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Non-receipt of the The Chartered Accountant Journal. |
September, 04th 2014 |
Non-Receipt of The Chartered Accountant Journal
This is for the information of Members/subscribers who fail to receive The Chartered Accountant journal
despatched to them either due to un-intimated change of address or postal problems.
Members and Students are requested to inform the respective regions immediately after you change the
address to ensure regular and timely delivery of journals to you as the mailing list is drawn from ICAI's
centralised database updated till 15th of every month. Subscribers are requested to mail their changed address
to eb@icai.in.
Members can also update their address online in the `Members' section placed on the top bar of ICAI website.
The required link in the `Members' section is titled `Members: Update Your Residential and Professional
Addresses' (http://www.icai.org/addupdate/). Fill the Membership No and Date of Birth to open the Form. Fill
the Form to update your changed address.
After updating the address online, the member is also required to download the updated Form and submit
the same at their respective regions with their signature. Please note that once updated in the respective regional
head offices' records, the new address gets automatically updated in the centralised data base of the Institute,
from where the journal mailing list is prepared.
While updating the address members can opt for their `Residential Address' to receive the copy of the
journal by clicking the option "Do you want to get your journal on Residential Address" at the bottom of the
Form. Thereafter you will get your copy of the Journal at your residential address.
Any queries or complaints in this regard can also be sent by email at journal@icai.in (for members) and
eb@icai.in (for students and Subscribers) or contact at 0120-3045921.
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