The RBI Services Board will conduct the Phase –I / Paper-1 of examination for recruitment of Gr B officers on 2nd September 2018, at various examination centres in Kerala for the benefit of aspirants who could not attend the examination held on 16th August 2018.
Candidates who have already appeared in the examination held on 16th August will not be eligible to appear in this examination.
Eligible candidates will be issued fresh Admit Cards which can be downloaded from the RBI’s website on or after 25th August 2018. Email and text messages will be sent to eligible candidates once the admit cards are uploaded on the website. Candidates are required to report for the examination at the time and venue mentioned in the fresh Admit Card.
The Phase-II / Paper – II & III examination for the above recruitment, scheduled earlier on 6th / 7th September, will now be held on 15th / 16th September 2018.
Results of all the candidates including those who appeared for Phase-I / Paper-I of the examination held on 16th August will be announced shortly after the completion of the examination being held in Kerala. Candidates may keep themselves in readiness for appearing at the Phase-II / Paper – II & III examination at a short notice.