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« Tenders »
Open DEMAT Account in 24 hrs
 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
 Raipur Smart City Ltd., Raipur (C.G.)
 Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada, A.P.
 Odisha Power Generation Corporation Limited, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
 Corrigendum Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata, West Bengal
 Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Ranchi, Jharkhand
 Assam Health Infrastructure Development and Management Society, Guwahati, Assam
 Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
 25 LPA Opening Auditor Fund Management
 Punjab National Bank, Gurugram, Haryana
 M.P. Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Council Of Scientific And Industrial Research, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
May, 01st 2019

Ref. 01(02)/Admin/Bill Dated 29 March 2019. The last dates of tender
proceedings have been postponed due to technical reasons. The revised
dates, terms and conditions for submission of NIT will be published later in
News paper as well as CSIR-IIP website. Tenderers who have already applied
are requested to go through the revised NIT's and may also apply afresh in
view of reviewed terms and conditions.

                                                    Drawing and Disbursing Officer

 /Fax. +91 ­ 0135 2660202-203
                                Website:   EPABX: 0135-2525722, 737 & 738

                      NOTICE INVITING TENDER

                     COST ACCOUNTANT FIRMS

                      FOR THE YEAR 2019-2021

Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehra Dun invites tender from Chartered
Accountant/ Cost Accountant Firms for services mentioned in the scope of
work for the financial year 2019-20 and 2020-21 starting 1st August 2019.

Tender Number:              01(02)2019/Admin/Bill
Date:                       April 23, 2019
Issue of Tender Forms       Tender      Documents/Forms         can    be
                            Downloaded        from       the      website
Cost of Tender Documents    No cost
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Earnest Money of Rs. 10000/- (Rupees Ten
                            thousand Only) to be deposited along with
                            the Tender Documents in the form of A/c
                            payee Demand Draft favoring Director,
                            Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun.
                            Earnest money is refundable.
Last Date of Submission of 23.05.2019 up to 16.00 Hrs
Opening of Tender           23.05.2019 16.30 Hrs
Contact Person              Drawing & Disbursing officer
                            Bill Section Indian Institute of Petroleum
and                         Mohkampur Haridwar Road Dehradun-
Contact Address

Contact Phone Number (s)       0135 2660202, 738 & 737
E-mail Address       

The Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP), established in 1960, is one of the
constituent laboratories of the Council of Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR), dedicated to R&D in the hydrocarbon sector. An ISO
9001 certified institute, IIP develops processes and products for petroleum
refining and petrochemical industries, training of personnel in oil and
petrochemical industries, and assisting in formulation of standards for
petroleum products.


S.    Particulars
1.    Imparting and continuously updating the knowledge about various
      relevant amendments in the evolving law of GST.
2.    Computation of GST on monthly basis considering the input credit
      and reverse charge applicability including preparation of GST
3.    Preparing and filing/e filing of various returns and annual returns
      as applicable to IIP under GST.
4.    Maintaining, up keeping, and retrieval of records for GST relating to
      various compliance documentations.
5.    Advisory in respect of accounting treatment, suggesting and
      implementing the correct accounting of the entries related to GST.
6.    Provision of specific written opinion on various issues pertaining to
7     Representation before GST Authorities at Dehradun and outside
8.    E-filing /Filing of All Returns as applicable in case of Tax deducted at
      source/Tax collected at source as applicable in case of Income Tax.
9.    Generation of Form No. 16, 16-A from website (TRACES) and other
      such forms in case of GST also.
10.   Feeding of data of Income Tax deductions of employees/contractors.
11.   Filing of Income Tax of 24Q &26Q format and corrective forms as
      applicable to Income Tax /GST
12.   Filing of replies of Notices/ e-IT notices relating to Income Tax/GST
13.   Assisting in preparation of submission before appellate authority
      under Income Tax/GST.
14.   Consultation/advice on records and Maintenance of applicable taxes.
15.   To providing guidance regarding I Tax laws & its implementation and
      others law of central/ UT govt. relating to various taxes.
16.   Any other issue arising out of new regulations/ instructions of
      Central Govt./ State Govt. or/ any other authority related to GST/I
       Tax in the period of agreement.

Pre-qualification Criteria

The bids of only those firms will be considered which satisfy the following
eligibility criteria:

   ·   The tenderer should be a Dehradun based established Chartered
       Accountant/firm, providing services in respect of Income tax/GST to
       at least three Govt./Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Bodies
       for at least five years.
   ·   The tenderer should have valid TAN No./PAN No.
   ·   The tenderers should have valid GST No.
   ·   The tenderer should submit a copy of valid certificates issued by
       ICAI/ICWA along with quotations.

   ·   The tenderer should submit its Income Tax Returns for last two years.

Payment Terms

The payment shall be made against the services provided by firm, subject to
the following terms and conditions:

   ·   The payment during the entire contract period shall be made in
       accordance with the financial bid submitted by the selected bidder
       and accepted by the Institute. No price variation would be allowed
       during the contract period. The financial price quoted by the
       contracting firm shall be final. No request for extra payment on
       account of increase in workload on whatever account will be
       entertained. No extra payment on account of any out of pocket
       expenses shall be paid.
   ·   Goods and Service tax is payable extra as per applicable rates.
   ·   Payments shall be subject to TDS under Income tax at applicable
   ·   Payment shall be made on monthly basis. The bill shall be submitted
       by Chartered Accountant /Cost Accountant firm by last working day
       of every month.
   ·   Any interest/penalty which becomes payable by IIP to any tax
       authorities due to delay in filing of statutory returns and/or delay in
       deposit of statutory taxes/dues, which is attributable to the
       negligence of Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant Firms, such
       amount shall be deducted from the payment due to such Chartered
       Accountant /Cost Accountant firm or shall be recovered in such a
       manner as the Institute may deem fit.

Performance Security
The successful bidder will be required to deposit 10 % of the bid amount
towards performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee before
execution of the agreement. The Bank Guarantee must be valid for three
years from the date of contract. In case of further extension of contract the
Bank Guarantee will also be renewed accordingly on yearly basis.

Submission and Evaluation of the Tender

   A. Interested firms are requested to submit their Tender in 2 envelopes
      as below, alongwith Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 10,000/- in
      the form of Demand Draft.

    · 1st Envelope:

          Containing Prequalification Bid & Technical evaluation information
        including documents/ information specifically mentioned in
        Annexure-A along with all supporting documents including EMD

    ·    2nd Envelope:

        Financial Bid as per Annexure B.

   B. All pages of the Tender and the supporting documents/annexure
      must be serially numbered.
   C. If the tender is not supported be the "Essential certificates" or "other
      documents" for credentials as envisaged in the tender documents, the
      relevant credentials shall not be considered for evaluation without any
      further reference to the Bidder.

The Documents relating to Pre-qualification & Technical Evaluation and
Financial Bid should be submitted in Two different envelopes as mentioned
above and all envelopes should subscribed " TENDER FOR SELECTION OF
envelopes should be sealed in one main envelope.

Tender should be deposited in the office of "Controlling of Administration,
CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Mohkampur, Haridwar Road, Dehra
Dun -248005. On all working days during working hours from 9:00 A.M ot
5:30 P.M.. The last date for submission of tender is May 23 2019, up to
16:00 Hours.

Earnest Money Deposit
 Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 10,000/- by way of Demand Draft in the
name of "Director, Indian Institute of Petroleum", payable at Dehra Dun
should be submitted along with the bid. The EMD amount will be returned
to the unsuccessful firms after finalization of the bid. In respect of the
successful bidder, the EMD will be returned after execution of the

Queries Regarding the Tender

This tender document is self-explanatory hence no enquiry will be

Last Date of Submission of Tender

Last date of submission of the Tender is May 23 2019 up to 16:00 Hours.

Date of the opening of the Tender

The authorized representatives of the firms carrying authority letter may
attend the bid opening. The date of opening the tender to evaluate pre-
qualification criteria will be on 23 May 2019 at16.30 Hrs. The dates of
opening financial bids shall be notified latter.
                                                                                          ANNEXURE A

Sr.      Criterion               Particulars                        Description           Index-
No.                                                                                       Reference
                                                                                          Page No's

1        The firm must           Name of the Firm
         have local (Submit
         copy            of      Address of HO
         document                Address of Branch office
         address)                Designation/Qualification of
                                 Head authority at Branch
         The        CA/Cost      Office
         Accountant firm
         should            be    Telephone No.
         registered      with
         the      ICAI/ICWA      Mobile No.
         and must possess
         permanent               E-Mail:
         account number
         (PAN)         under
                                 Registration      No.      with
         Income Tax and
         registration under
         GST.        (Provide
                                 Date of Registration
         copies     of     all
         certificates            PAN       of     CA/Cost
                                 Accountants Firm

                                 GST No.

2        Provide copy of         Empanelment No.
         valid registration
         certificate             Period/validity

3        Provide necessary       Year                          of
         evidence                Registration/starting         of

                                 Nos. Of years in operation
                                 after registration (in years)

Certified that the above particulars are true & correct. In the event of any such
information/document is found to be incorrect/false/manipulated, the Institute is at liberty
to reject the proposal of the Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant Firm without assigning
any reasons thereof and without giving any opportunity of being heard.

Date:                                                    Signature:....................
SEAL:                                               Name and Designation:....................

                                                                                     Annexure A1

Sr.     Name    /   Period   Name       Whether Institute is        Nature   of      Index/
No.     Nature of   (Start   of the     Central     Govt./state     the              ref
        the         Date/e   Institut   Govt./Govt.                 Supporting       page
        Assignme    nd       e          Undertaking/      Body      documents        no's
        nt          date)               funded               by     provided







Furnish the copy of the documentary evidence in support of the information provided
above. Please attach additional sheets, if required.

Date:                                               Signature:....................

SEAL:                                               Name and Designation:....................
                                                                               Annexure B

                                 FINANCIAL BID

                                      Fees                           Payment

                    Rupees (in Figure)    Rupees (in Words)
Professional fees
for one year (24                                                     The         service
months)                                                              provider will raise
                                                                     bills as mentioned
                                                                     in payment terms


   a. Fee is inclusive of professional fee taxes.
   b. Only TDS shall be paid extra on the above quoted fee.
   c. Statutory Deductions like TDS etc. Shall be made by Institute as pe statutory
      rates and norms wherever applicable.

We undertake that the rates quoted above by us will not change during the
contract period and its extended period.    We also accept the payment
schedule/payment terms.

Date:                                         Signature:....................

SEAL:                                         Name and Designation:....................
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