts./ Tender -1                                                          Dated: 20 July 2018

 Subject: Quotation for outsourcing of accounting job to Chartered Accountant Agency for the period of
 12 months in BIS, Ahmedabad Branch office (AHBO).

 Dear Sir,

         As you may be aware Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is working under Ministry of Consumer Affairs,
 Food & Public Distribution, Department of Consumer Affairs, Govt. of India and is engaged in Standardization,
 Certification (ISI Mark) and Quality Control and Management System Certification(ISO) and Hallmarking of
 Gold Jewellery, etc. BIS has a Branch Office at Ahmedabad to cater to the Certification Marks Activities in a
 major part of State of Gujarat.

         Sealed quotations through the single bid system are invited from interested Chartered
 Accountant firms/agencies for providing the services as mentioned in the scope of work (Annex-I).
 Documents to be submitted with the quotation are mentioned in Annex-II. A copy of agreement to be
 signed on award of work order along with the terms and Conditions are given in annexure-III

          If interested in undertaking the contract, the rates for the same may be quoted as per table given below.
 The duly filled in quotations, in a sealed cover mentioning "Quotations for Outsourcing of Accounting Job",
 may be sent by speed post/courier/personnel so as to reach latest by 1500h, 20 August 2018 (Monday)
 Quotations received after the scheduled date and time shall be summarily rejected. The successful tenderer shall
 sign the agreement along with terms and conditions as given in annex-III

          Quotations shall be opened at 1600h in presence of such tenderers or their duly authorized
 representatives as may like to be present on 20 August 2018 (Monday) at Bureau of Indian Standards,
 Ahmedabad Branch Office, 3rd Floor, Navajivan Amrut Jayanti Bhavan, Behind Gujarat
 Vidyapith, Off Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380014.

 Thanking You,
                                                                                  Yours faithfully,

                                                                                 Jayshree Diwan
                                                                                 Section Officer

Page 1 of 12


The Chartered Accountant firm/agency shall render the services to Bureau of Indian Standards,
Ahmedabad Branch Office (AHBO), 3rd Floor, Navajivan Amrut Jayanti Bhavan, Behind
Gujarat Vidyapith, Off Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380014, for its proper maintenance of
accounts and for compliance to related statutory requirements. Detailed description of work for
taking services is as follow:

       a) Compilation, filing of TDS returns and technical resolution of all the TDS related
          matters, if any. TDS related assessment both in the cases of receivable and payable,
          if any. (Already having TAN no.)

       b) Compilation of GST Input on monthly basis so that tax is deposited. Filing of GST
          returns and compile with all the GST related matters with GST Authority (Already
          having GST No. and paying GST regularly). To provide necessary guidance on
          GST Rules and for availing of credit rules and related action and filling requisite
          returns within prescribed time limit. Payment of GST and filing of return of
          Ahmedabad & Rajkot branch office.

       c) Compilation of Professional Tax liabilities and filing of returns with the concerned
          Department of Govt of Gujarat and related issues.

       d) Checking the Bank reconciliation.

       e) Physical and computer preparation of bank book based on bank statements and
          financial instruments (DD or otherwise).

       f) Compilation and tabulation of GST, Professional Tax and TDS payable.

       g) Reconciliation of TDS payable/paid by BIS, AHBO on monthly basis.

       h) Physical and computer entry of advances given and its adjustments at the time of

       i) Assist our accounts personnel during audit related with GST/ Service Tax, if any,
          CAG audit, Statutory audits, internal audit and reply of the paras if any, given by
          the auditors.

       j) Preparation of Budget Register both in physical and digital form.

       k) Preparation and finalization of accounts at Branch level except balance sheet. (to be
          prepared by Head Quarter)

       l) Preparation of TDS Certificate on behalf of BIS quarterly basis for the issue to the
          parties (there will be limited work in this regard).
Page 2 of 12
       m) Preparation and checking of Trial Balance (TB), all Ledgers, Realization Day Book
          (RDB), and Bank Book on monthly basis. Trial balance be prepared positively by
          6th of every month.

       n) Compilation of Accounts on monthly basis as well as yearly basis and preparation
          of monthly trial balance along with all supporting schedules, Receipt & Payment
          Account, etc.

       o) Preparation of Accounts upto TB stage and R & P A/c at year end. Reconciliation
          and control of accounts and schedules thereof. Reconciliation with Head Quarters
          Accounts and internal unit accounts, Reconciliation of fixed assets and current
          assets accounts. Calculation of depreciation as per law in assets Register/ Cards.

       p) Checking of appropriateness of tax deduction at source from payments made to
          parties, its timely deposition and filing of requisite return by due date and guidance
          of TDS matters.

       q) Preparation of Uniform formats of Accounts.

       r) The CA firm/agency shall be personally responsible for the work allotted to
          her/him, from the stage of preparation of vouchers, preparing ledgers/ accounting
          books/ registers to end product (i.e. trial balance/ receipt & payment account/
          balance sheet with all supporting schedules). He/ She shall sign each page of
          various returns and reports/forms and that of final output. He/ She shall prepare and
          maintain all ledgers/ accounting books, schedules etc. including the following:

               i)     Assets register maintenance.
               ii)    Manual ledger for EMD, SD, Advances etc.
               iii)   Settlement of old issues/ advances etc.
               iv)    Any other account related matter and anything considered necessary
                      towards above.
               v)     Preparation of JVs in time.
               vi)    Reconciliation on monthly basis with Hqrs AC, Inter office AC.

       s) Your representative shall visit AHBO for minimum three hours for three man-days
          per week for execution of above work. One computer with Tally ERP 9 software
          shall be provided for inputs/compilation. The representative should be conversant
          with Tally ERP 9, MS Excel and MS word. Depending upon the quantum of the
          work, the man hours may be increased.
       t) After the completion of part contract (expiry on 31 July 2018) of CA the pending
          work to be completed, if any.

Page 3 of 12
                                                   Annexure-II (Technical Bid)

 Documents to be submitted with the quotation:
 Documents listed in the following check list may be submitted along with the quotation(s).

 Sl. No.   Description of requirement                                                        Yes/No         Page No.
 1.        The firm/agency should be registered with the ICAI under provisions of
           relevant act to provide the professional services and its validity date and
           enclose copy of registration certificate with ICAI of the firm.
 2.        Copies of Balance Sheet and P&L A/c for the last 3 years duly certified by
 3.        Copy of Registration certificate/allotment letter of GST number. If
 4.        Copy of Registration certificate/allotment letter PAN from Income Tax
 5.        Proforma containing details of other organization where such contracts
           were/are undertaken (attach supportive documents)
 6.        DD of Rs.10000/- as EMD in favor of "Bureau of Indian Standards"
           payable at Ahmedabad.
 7.        List of Arbitration cases (if applicable) Do not leave it blank. If there are
           no such cases, write "Not Applicable".
 8.        Qualification and experience certificates of the person who shall be
           deputed at this office. Enclose attested copies.
 9.        Acceptance of terms and conditions attached. Each page of terms and
           conditions to be duly signed as token of acceptance and submitted as part of
           tender document.
 10.       Copy of last income tax return.
 11.       Undertaking by the bidder to the effect that there is no police case pending
           against the proprietor/firm/parties relating to previous service contracts.
 12.       Office address in Ahmedabad (Guj).
 13.       At least two currently valid contracts for similar work.

 Declaration by the Tenderer:

 This is to certify that I/We before signing this tender have read and fully understood all the terms and
 conditions contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to abide by them.
 Encls: 1. DD/Pay Order No...............

 (Signature of Tenderer
 with seal) Name:
 Office Address:______________
 Date: Phone
 No (O):
 NOTE: Submission of all the documents mentioned above along with declaration, is
 mandatory. Non submission of any of the information above may render the bid to be

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(To be signed on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 50/-)
THIS AGREEMENT IS MADE ON______________between the Bureau of Indian
Standards, Ahmedabad Branch Office (AHBO), 3rd Floor, Navajivan Amrut Jayanti Bhavan,
Behind Gujarat Vidyapith, Off Ashram Road, Ahmedabad 380014, (Hereinafter called the
Bureau of the one part) and_____________________________ (hereinafter called the
Contractor of the other part)

WHEREAS the Bureau is desirous of entrusting the Accounting Job Work, at its AHBO,
Ahmedabad, the CA firm/agency has offered to render the same at the said premises. NOW

2. This agreement is valid for the period commencing from ____________to________both
days inclusive.

3. The CA firm/agency shall relieve the Bureau of the first part of all worries about the up
keep and performance of Accounting Job Work to the satisfaction of Bureau of the FIRST

4 The Chartered Accountant firm/agency shall render to the services to Bureau of Indian
Standards, AHBO, Ahmedabad, for its smooth running as may be required from time to time.
Detailed description for taking services is as follows:

a) Compilation of Accounts on monthly basis and preparation of MONTHLY trial balance
along with all supporting schedules, Receipt & Payment Account, etc. Resolution of queries
raised by AHBO and BIS HQs.

b) Preparation of Accounts up to TB stage and R&P A/c at year end. Reconciliation and
control of accounts and schedules thereof. Reconciliation with Head Quarters Accounts and
internal unit accounts, Reconciliation of fixed assets and current assets accounts.

c) GST formality and tax deducted at source work like:
         i) To provide necessary guidance on GST Rules and for availing of credit rules.
Reconcile the GST deducted and collected from the parties and its monthly compilation and
filling requisite returns. This task shall be completed by 4th of every month
         ii) Checking of appropriateness of tax deduction at source from payments to parties,
its timely deposition and filing of requisite return by due date and guidance in TDS matters.

d) Recovery of taxes, if any from time to time. To oversee the timely adjustment of advances/
recoveries, realization of outstanding due, write off old dues, clearance of old outstanding
debits/ credits of more than one months in the bank reconciliation statement and watching
any other accounts matter requiring timely completion and monthly report to Heads of
RO/BO thereon.

Page 5 of 12
e) Formalities relating to GST and preparation of Uniform formats of Accounts.

f) The CA firm/agency shall be personally responsible for the work allotted to him/her, from
the stage of preparation of vouchers, preparing ledgers/ accounting books/ registers to end
product (i.e. trial balance/ receipt & payment account/ balance sheet with all supporting
schedules). This shall also include issue and receipt of debit and credit memos and their
reconciliation. He/She shall sign each and every page of these records and final output in the
form of various returns and reports etc.

g) S/he shall prepare and maintain all ledgers/ accounting books, schedules etc. including the

i) Assets register
ii) Manual ledgers for EMD, SD, Advances etc.
iii) Settlement of old issues/ advances etc.
iv) Reconciliation on monthly basis with HQ A/c, Inter Office A/c.
v) Preparation of JVs in time.
vi) Other works allotted as per requirement.

h) S/he shall impart training in a formal way to the staff for doing accounting job along with
training to run the tally programme.

j) Any other account related matter and anything considered necessary towards above.

k) There should be no mistake in booking of wrong heads/figures while feeding/posting the
vouchers. Monthly Trial Balance, Receipt & Payment A/c shall be tallied with the HQ's
accounts and with the supporting ledger/accounting books.

l) Assist our accounts personnel during audit related with GST, if any, CAG audit, Statutory
audits, internal audit and reply of the paras if any, given by the auditors.

5 The agency shall be solely responsible for compliance to provisions of various labor,
industrial and any other laws applicable and all statutory obligations relating to personnel
deployed in AHBO. The AHBO shall have no liability in this regard. Also no liability in case
of death of person deputed by CA firm/agency within or outside the BIS premises.

6 The agency shall be solely responsible for any accident/ medical/ health related liability/
compensation for the personnel deployed by it at AHBO. The AHBO shall have no liability
in this regard.

7 Any violation of instruction/ agreement or suppression of facts will attract cancellation of
agreement without any reference or any notice period.

8 The contract can be terminated by giving two months' notice on either side.

9 In case of non-compliance with the contract, the Bureau reserves its right to:

a. Cancel/Revoke the contract, and/or
b. Impose penalty up to 10% of the total annual value of contract.

Page 6 of 12
10. The person deputed by the firm/agency shall not claim to become the employees of BIS,
AHBO and there will be no employee and employer relationship between the person engaged
by the CA firm/agency for deployment in AHBO.

11. There shall be no increase in rates payable to the Agency during the contract period.

12. The firm/agency also agrees to comply with Annexed terms and conditions and
amendments thereto from time to time.

13 Decision of BIS in regard to interpretation of the terms and conditions and the Agreement
shall be final and binding on the firm/agency.

14. In case of any dispute between the Agency and AHBO, AHBO shall have the right to
decide. However, all matters of jurisdiction shall be at the local courts located at Ahmedabad.

15. The firm/agency shall ensure that no loss or damage to any property of AHBO due to
lapse on the part of the personnel deployed by the manpower agency discharging their
responsibilities, the such loss shall be compensated by the contracting Agency and in this
connection, the Bureau shall have the right to deduct appropriate amount from the bill etc. to
make good of such loss to the Bureau besides imposition of penalty. In case of any
deficiencies/lapses on the part of the personnel deployed by the contractor, the Bureau shall
be within its right to terminate the contract forthwith or take any other action without
assigning any reason whatsoever.

16. For the above services the Bureau agrees to pay to the CA Firm/agency, a consolidated
remuneration           of          12           months               Rs.....................................................
for which the bills to be submitted by the CA firm/agency, in duplicate, on monthly/quarterly
basis. The said amount of be paid to the CA firm/agency includes all
expenses of the CA Firm/agency towards emoluments of the accounting personnel, their
personal requirements and conveyance, transport charges, etc, and periodic inspections by the
officers of the contractor, other liabilities under the various legislations and any other
incidental charges.

17 All applicable taxes shall be deducted from the payment of bill unless exempted.

18. The CA Firm/agency shall be fully responsible for the compliance of applicable
Chartered Accountant Laws in force and other Govt. Orders.

19. The CA firm/agency shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified the Bureau
against any claim on account of disability/ death of any of its personnel caused while
providing the services within/ outside its premises or other premises of the Bureau which
may be made under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 or any other Acts or any other
statutory modifications thereof or otherwise for or in respect of any claim for damage or
compensation payable in consequence of any accident or injury sustained by any working or
other personnel of the CA firm/agency or in respect of any claim, damage or compensation
under labour laws or other laws or rules made there under by any person whether in the
employment of the CA firm/agency or not, who provided or provides the services.

Page 7 of 12
20. In the event of any disputes the decision of the Scientist F & Head, AHBO shall be final
and binding.

21. In case of any dispute arising out of this business or interpretation of any clause of the
agreement, the Court of Ahmedabad. Alone shall have the jurisdiction to try and decided.

22. The Tender document as a whole shall also be part of this agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF both the parties have set and subscribed their respective hands
with their Seal in Ahmedabad in the presence of the witness.

Bureau of Indian Standards, Ahmedabad                            CA AGENCY

Witness:       1.


Page 8 of 12
                             Annexure to Agreement

                        "Hiring of services of CA Agency"

A. SCOPE OF WORK: "Hiring of services of CA Firm/agency" ON CONTRACT
   BASIS at Bureau of Indian Standards, Ahmedabad Branch Office (AHBO), 3rd
   Floor, Navajivan Amrut Jayanti Bhavan, Behind Gujarat Vidyapith, Off Ashram
   Road, Ahmedabad 380014 by deploying required number of contract personnel.

1. The said contract will be initially for a period of 12 months commencing from the date of
signing the contract which may be extended further for a maximum period of two years
subjected to maximum 12 months on each occassion with same terms & conditions subject to
mutual consent of both the parties and subject to satisfactory performance of contract.
However, in normal circumstances the Agreement is terminable by giving two month notice
in writing by either party to the agreement.

2. The Contracting Agency shall render the services as mentioned in the scope of work in
annex ­I of the tender document to BIS, AHBO.

3. The working hours will be as under:

Minimum three hours for three man-days per week. Saturday and Sunday are holiday on
account of being weekend days. They may also be called on Saturdays/Sundays as and when
required for which extra payment will not be given.

4. The personnel deployed shall be healthy, active and shall not have any communicable

5. The CA firm/agency shall bear all expenses regarding preparation of Identity card,
compensations, wages and allowances (DA), PF, ESI, Bonus and Gratuity as applicable
relating to personnel engaged by him and abide by the provisions of various labour
legislations. Payment to the firm/agency shall be made on monthly/quarterly basis on
submission of bill by the firm/agency and on rendering satisfactory service by the

6. Replacement of person as required by the Bureau will be effected promptly by the CA
firm/agency; if the firm/agency wishes to replace any of the personnel, the same shall be
done after prior consultation with the Bureau. The full particulars of the personnel to be
deployed by the contractor including the names and address shall be furnished to the Bureau
along with testimonials before they are actually deployed for the job. Firm/agency should not
make too frequent changes in the CA.

Page 9 of 12
7. In case of any loss that might be caused to the Bureau due to lapse on the part of the
personnel deployed by the manpower agency discharging their responsibilities, such loss shall
be compensated by the contracting Agency and in this connection, the Bureau shall have the
right to deduct appropriate amount from the bill etc. to make good of such loss to the Bureau
besides imposition of penalty. In case of any deficiencies/lapses on the part of the personnel
deployed by the contractor, the Bureau shall be within its right to terminate the contract
forthwith or take any other action without assigning any reason whatsoever.

8. In case of death or mishap leading to any injury or disability whatsoever, occurred during
discharging the duty, the compensation /legal or any other liability will solely rest with the CA

9. That CA firm's/agency's authorized representative (Owner/Director/Partner/Manager) shall
personally contact Head of the BIS, AHBO or the office in charge of Accounts at BIS, AHBO
at least once a month to get a feedback on the services rendered by the contractor vis-a-vis
corrective action required to make the services more efficient.

10. In the event of person deputed by CA firm/agency being on leave/absent, the CA
firm/agency shall ensure suitable alternative arrangement to make up for such absence.

11. The successful bidder would have to deposit an amount of 10% of Annual contract of value
towards security deposit through Demand Draft/pay order/FDR/Bank Guarantee from a
commercial bank in favor of BIS which would remain with BIS during the contract period and
no interest shall be payable on the Security Deposit amount.

12. The person deployed by the CA firm/agency shall have the required qualification. In case
of non-compliance/non-performance of the services according to the terms of the contract, the
Bureau shall be at liberty to make suitable deductions (ranging from 2% to 10%) from the bill
without prejudice to its right under other provisions of the contract. Penalty upto 5% may also
be imposed, if there are frequent changes of employees deployed at this office by the

13. The CA firm/agency shall be solely liable for all payment/dues of the workers employed
and deployed by him with reliable evidence provided to the Bureau. In the event,
Bureau makes any payment or incurs any liability; the contractor shall indemnify the Bureau

14. In case of any dispute arising out of this agreement then Scientist F & Head, AHBO, BIS
shall nominate any officer of the BIS a sole arbitrator to adjudicate upon the issue involved in
the dispute and the provisions of the Arbitration Act shall be applicable.

15. In case of any dispute with regard to providing services and interpretation of any clause of
the Agreement, Ahmedabad Court will have the jurisdiction to settle and decide all the

16. Income Tax TDS as per rules shall be deducted from the bills of the contractor as per
applicable laws.

Page 10 of 12
17. Any violation of instructions/agreement or suppression of facts will attract cancellation of
agreement without any reference.

18. The CA firm/agency will be held wholly responsible for any action taken by statutory
bodies for violation/non-compilation of any such provision/rule.

19. If any of the personnel of the contractor indulges in theft or any illegal/irregular activities,
misconduct, the contractor will take appropriate action as per law and rules against its erring
personnel in consultation with this office and intimate the action taken to this office. If need be,
an FIR should be lodged against the erring personnel. Such personnel who indulge in such type
of activities, should not be further employed in this office by the contractor in any case.

20. Whenever there is a duplication of clause either in the terms and conditions or in the
agreement, the clause which is beneficial to the AHBO, BIS will be considered applicable at
the time of any dispute/following any statutory rules.

Note: These terms and conditions are part of the Contract/Agreement as indicated in the
Agreement between BIS, Ahmedabad Branch Officer, Ahmedabad and the Agency and
any non-compliance shall be deemed as breach of the Contract/Agreement.

Page 11 of 12
 Annexure-4 (Financial Bid)


  Sl. Description                                         Consolidated remuneration including
  No.                                                     service charge (profit) of the
                                                          firm/agency and all other charges for
                                                          a period of 12 months. The payment
                                                          shall be paid quarterly. (Rates to be
                                                          quoted without GST)
        The CA firm/agency has to depute a suitable
        competent accounting personnel for minimum 9
        hours/week (3h/day for 3 days/week). Depending
        upon the quantum of the work, the man hours may
        be increased.

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