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« Tenders »
Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Department Of Information And Cultural Affairs, Kolkata, West Bengal
August, 31st 2018
                                                Film and Social Communication lnstitute
                                     Under lnformation & Cultural Affairs Department, Covt. of West Bengal

                                          Kooprala Kendro

Ref .   No.RKK/Accounts/lnternal Auditl   OSI   2018                      Date:24.08.2018

                                          NOTICE INVITING TENDER

Tenders are invited from Chartered Accountants Firm (CA Firms) for appointment as lnternal Auditors
for the Financial Year 2018-2019 and 2O79-2O2O
The interested CA firms may submit their tender in the prescribed Performa provided herein, which
includes Notice lnviting Tender, Eligibility Criteria, Scope of work, General Terms and conditions,
Technical bid (Experience and Eligibility criteria)as per Annexure-l and the Financial Bid (Professional
Fee) as per Annexure-ll.
The sealed tender may be submitted in one big envelope superscripting "RKK Appointment of lnternal
Auditor" containing two separate sealed envelopes, one for "Technical Bid" and another for Financial
 Bid" superscripting as such and addressed to The Director& CEO Roopkala Kend ro, Block-G M,Sector-
v,saltlake, Kolkata-700091.
The technical bid envelope must contain the technical bid in prescribed Performa as per Annexure-l with
all relevant documents in support of eligibility and experience criteria. The financial bid envelope must
contain only the financial bid format as per Annexure-ll. The financial bid shall include Professional fee/
charges for all services to be incurred in carrying out the internal audit.             ,.

Last date for submission of bids (both technical and financial) is 14.09.2018 up to 3 P.M.
The technical bid will be opened at Roopkala Kendro on 18.09.2018 at 3 P.M, in the presence of bidders
who wish to present. The date for opening of financial bid will be informed later on.
The interested CA firms are advised to read carefully the entire tender document before submitting
their tender and the tender documents not received in prescribed format and/or are found to be
incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected.

Block GM, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091, Tel : 91'33-2357 -574315840, Fax 91-33-2357-5691
                E-mail : Visit our website at www.kendroonline'o rg
                                              Film and Social Communication lnstitute
                                     Under lnformation & Cultural Affairs Department, Covt. of West Bengal

                                         Koopxala Kendro

Ref. No.RKK/Accounts/lnternal Auditl    OSI   zOLg                          Date:24.08.2018

Elipibilitv Criteria

    1.   The Chartered Accountant firm should have at least an experience of 10(ten) years from the
         establishment of registration of the firm.
    2.   The Chartered Accountant Firm should have minimum 2(two) assignments of lnternal Audit in
         last 3 years.
    3.   The Chartered Accountant firm should have its office at Kolkata.

Terms and Conditions

    L.   The initial period of appointment shall be for conducting lnternal Audit for two years i.e. for
         Financial Year 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, However considering satisfactory work, the
         appointment may be extended for another year. Roopkala Kendro reserves the right to extend
         the tenure or terminate the appointment on account of unsatisfactory performance.
    2.   Roopkala Kendro reserves the right to accept or reject any application at any time without
         assigning any reason.
    3.   Roopkala Kendro will not accept any claim other than professional fee/ charges etc. specified in
         financial bid.
    4.   Each page of the tender documents is requiredto be signed by a Pa rtner/Proprietor of CA Firm.
         The documents/ certificates in eupporting along with the tender shall also be signed by a
    5.   lf any date mentioned above    happens      to be holiday, then the next working day will be the
         relevant date.
    6.   Tender shall be submitted in official document only. lf submitted in any other form, the same
         shall be summarily rejected.
   7.    Any firm, not qualifying these minimum criteria need not apply as their proposal shall be
         summarily rejected.

Btock GM, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091, Tel : 91-33-2357 -57 4315840, Fax : 91-33-2357-5691
                  E-mail : kendro@vsnl. net. Visit our website at
                                                Film and Social Communication lnstitute
                                      Under Information & Cultural Affairs Department, Covt. of West Bengal

                                              Roopnala Kendro


 Ref. No.RKK/Accounts/lnternal Auditl     OS   l2OLg                       Date:24.08,2018

                                                 TECHNICAT BID
 General lnformation
     Name of the Chartered Accountants Firm

     Registered/Main Office Address

     Contact No of responsible person
     Telephone No. of the office
     Email lD of the office/Proprietor

     Certificate of lncorporation
     (copy attached)
 6   Balance sheet for last 3(three) years

 lnformation to Assess Elieibilitv Criteria
 1   No. ofyears of Firm existence
 2   Registration particulars of the Firm with lCAl
     No. of assignments of internal audit with copies
 3   of the appointment letter from the auditee
 4   Annual turnover certificate

 Certifled that the information given above is true and if any information is found to be false or
 misleading the application may be cancelled.

                                                                   Signature of Proprietor/Pa rtner

Block GM, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091, Tel : 91-33-2357 -57 4315840, Fax : 91-33-2357-5691
                E-mail : kendro@vsnl. net. Visit our website at
                                                  Film and Social Communication lnstitute
                                        Under lnformation & Cultural Affairs Department, Covt. of west Bengal

                                            Rooprala Kendro


Ref .   No,RNK/Accounts/lnternal Auditl    OSI    2OLB                    Date:24.08.2018

                                                    Financial Bid
The interested CA firm may quote their professional fees (all inclusive) in the following format:

sl.                                 Particulars                                    Amount (Rs.)
1        Annual Professional fees for lnternal Audit for the Financial
         Year 2018-19 & 2019-2020
2        GST
         Grand Total

Grand Total IProfessionalfees in words]

                                                                          Signature of Partner/Proprietor
                                                                                With Name and Firm seal

Block GM, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 09',l, Tel : 91-33'2357 -57 4315840, Fax:91-33-2357- 5691
                E-mail : Visit our website at www.
                                              Film and Social Communication lnstitute
                                       Under lnformation & Cultural Affairs Department, Covt. of West Bengal

                                           Roopnala Kendro

Ref. No.RKX/Accounts/lnternal Auditl OSlzOLg                             Date:24.08.2018

Scope of Audit

    1.   Review of the compliance with various statutory requirements like lncome Tax, GST, PF, P.Tax,
         Labour Laws & Societies Law etc. applicable upon the institute from time to time.
    2.   Review ofinternal control system and recommendations for add itional checks.
    3.   Assistance and Review of procedure followed for Physical verification of Stationeries, Fixed
         Assets and lnvestments.
    4.   Checking and verification of asset procurement, identification , preparation of Asset Register
         with proper asset marking of the total asset of Roopkala Kendro, after assessment of obsolete
         and unserviceable assets, so as to get them written off from the financial records.
    5.   Checking and compliances of the Aud it findings of aud it by C & AG and Statutory Auditor.
    6.   Checking of all vouchers with appropriate a/c head & supporting documents.
    7.   The statutory payments are effected and Returns to be submitted in time with the prescribed
    8. Checking of Cashbook and Ledger posting
    9. Physical verification of Cash in hand and checking monthly Bank Reconciliation statements.
    10. Checking and verification of fees/incomes on test check basis and the review of the
        reconciliation of fees/income/receipts to ensure that no revenue leakage exists.
    11. Checking and verification of Govt.Grant received and utilized.
    12. Checking of Loans& advance ledger balances and advance recovery
    13. Checking and verification of procurement of capital items and ensure that proper Govt.
         procedure followed.
    14. Preparation and filing of lncome Tax Return, e-TDS Return quarterly Fotm 24 and 26,and
         submission of same to the lncome Tax authorities and also to appear before Taxation authority
         on the said matter and Finalisation of Annual accounts.
    15. Preparation of Professional Tax return and submission of same to the P.Tax Authority and also
         to appear before the P.Tax Authority as and when required.
    16. Filing and submission of Annual and other Returns of the Society under the West Bengal Society
         Registration Act.
    1.7. The Firm is required to submit quarterly report on lnternal Audit along with quarterly Receipts &
         Payments   A/c to Director&   CEO, Roopkala Kendro.
    18. Other areas/ functions which may be determined from time to time.

                                                                                           Director &   CEO

Block GM, Sectorv, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091, Tel : 91-33-2357 -57 4315840, Fax:91-33-2357-5691
               E-mail : kendro@vsnl. net. Visit our website at
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