F No 370149/230/2017
Government of Indio
Ministry of Finance
Deportment of Revenue
Central Boord of Direct Taxes
(TPL Division)
New Delhi, dated 22 nd May, 2018
In order to review the existing Income-tax Act, 1961 and to draft a new direct tax
law in consonance with economic needs of the country, a Task Force has been
constituted by the Government of India vide Office Order of even number dated 22 nd
November, 2017, the Terms of Reference being drafting an appropriate direct tax
legislation keeping in view:
(i) the direct tax system prevalent in various countries,
(ii) the international best practices .
(iii) the economic needs of the country and
(iv) any other matter connected there to .
2. As per the said Order, the Task Force is required to submit its report to the
Government within six months from the date of its constitution, i.e ., 22 nd May, 2018.
3. The term of the Task Force is extended by three months beyond the initial term of
six months, i.e., the Task Force shall now be required to submit its report to the
Government by 22 nd August, 2018.
4. This issues with the approval of the Finance Minister.
%-~ (Niraj Kumar)
Under Secretary (TPL)-I
Tel: 011-23095468
E-mail : ustpI1@nic .in
Copy to:
(i) The Convener and Members of the Task Force
(ii) PS to FM/ PS to MoS (Finance)
(iii) Sr PPS to Finance Secretary
(iv) PS to Chairman (CBDT)
(v) The JS (Revenue), DoR
(vi) All officers in TPL & TPRU
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Under Secretary (TPL)-I