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Procedure, format and standards for issuance of certificate for tax deducted at source in Part B of Form No. 16 in accordance with the provisions of section 203 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 read with the Rule 31 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 through TRACES
May, 08th 2019
                                                             F. No. Pro DGIT(S)/CPC(TDSJ/Notification/Part-B Form16/2019-20

                                           Government of India
                                            Ministry of Finance
                                      Central Board of Direct Taxes
                                    Directorate of Income-tax (Systems)
                                                 New Delhi

         Notification No. 0912019                                         New Delhi, 06'th, May, 2019

         Subject: Procedure, format and standards for issuance of certificate for tax deducted at
                  source in Part B of Form No. 16 in accordance with the provisions of section 203
                  of the Income-tax Act, 1961 read with the Rule 31 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962
                  through TRACES- reg.

                       Sectiof.l 203 of the Income-tax Act .1961 ("the Act") read with the Rule 31 of the
               Income-tax Rules 1962 ("the Rules") stipulates furnishing of certificate of tax deduction
               at source (TDS) by the deductor to the deductee specifying therein the prescribed
               particulars such as amount of TDS, valid permanent account number (PAN) of the
               deductee, tax deduction and collection account number (TAN) of the deductor, etc. The
               relevant form for TDS certificate in case of deduction under section 192 of Chapter
               XVII-Bof the Act is Form No. 16 which is to be issued annually. TDS Certificate in
               Form No 16 has two parts viz. Part A and Part B (Annexure). Part A contains details of
               tax deduction and deposit and Part B (Annexure) contains details of income.

         2.     Vide Central Board of Direct Taxes Notification No. 36/2019 dated 12.04.2019, 'Part B
                (Annexure) of Form 16' and 'Annexure II of Form no. 24Q' in Appendix II to the
                Income tax Rules, 1962 have been amended.

         3.     In exercise of the powers delegated by the Central BoardofDirect Taxes, under sub-rule
                (6A) of Rule 31 of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, the Principal Director General of
                Income-tax (Systems) hereby specifies the procedure, formats and standards for the
                purposes of generation and download of celiificates from "TDS Reconciliation Analysis
                and Cqrrection Enabling System" or ( (hereinafter called
                TRACES Portal), as below:

                MADE ON OR AFTER 1st day of April, 2018:
                All deductors (including Government deductors who deposit TDS in the Central
                Government Account through book entry) shall be able to issue the TDS certificate in
                Part B of Form No. 16 (by generation and download through TRACES Portal) in respect
                of all sums deducted on or after the 1st day of April, 2018 under the provisions of section
                                                    F. No: ProDGIT(S)/CPC(TDS)/Notification/Part-B Form16/2019-20

      192 of Chapter XVII-B provided that the relevant TDS statement for the fourth quarter
      i.e. Form 24Q is furnished alongwith duly filled in Annexure II of Form 24Q as
      substituted vide Central Board of Direct Taxes Notification No. 36/2019 dated
      12.04.2019. To ensure generation of accurate TDS certificate in Part B of Form No. 16,
      the deductor(s) need to report correct data in Annexure II of Form 24Q. The TRACES
      generated Form No . 16 shall have a unique TDS certificate number.

      The deductor, issuing the TDS certificate in Form No. 16 by downloading it from the
      TRACES Portal, shall, before issuing to the deductee authenticate the correctness of
      contents mentioned therein and verify the same either by using manual signature or by
      using digital signature in accordance with sub-rule (6) of Rule 3 1.

3.3   'Part B (Annexure)' of Form No. 16 item nos. 2(f) and lOCk):
      The item nos. 2(t) and 10(k) in Part B (Annexure) of Form 16 required to be filled-in by
      the deductor manually shall be made available at the bottom of the TRACES generated
      Form 16 (Part B) and the deductor shall duly fill details, where available, in item
      numbers 2(t) and lOCk) before furnishing of Part B (Annexure) to the employee. The
      deductors who opt to authenticate Part B of Form No . 16 manually will be provided with
      the download of the Part B of Form No. 16 alongwith these item nos. 2(t) and lOCk)
      appearing at the bottom of the Form. The deductor shall duly fill details, where
      applicable, in item numbers 2(t) and 10(k) before furn ishing of Part B (Annexure) to the
      employee. The deductors who opt to authenticate Part B of Form No. 16 using Digital
      Signature Certificate (DSC) will be provided with the download of Part B of Form No. 16
      without item nos. 2(t) and 10(k) and therefore these details shall be required to be
      prepared by the employer and issued to the employee, where applicable, before
      furni shing of Part B to the employee.

3.4   Sub rule (3) of Rule 31 of the Income tax Rules, 1962 prescribes the time limit for
      issuance of Form 16 by the deductor to the employee. Currently, Form 16 should be
      issued by l 5' th June of the Financial Year immediately following the financial year in
      which income was paid and tax deducted.

4.    This issues with approval of the Principal Director General of Income-tax (system

                                                                           JCIT (OSD) (CPC-TDS),
                                               0/0 the ProDirector General ofIncome-tax (Systems),
                                                                                        New Delhi
      Copy for kind information to:-
      1.     PPS to the Chairman and all Members, CBDT, North Block, New Delhi.
      2.     All Pro Chief CommissionerslPr. Director Generals of Income -tax/Chief Commissioners
             of Income-taxIPr. Commissioners of Income-tax/Commissioners of Income-
                                             F. No. Pro DGIT(SJ/CPC(TDSJ/Notification/Part-B Form16/2019-20

      tax/Commissioners ofIncome-tax (TDS) with a request to circulate amongst all officers
      in their regions/charges.
3.    JS (TPL)-I & II / Media Coordinator and Official spokesperson ofCBDT.
4.    ADG(IT) / ADG(Audit) / ADG(Vig.)/ ADG(Systems) 1,2,3,4,5/ ADG(TPS) - 1,2/
5.    ADG (PR, PP & OL).
6.    TPL, ITA and IT(B) divisions of CBDT.
7.    The Institution of Chartered Accountants ofIndia, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
8.    The Web-Manager, '' for hosting on the website.
9.    Database cell for uploading on and in DGIT(Systems)
10.   ITBA publisher for uploading in ITBA portal.
11.   ITO (CPC-TDSHI for uploading on TRACES portal.
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