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Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS): Disclosure Checklist (For Accounting year 2018-19 - Revised May 2019)
May, 20th 2019
Indian Accounting Standards

(Ind AS): Disclosures Checklist
 For Accounting year 2018-19 (Revised May 2019)

 The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
          (Set up by an Act of Parliament)
                     New Delhi
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission, in
writing, from the publisher.

Revised Edition            :     May, 2019

Committee/Department       :     Accounting Standards Board

E-mail                     :

Website                    :

Price                      :     Rs.150/-

ISBN                       :     978-81-8441-802-6

Published by               :     The Publication Department on behalf of the
                                 Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
                                 ICAI Bhawan, Post Box No. 7100,
                                 Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi - 110 002.
Financial reporting in India has undergone a momentous transformation owing to
the adoption of Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). This paradigm shift has
made the Indian financial reporting framework at par with the global standards of
reporting for public interest entities. ICAI is making continuous endeavour to
remain converged with global standards at all the time. Implementation of Ind AS
has led to many perceived benefits to various stakeholders, who have
complimented ICAI on its efforts/initiatives in guiding/supporting the stakeholders
in this mega transition of financial reporting.

ICAI had come out with a Publication on `Ind AS Disclosures Checklist' in 2018 to
provide all the Ind AS disclosures at one place for the assistance of members
and other stakeholders. With the implementation of Ind AS 115, Revenue from
Contract with Customers, and withdrawal of Ind AS 11, Construction Contracts,
and Ind AS 18, Revenue, from the accounting year beginning April 1, 2018, it has
been decided to revise the publication and provide the updated information for
the benefit of the members and other stakeholders. It gives me immense
pleasure to share this revised Publication on `Ind AS Disclosure Checklist'
capturing amendments in disclosure requirements under Ind AS applicable for
accounting year 2018-19.

I congratulate the Accounting Standards Board in taking this initiative of revising
the publication. I would like to place on record my deep appreciation of CA. M.P.
Vijay Kumar, Chairman, Accounting Standards Board, CA. Sanjeev Kumar
Singhal, Vice-Chairman, Accounting Standards Board, and members of the
Accounting Standards Board who have made invaluable contribution in the
various activities of the Board and bringing out this timely revised Publication.

I am confident that this Publication would be helpful to the members and other

New Delhi                                               CA. Prafulla P. Chhajed
May 14, 2019                                                    President, ICAI
To provide the nation with robust high quality globally acceptable accounting
standards, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) spearheaded
the implementation of IFRS-converged Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS).
The ICAI continues to make efforts to ensure that these Standards are remain
converged with IFRS at all time and implemented in the same spirit in which
these have been formulated.

With the implementation of Ind AS, the requirements to provide detailed
disclosures, including disclosures of assumptions, estimations, business models,
alternative measurement bases and sources of estimation uncertainty, amongst
others have also increased. The role and importance of disclosures in financial
reporting have also enhanced the role and responsibility of the auditors regarding
financial statement disclosures to support their opinion on the financial
statements as a whole.

The Accounting Standards Board of the ICAI had brought out this Publication in
June 2018 to provide a ready reckoner of all the disclosures required by Ind AS,
including disclosure requirements under Ind AS 11 and Ind AS 18 and also
included disclosures required under Ind AS 115, Revenue from Contracts with
Customers. However, with effect from April 1, 2018, Ind AS 11 and Ind AS 18
stands withdrawn, accordingly, the Publication has been updated to capture
requirements for the accounting year 2018-19.

This publication is for guidance purposes and should be read in conjunction with
the relevant Ind AS and should not be considered as an alternative to studying
the Ind AS. This disclosure checklist does not include disclosure requirements
under other regulatory requirements, e.g., Schedule III of Companies Act 2013.
The disclosure checklist table have reference of the paragraph number of the
standard which requires disclosures under the standards, for e.g., 101.22 which
indicates paragraph 22 of Ind AS 101.

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to our Honourable President, CA.
Prafulla P. Chhajed and Vice-President, CA. Atul Gupta, for providing us an
opportunity to bring out this updated publication. I am thankful to CA. Sanjeev
Singhal, Vice-Chairman, for taking the initiative of leading the Study Group and
updating the Disclosure Check list. I am also thankful to other members of the
Accounting Standards Board for supporting the endeavours of the Board and all
the members of the Study Group, namely, CA. Anuradha Jain, CA. Dilip Jain,
CA. Kapil Gupta, CA. Sarika Gosain and CA. Krishan Kant Tulshan for their
contribution in preparing the updated Publication.

I wish to place on record the technical contribution made by CA. Vidhyadhar
Kulkarni, Secretary, Accounting Standards Board and technical team of the
Board for continuous support and efforts for carrying out activities of the Board.

I am confident that members of the profession and all stakeholders, particularly
auditors and prepares of financial statements will find this revised Publication on
Disclosure Checklist immensely useful.

New Delhi                                               CA. M. P. Vijay Kumar
May 13, 2019                                                        Chairman
                                                  Accounting Standards Board
                       Title of Ind AS                      Page
Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements                 1
Ind AS 2, Inventories                                          6
Ind AS 7, Statement of Cash Flows                              7
Ind AS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting          10
Estimates and Errors
Ind AS 10, Events after the Reporting Period                  13
Ind AS 12, Income Taxes                                       15
Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment                      19
Ind AS 17, Leases                                             22
Ind AS 19, Employee Benefits                                  26
Ind AS 20, Accounting for Government Grants and               33
Disclosure of Government Assistance
Ind AS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange         34
Ind AS 23, Borrowing Costs                                    36
Ind AS 24, Related Party Disclosures                          37
Ind AS 27, Separate Financial Statements                      41
Ind AS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary           43
Ind AS 33, Earnings per Share                                 44
Ind AS 34, Interim Financial Reporting                        46
Ind AS 36, Impairment of Assets                               51
Ind AS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and             59
Contingent Assets
Ind AS 38, Intangible Assets                                  61
Ind AS 40, Investment Property                                65
Ind AS 41, Agriculture                                        68
Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting          71
Ind AS 102, Share-based Payment                               76
Ind AS 103, Business Combinations                             80
Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts                               87
Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and              90
Discontinued Operations
Ind AS 106, Exploration for and Evaluation of                 94
Mineral Resources
Ind AS 107, Financial Instruments: Disclosures                95
Ind AS 108, Operating Segments                               129
Ind AS 112, Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities         136
Ind AS 113, Fair Value Measurement                           151
Ind AS 114, Regulatory Deferral Account                      154
Ind AS 115, Revenue from Contracts with Customers            159
Appendix A, Comparison of IFRS with Ind AS notified by the   166
MCA (As on April 1, 2018)
                   Disclosures Checklist of Indian Accounting
                                          Standards (Ind AS)1
Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements
S.       Paragr      Disclosure                                                                  Ye     N       N
No       aph                                                                                     s      o       A
    1.   1.16        When financial statements comply with Ind AS,
                     disclosure by way of an explicit and unreserved
                     statement of such compliance in the notes.
    2.   1.17(c)     Additional disclosures when compliance with the
                     specific requirements in Ind ASs is insufficient to
                     enable users to understand the impact of particular
                     transactions, other events and conditions on the
                     entity's financial position and financial performance.
    3.   1.19-       In the extremely rare circumstances in which
         1.20        management concludes that compliance with a
                     requirement in an Ind AS would be so misleading that
                     it would conflict with the objective of financial
                     statements set out in the Framework, the entity shall
                     departs from that requirement if the relevant
                     regulatory framework requires, or otherwise does not
                     prohibit, such a departure), and it shall disclosure
                     (a) management has concluded that the financial
                          statements present a true and fair view of the
                          entity's financial position, financial performance
                          and cash flows;
                     (b) it has complied with applicable Ind ASs, except
                          that it has departed from a particular requirement
                          to present a true and fair view;
                     (c) the title of the Ind AS from which the entity has
                          departed, the nature of the departure, including
                          the treatment that the Ind AS would require, the
                          reason why that treatment would be so

  This disclosure checklist contains disclosure required under Ind AS. The disclosures requirements under
other statutes, for e.g., Company Law, Schedule III, may also be referred separately. ICAI Publication on Ind
AS: An Overview, may be referred for summary of Ind AS.

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                 s    o   A
                   misleading in the circumstances that it would
                   conflict with the objective of financial statements
                   set out in the Framework, and the treatment
                   adopted; and
              (d) for each period presented, the financial effect of
                   the departure on each item in the financial
                   statements that would have been reported in
                   complying with the requirement.
4.   1.21     In case entity departed from a requirement of an Ind
              AS in a prior period, and that departure affects the
              amounts recognised in the financial statements for
              the current period, disclosures set out in paragraph
              1.20 (c) and 1.20 (d).
5.   1.25     When management is aware of material uncertainties
              related to events or conditions that may cast
              significant doubt upon the entity's ability to continue
              as a going concern but going concern concluded to
              be valid and financial statements are prepared on a
              going concern basis, disclosure of those

              When financial statement are not prepared on going
              concern basis, disclosure of that fact, together with
              basis on which entity it prepared financial statements
              and the reason why the entity is not regarded as a
              going concern.
6.   1.117    Disclosure of significant accounting policies
              (a) the measurement basis (or bases) used in
                  preparing the financial statements; and
              (b) the other accounting policies used that are
                  relevant to an understanding of the financial
7.   1.121    Disclosure of each significant accounting policy that
              is not specifically required by Ind ASs but the entity
              selects and applies in accordance with Ind AS 8.
              (An accounting policy may be significant because of
              the nature of the entity's operations even if amounts

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                  s    o   A
              for current and prior periods are not material.)
8.   1.122    Disclosure of, along with its significant accounting
              policies or other notes, the judgements, apart from
              those involving estimations, (see paragraph 1.125)
              made by management in the process of applying the
              entity's accounting policies and that have the most
              significant effect on the amounts recognised in the
              financial statements.
9.   1.125    Disclosure of information about the assumptions
              made about the future, and other major sources of
              estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting
              period, that have a significant risk of resulting in a
              material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets
              and liabilities within the next financial year. The notes
              shall include details of:
              (a) their nature, and
              (b) their carrying amount as at the end of the
              reporting period.
10. 1.131     If it is impracticable to disclose the extent of the
              possible effects of an assumption or another source
              of estimation uncertainty at the end of the reporting
              period, disclosures that it is reasonably possible, on
              the basis of existing knowledge, that outcomes within
              the next financial year that are different from the
              assumption could require a material adjustment to
              the carrying amount of the asset or liability affected.

              In all cases, disclosure of the nature and carrying
              amount of the specific asset or liability (or class of
              assets or liabilities) affected by the assumption.
11. 1.134-    Disclosure of the following information to enables
    1.135     users of its financial statements to evaluate the
              entity's objectives, policies and processes for
              managing capital:
              (a) qualitative information about its objectives,
                   policies and processes for managing capital,
                   (i) a description of what it manages as capital;

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                  s    o   A
                   (ii) when an entity is subject to externally
                        imposed capital requirements, the nature of
                        those requirements and how those
                        requirements are incorporated into the
                        management of capital; and
                   (iii) how it is meeting its objectives for managing
              (b) summary quantitative data about what it manages
                   as capital. Some entities regard some financial
                   liabilities (eg some forms of subordinated debt)
                   as part of capital. Other entities regard capital as
                   excluding some components of equity (eg
                   components arising from cash flow hedges).
              (c) any changes in (a) and (b) from the previous
              (d) whether during the period it complied with any
                   externally imposed capital requirements to which
                   it is subject.
              (e) when the entity has not complied with such
                   externally imposed capital requirements, the
                   consequences of such non-compliance.
12. 1.136     Disclosure of information separately for each capital
              requirement to which the entity is subject, when an
              aggregate disclosure of capital requirements and how
              capital is managed would not provide useful
              information or distorts a financial statement user's
              understanding of an entity's capital resources.
13. 1.136A    For puttable financial instruments classified as equity
              instruments, disclosure of (to the extent not disclosed
              (a) summary quantitative data about the amount
                   classified as equity;
              (b) its objectives, policies and processes for
                   managing its obligation to repurchase or redeem
                   the instruments when required to do so by the
                   instrument holders, including any changes from
                   the previous period;
              (c) the expected cash outflow on redemption or

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                      Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                      s    o   A
                    repurchase of that class of financial instruments;
              (d) information about how the expected cash outflow
                    on redemption or repurchase was determined.
14. 1.137     Disclosure in the notes:
              (a) the amount of dividends proposed or declared
                    before the financial statements were approved
                    for issue but not recognised as a distribution to
                    owners during the period, and the related amount
                    per share; and
              (b) the amount of any cumulative preference
                    dividends not recognised.
15. 1.138     Disclosure of the following, if not disclosed elsewhere
              in information published with the financial statements:
              (a) the domicile and legal form of the entity, its
                    country of incorporation and the address of its
                    registered office (or principal place of business, if
                    different from the registered office);
              (b) a description of the nature of the entity's
                    operations and its principal activities;
              (c) the name of the parent and the ultimate parent of
                    the group; and
              (d) if it is a limited life entity, information regarding the
                    length of its life.

Ind AS 2, Inventories
S.   Parag Disclosure                                               Y   N   N
No   raph                                                           e   o   A
     Refer                                                          s
1.   2.36  Disclosure of:
           (a) the accounting policies adopted in measuring
                 inventories, including the cost formula used
           (b) the total carrying amount of inventories and the
                 carrying amount in classifications appropriate to
                 the entity
           (c) the carrying amount of inventories carried at fair
                 value less costs to sell
           (d) the amount of inventories recognised as an
                 expense during the period
           (e) the amount of any write-down of inventories
                 recognised as an expense in the period in
                 accordance with paragraph 2.34.
           (f) the amount of any reversal of any write-down that is
                 recognised as a reduction in the amount of
                 inventories recognised as expense in the period in
                 accordance with paragraph 2.34
           (g) the circumstances or events that led to the reversal
                 of a write down of inventories in accordance with
                 paragraph 2.34
           (h) the carrying amount of inventories pledged as
                 security for liabilities.
2.   2.39  In case entity adopts a format for profit and loss that
           results in amounts being disclosed other than the cost
           of inventories recognised as an expense during the
           period and the entity presents an analysis of expenses
           using a classification based on the nature of
           expenses, disclosures of the costs recognised as an
           expense for raw materials and consumables, labour
           costs and other costs together with the amount of the
           net change in inventories for the period.

Ind AS 7, Cash Flow Statements
S.   Parag Disclosure                                                    Y   N   N
No   raph                                                                e   o   A
     Refer                                                               s
1.   7.40  Disclosure of, in aggregate, in respect of both
           obtaining and losing control of subsidiaries or other
           businesses during the period each of the following:
           (a) the total consideration paid or received;
           (b) the portion of the consideration consisting of cash
                 and cash equivalents;
           (c) the amount of cash and cash equivalents in the
                 subsidiaries or other businesses over which
                 control is obtained or lost; and
           (d) the amount of the assets and liabilities other than
                 cash or cash equivalents in the subsidiaries or
                 other businesses over which control is obtained or
                 lost, summarised by each major category.
2.   7.44A Disclosures that enable users of financial statements
           to evaluate changes in liabilities arising from financing
           activities, including both changes arising from cash
           flows and non-cash changes.
3.   7.44B To the extent necessary to satisfy the requirement in
           paragraph 7.44A, disclosure of the following changes
           in liabilities arising from financing activities:
           (a) changes from financing cash flows;
           (b) changes arising from obtaining or losing control of
                 subsidiaries or other businesses;
           (c) the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates;
           (d) changes in fair values; and
           (e) other changes.
4.   7.44C Liabilities arising from financing activities are liabilities
           for which cash flows were, or future cash flows will be,
           classified in the statement of cash flows as cash flows
           from financing activities. In addition, the disclosure
           requirement in paragraph 7.44A also applies to
           changes in financial assets (for example, assets that
           hedge liabilities arising from financing activities) if cash
           flows from those financial assets were, or future cash
           flows will be, included in cash flows from financing

S.   Parag Disclosure                                                 Y   N   N
No   raph                                                             e   o   A
     Refer                                                            s
5.   7.44D One way to fulfil the disclosure requirement in
           paragraph 7.44A is by providing a reconciliation
           between the opening and closing balances in the
           balance sheet for liabilities arising from financing
           activities, including the changes identified in paragraph
           44B. Where an entity discloses such a reconciliation, it
           shall provide sufficient information to enable users of
           the financial statements to link items included in the
           reconciliation to the balance sheet and the statement
           of cash flows.
6.   7.44E If an entity provides the disclosure required by
           paragraph 7.44A in combination with disclosures of
           changes in other assets and liabilities, it shall disclose
           the changes in liabilities arising from financing
           activities separately from changes in those other
           assets and liabilities.
7.   7.45  Disclosure of the components of cash and cash
8.   7.48  Disclosure, together with a commentary by
           management, of the amount of significant cash and
           cash equivalent balances held by the entity that are
           not available for use by the group.
9.   7.50  Additional information may be relevant to users in
           understanding the financial position and liquidity of an
           entity. Optional disclosure of this information, together
           with a commentary by management, is encouraged
           and may include:
           (a) the amount of undrawn borrowing facilities that
                may be available for future operating activities and
                to settle capital commitments, indicating any
                restrictions on the use of these facilities;
           (b) the aggregate amount of cash flows that represent
                increases in operating capacity separately from
                those cash flows that are required to maintain
                operating capacity; and
           (c) the amount of the cash flows arising from the
                operating, investing and financing activities of

S.    Parag Disclosure                                            Y   N   N
No    raph                                                        e   o   A
      Refer                                                       s
                each reportable segment (Ind AS 108, Operating
10.   7.52  Disclosure of segmental cash flows to enables users
            to obtain a better understanding of the relationship
            between the cash flows of the business as a whole
            and those of its component parts and the availability
            and variability of segmental cash flows.

Ind AS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors
Disclosure requirements for accounting policies are laid down in Ind AS 1,
Presentation of Financial Statements. However, the disclosures required for
changes in accounting policies are as set out in this Accounting Standard.

S.    Parag Disclosure                                                 Y   N   N
No    raph                                                             e   o   A
      Refer                                                            s
1.    8.28  When initial application of an Ind AS has an effect on
            the current period or any prior period, would have such
            an effect except that it is impracticable to determine
            the amount of the adjustment, or might have an effect
            on future periods, disclosure of:
            (a) the title of the Ind AS;
            (b) when applicable, that the change in accounting
                 policy is made in accordance with its transitional
            (c) the nature of the change in accounting policy;
            (d) when applicable, a description of the transitional
            (e) when applicable, the transitional provisions that
                 might have an effect on future periods;
            (f) for the current period and each prior period
                 presented, to the extent practicable, the amount of
                 the adjustment:
                 (i) for each financial statement line item affected;
                 (ii) if Ind AS 33, Earnings per Share, applies to the
                     entity, for basic and diluted earnings per share;
            (g) the amount of the adjustment relating to periods
                 before those presented, to the extent practicable;
            (h) if retrospective application required by paragraph
                 19(a) or (b) is impracticable for a particular prior
                 period, or for periods before those presented, the
                 circumstances that led to the existence of that
                 condition and a description of how and from when
                 the change in accounting policy has been applied.

S.   Parag Disclosure                                                  Y   N   N
No   raph                                                              e   o   A
     Refer                                                             s
2.   8.29  When a voluntary change in accounting policy has an
           effect on the current period or any prior period, would
           have an effect on that period except that it is
           impracticable to determine the amount of the
           adjustment, or might have an effect on future periods,
           disclosure of:
           (a) the nature of the change in accounting policy;
           (b) the reasons why applying the new accounting
                policy provides reliable and more relevant
           (c) for the current period and each prior period
                presented, to the extent practicable, the amount of
                the adjustment:
                (i) for each financial statement line item affected;
                (ii) if Ind AS 33 applies to the entity, for basic and
                       diluted earnings per share;
           (d) the amount of the adjustment relating to periods
                before those presented, to the extent practicable;
           (e) if retrospective application is impracticable for a
                particular prior period, or for periods before those
                presented, the circumstances that led to the
                existence of that condition and a description of
                how and from when the change in accounting
                policy has been applied.
3.   8.30  When an entity has not applied a new Ind AS that has
           been issued but is not yet effective, disclosure of:
           (a) this fact; and
           (b) known or reasonably estimable information
                relevant to assessing the possible impact that
                application of the new Ind AS will have on the
                entity's financial statements in the period of initial
4.   8.31  In complying with paragraph 8.30, an entity considers
           (a) the title of the new Ind AS;
           (b) the nature of the impending change or changes in

S.   Parag Disclosure                                                    Y   N   N
No   raph                                                                e   o   A
     Refer                                                               s
                 accounting policy;
           (c) the date by which application of the Ind AS is
           (d) the date as at which it plans to apply the Ind AS
                 initially; and
           (e) either:
                 (i) a discussion of the impact that initial application
                      of the Ind AS is expected to have on the
                      entity's financial statements; or
                 (ii) if that impact is not known or reasonably
                      estimable, a statement to that effect.
5.   8.39  Disclosure of the nature and amount of a change in an
           accounting estimate that has an effect in the current
           period or is expected to have an effect in future
           periods, except for the disclosure of the effect on
           future periods when it is impracticable to estimate that
6.   8.40  If the amount of the effect in future periods is not
           disclosed because estimating it is impracticable,
           disclosure of that fact.
7.   8.49  Disclosure of the following to comply paragraph 8.42:
           (a) the nature of the prior period error;
           (b) for each prior period presented, to the extent
                 practicable, the amount of the correction:
               (i) for each financial statement line item affected;
               (ii) if Ind AS 33 applies to the entity, for basic and
                     diluted earnings per share;
           (c) the amount of the correction at the beginning of the
                 earliest prior period presented; and
           (d) if retrospective restatement is impracticable for a
                 particular prior period, the circumstances that led
                 to the existence of that condition and a description
                 of how and from when the error has been
                 corrected. Financial statements of subsequent
                 periods need not repeat these disclosures.

Ind AS 10, Events after the Reporting Period
S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Y   N   N
No   aph                                                                   e   o   A
     Refere                                                                s
1.   10.17    Disclosure of the date when the financial statements
              were approved for issue and who gave that approval.
              If the entity's owners or others have the power to
              amend the financial statements after issue, disclosure
              of that fact
2.   10.19    In case entity receives information after the reporting
              period about conditions that existed at the end of the
              reporting period update disclosures that relate to those
              conditions, in the light of new information.
3.   10.21    For each material category of non-adjusting events
              after the reporting period, disclosure of the following:
              (a) the nature of the event; and
              (b) an estimate of its financial effect, or a statement
                  that such an estimate cannot be made.
4.   10.22    Examples of non-adjusting events after the reporting
              period that would generally result in disclosure are as
              (a) a major business combination after the reporting
                  period Ind AS 103, Business Combinations,
                  requires specific disclosures in such cases) or
                  disposing of a major subsidiary;
              (b) announcing a plan to discontinue an operation;
              (c) major purchases of assets, classification of assets
                  as held for sale in accordance with Ind AS 105,
                  Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
                  Operations, other disposals of assets, or
                  expropriation of major assets by government;
              (d) the destruction of a major production plant by a fire
                  after the reporting period;
              (e) announcing, or commencing the implementation of,
                  a major restructuring (see Ind AS 37);
              (f) major ordinary share transactions and potential
                  ordinary share transactions after the reporting
                  period (Ind AS 33, Earnings per Share, requires an
                  entity to disclose a description of such transactions,

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                     Y   N   N
No   aph                                                                     e   o   A
     Refere                                                                  s
                  other than when such transactions involve
                  capitalisation or bonus issues, share splits or
                  reverse share splits all of which are required to be
                  adjusted under Ind AS 33);
              (g) abnormally large changes after the reporting period
                  in asset prices or foreign exchange rates;
              (h) changes in tax rates or tax laws enacted or
                  announced after the reporting period that have a
                  significant effect on current and deferred tax assets
                  and liabilities (see Ind AS 12, Income Taxes);
              (i) entering into significant commitments or contingent
                  liabilities, for example, by issuing significant
                  guarantees; and
              (j) commencing major litigation arising solely out of
                  events that occurred after the reporting period.
5.   10.A16   Disclosure of the following information, if applicable:
              (a) the carrying amount of the dividend payable at the
                  beginning and end of the period; and
              (b) the increase or decrease in the carrying amount
                  recognised in the period in accordance with
                  paragraph 10.A13 of Appendix A as result of a
                  change in the fair value of the assets to be
6.   10.A17   If, after the end of a reporting period but before the
              financial statements are approved for issue, a dividend
              is declared to distribute a non-cash asset, disclosure
              (a) the nature of the asset to be distributed;
              (b) the carrying amount of the asset to be distributed
                  as of the end of the reporting period; and
              (c) the fair value of the asset to be distributed as of the
                  end of the reporting period, if it is different from its
                  carrying amount, and the information about the
                  method(s) used to measure that fair value required
                  by paragraphs 113.93(b), 113.93.(d), 113.93.(g)
                  and 113.93.(i) and 113.99.

Ind AS 12, Income Taxes
S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Y   N   N
No   aph                                                                   e   o   A
     Refere                                                                s
1.   12.79-   Disclosures of following major components of tax
     12.80    expense (income) separately:
              (a) current tax expense (income);
              (b) any adjustments recognised in the period for
                  current tax of prior periods;
              (c) the amount of deferred tax expense (income)
                  relating to the origination and reversal of temporary
              (d) the amount of deferred tax expense (income)
                  relating to changes in tax rates or the imposition of
                  new taxes;
              (e) the amount of the benefit arising from a previously
                  unrecognised tax loss, tax credit or temporary
                  difference of a prior period that is used to reduce
                  current tax expense;
              (f) the amount of the benefit from a previously
                  unrecognised tax loss, tax credit or temporary
                  difference of a prior period that is used to reduce
                  deferred tax expense;
              (g) deferred tax expense arising from the write-down,
                  or reversal of a previous write-down, of a deferred
                  tax asset in accordance with paragraph 56 of this
                  Standard; and
              (h) the amount of tax expense (income) relating to
                  those changes in accounting policies and errors
                  that are included in profit or loss in accordance with
                  Ind AS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in
                  Accounting Estimates and Errors, because they
                  cannot be accounted for retrospectively.
2.   12.81    Separate disclosure of the following:
              (a) the aggregate current and deferred tax relating to
                  items that are charged or credited directly to equity
                  (see paragraph 12.62A);
              (b) the amount of income tax relating to each

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                     Y   N   N
No   aph                                                                     e   o   A
     Refere                                                                  s
                  component of other comprehensive income
                  (paragraph 12.62 and Ind AS 1, Presentation of
                  Financial Statements);
              (c) an explanation of the relationship between tax
                  expense (income) and accounting profit in either or
                  both of the following forms:
                  (i) a numerical reconciliation between tax expense
                      (income) and the product of accounting profit
                      multiplied by the applicable tax rate(s), disclosing
                      also the basis on which the applicable tax rate(s)
                      is (are) computed; or
                  (ii) a numerical reconciliation between the average
                      effective tax rate and the applicable tax rate,
                      disclosing also the basis on which the applicable
                      tax rate is computed;
              (d) an explanation of changes in the applicable tax
                  rate(s) compared to the previous accounting
              (e) the amount (and expiry date, if any) of deductible
                  temporary differences, unused tax losses, and
                  unused tax credits for which no deferred tax asset
                  is recognised in the balance sheet;
              (f) the aggregate amount of temporary differences
                  associated with investments in subsidiaries,
                  branches and associates and interests in joint
                  arrangements, for which deferred tax liabilities have
                  not been recognised (see paragraph 12.39);
              (g) in respect of each type of temporary difference,
                  and in respect of each type of unused tax losses
                  and unused tax credits:
                  (i) the amount of the deferred tax assets and
                      liabilities recognised in the balance sheet for
                      each period presented;
                  (ii) the amount of the deferred tax income or
                      expense recognised in profit or loss, if this is not
                      apparent from the changes in the amounts
                      recognised in the balance sheet;
              (h) in respect of discontinued operations, the tax

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                      Y   N   N
No   aph                                                                      e   o   A
     Refere                                                                   s
                   expense relating to:
                   (i) the gain or loss on discontinuance; and
                   (ii) the profit or loss from the ordinary activities of
                       the discontinued operation for the period,
                       together with the corresponding amounts for
                       each prior period presented;
              (i) the amount of income tax consequences of
                   dividends to shareholders of the entity that were
                   proposed or declared before the financial
                   statements were approved for issue, but are not
                   recognised as a liability in the financial statements;
              (j) if a business combination in which the entity is the
                   acquirer causes a change in the amount
                   recognised for its pre-acquisition deferred tax asset
                   (paragraph 12.67), the amount of that change; and
              (k) if the deferred tax benefits acquired in a business
                   combination are not recognised at the acquisition
                   date but are recognised after the acquisition date
                   (paragraph 12.68), a description of the event or
                   change in circumstances that caused the deferred
                   tax benefits to be recognised.
3.   12.82    Disclosure of the amount of a deferred tax asset and
              the nature of the evidence supporting its recognition,
              (a) the utilisation of the deferred tax asset is
                    dependent on future taxable profits in excess of
                    the profits arising from the reversal of existing
                    taxable temporary differences; and
              (b) the entity has suffered a loss in either the current
                    or preceding period in the tax jurisdiction to which
                    the deferred tax asset relates.
4.   12.82A   When income taxes are payable at a higher or lower
              rate if part or all of the net profit or retained earnings is
              paid out as a dividend to shareholders or when income
              taxes may be refundable or payable if part or all of the
              net profit or retained earnings is paid out as a dividend
              to shareholders, as per paragraph 12.52A disclosure
              of the nature of the potential income tax

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Y   N   N
No   aph                                                                 e   o   A
     Refere                                                              s
              consequences that would result from the payment of
              dividends to its shareholders.
              In addition, disclosures of the amounts of the potential
              income tax consequences practicably determinable
              and whether there are any potential income tax
              consequences not practicably determinable.
5.   12.87    It would often be impracticable to compute the amount
              of unrecognised deferred tax liabilities arising from
              investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates
              and interests in joint arrangements (paragraph 12.39).
              Therefore, this Standard requires disclosures of the
              aggregate amount of the underlying temporary
              differences but does not require disclosure of the
              deferred tax liabilities. Nevertheless, where
              practicable, entities are encouraged to disclose the
              amounts of the unrecognised deferred tax liabilities
              because financial statements users may find such
              information useful.
6.   12.98H   Amendment in paragraph 12.29 is required to be
              applied retrospectively in accordance with Ind AS 8,
              Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates
              and Errors. However, change in the opening equity of
              the earliest comparative period may be recognised in
              opening retained earnings (or in another component of
              equity, as appropriate), without allocating the change
              between opening retained earnings and other
              components of equity. If this relief applies, disclosure
              of that fact.

Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                               s    o   A
1.    16.73 For each class of Property Plant and Equipment,
            disclosures of following:
            (a) the measurement bases used for determining the
                gross carrying amount;
            (b) the depreciation methods used;
            (c) the useful lives or the depreciation rates used;
            (d) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated
                depreciation (aggregated with accumulated
                impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the
                period; and
            (e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the
                beginning and end of the period showing:
                (i) additions;
                (ii) assets classified as held for sale or included in a
                      disposal group classified as held for sale in
                      accordance with Ind AS 105 and other
                (iii) acquisitions through business combinations;
                (iv) increases or decreases resulting from
                      revaluations under paragraphs 16.31, 16.39 and
                      16.40 and from impairment losses recognised
                      or reversed in other comprehensive income in
                      accordance with Ind AS 36, Impairment of
                (v) impairment losses recognised in profit or loss in
                       accordance with Ind AS 36, Impairment of
                (vi) impairment losses reversed in profit or loss in
                       accordance with Ind AS 36, Impairment of
                (vii) depreciation;
                (viii) the net exchange differences arising on the
                       translation of the financial statements from the
                       functional currency into a different presentation
                       currency, including the translation of a foreign
                       operation into the presentation currency of the

S.N   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                            s    o   A
                      reporting entity; and
                 (ix) other changes.
2.    16.74 Disclosures of the following:
            (a) the existence and amounts of restrictions on title,
                 and property, plant and equipment pledged as
                 security for liabilities;
            (b) the amount of expenditures recognised in the
                 carrying amount of an item of property, plant and
                 equipment in the course of its construction;
            (c) the amount of contractual commitments for the
                 acquisition of property, plant and equipment; and
            (d) if it is not disclosed separately in the statement of
                 profit and loss, the amount of compensation from
                 third parties for items of property, plant and
                 equipment that were impaired, lost or given up that
                 is included in profit or loss.
3.    16.76 In case there is a change in an accounting estimate in
            accordance with Ind AS 8, Accounting Policies,
            Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors, that has
            an effect in the current period or is expected to have
            an effect in subsequent periods, disclosure with
            respect to:
            (a) residual values;
            (b) the estimated costs of dismantling, removing or
                 restoring items of property, plant and equipment;
            (c) useful lives; and
            (d) depreciation methods.
4.    16.77 If items of property, plant and equipment are stated at
            revalued amounts, the following shall be disclosed in
            addition to the disclosures required by Ind AS 113,
            Fair Value Measurements:
            (a) the effective date of the revaluation;
            (b) whether an independent valuer was involved;
            (c) for each revalued class of property, plant and
                  equipment, the carrying amount that would have
                  been recognised had the assets been carried
                  under the cost model; and
            (d) the revaluation surplus, indicating the change for

S.N   Parag Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                          s    o   A
                the period and any restrictions on the distribution
                of the balance to shareholders.
5.    16.79 Optional disclosures of:
            (a) the carrying amount of temporarily idle property,
               plant and equipment;
            (b) the gross carrying amount of any fully depreciated
               property, plant and equipment that is still in use;
            (c) the carrying amount of property, plant and
               equipment retired from active use and not classified
               as held for sale in accordance with Ind AS 105,
               Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
               Operations; and
            (d) when the cost model is used, the fair value of
               property, plant and equipment when this is
               materially different from the carrying amount.

Ind AS 17, Leases
In addition to meeting the requirements of Ind AS 107, Financial Instruments:
Disclosures, the disclosures are required of the following under this standard.
Also, the requirements for disclosure in accordance with Ind AS 16, Ind AS 36,
Ind AS 38, Ind AS 40 and Ind AS 41 apply to lessees for assets leased under
finance leases (see paragraph 17.32).

S.    Paragr    Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
No    aph                                                                     s    o   A
                Leases in the financial statements of lessees
 1.   17.31     For finance leases, disclosures of the following:
                (a) for each class of asset, the net carrying amount at
                    the end of the reporting period.
                (b) a reconciliation between the total of future
                    minimum lease payments at the end of the
                    reporting period, and their present value. In
                    addition, an entity shall disclose the total of future
                    minimum lease payments at the end of the
                    reporting period, and their present value, for each
                    of the following periods:
                    (i) not later than one year;
                    (ii) later than one year and not later than five years;
                    (iii) later than five years.
                (c) contingent rents recognised as an expense in the
                (d) the total of future minimum sublease payments
                    expected to be received under non-cancellable
                    subleases at the end of the reporting period.
                (e) a general description of the lessee's material
                    leasing arrangements including, but not limited to,
                    the following:
                    (i) the basis on which contingent rent payable is
                    (ii) the existence and terms of renewal or purchase
                        options and escalation clauses; and
                    (iii) restrictions imposed by lease arrangements,
                        such as those concerning dividends, additional
                        debt, and further leasing.
2.    17.35     For operating leases, disclosures of the following:

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                    s    o   A
              (a) the total of future minimum lease payments under
                  non-cancellable operating leases for each of the
                  following periods:
                  (i) not later than one year;
                  (ii) later than one year and not later than five years;
                  (iii) later than five years.
              (b) the total of future minimum sublease payments
                  expected to be received under non-cancellable
                  subleases at the end of the reporting period.
              (c) lease and sublease payments recognised as an
                  expense in the period, with separate amounts for
                  minimum lease payments, contingent rents, and
                  sublease payments.
              (d) a general description of the lessee's significant
                  leasing arrangements including, but not limited to,
                  the following:
                  (i) the basis on which contingent rent payable is
                  (ii) the existence and terms of renewal or purchase
                      options and escalation clauses; and
                  (iii) restrictions imposed by lease arrangements,
                      such as those concerning dividends, additional
                      debt and further leasing.
              Leases in the financial statements of lessors
3.   17.47    For finance leases, disclosures of the following:
              (a) a reconciliation between the gross investment in
                  the lease at the end of the reporting period, and the
                  present value of minimum lease payments
                  receivable at the end of the reporting period. In
                  addition, an entity shall disclose the gross
                  investment in the lease and the present value of
                  minimum lease payments receivable at the end of
                  the reporting period, for each of the following
                  (i) not later than one year;
                  (ii) later than one year and not later than five years;
                  (iii) later than five years.
              (b) unearned finance income.

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                    s    o   A
              (c) the unguaranteed residual values accruing to the
                  benefit of the lessor.
              (d) the accumulated allowance for uncollectible
                  minimum lease payments receivable.
              (e) contingent rents recognised as income in the
              (f) a general description of the lessor's material leasing
4.   17.56    For operating leases, disclosures of the following:
              (a) the future minimum lease payments under non-
                  cancellable operating leases in the aggregate and
                  for each of the following periods:
                  (i) not later than one year;
                  (ii) later than one year and not later than five years;
                  (iii) later than five years.
              (b) total contingent rents recognised as income in the
              (c) a general description of the lessor's leasing
5.   17.65    Disclosure requirements for lessees and lessors apply
              equally to sale and leaseback transactions. The
              required description of material leasing arrangements
              leads to disclosure of unique or unusual provisions of
              the agreement or terms of the sale and leaseback
6.   17.66    Sale and leaseback transactions may trigger the
              separate disclosure criteria in Ind AS 1, Presentation
              of Financial Statements.
7.   17.B10   All aspects of an arrangement that does not, in
              substance, involve a lease under Ind AS 17 shall be
              considered in determining the appropriate disclosures
              that are necessary to understand the arrangement and
              the accounting treatment adopted. Disclosure of the
              following in each period that an arrangement exists:
              (a) a description of the arrangement including:
                  (i) the underlying asset and any restrictions on its
                  (ii) the life and other significant terms of the

S.   Paragr   Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
No   aph                                                                s    o   A
                 (iii) the transactions that are linked together,
                       including any options; and
              (b) the accounting treatment applied to any fee
                 received, the amount recognised as income in the
                 period, and the line item of the statement of profit
                 and loss in which it is included.
8.   17.B11   The disclosures required in accordance with
              paragraph 17.B10 shall be provided individually for
              each arrangement or in aggregate for each class of
              arrangement. A class is a grouping of arrangements
              with underlying assets of a similar nature (eg power

Ind AS 19, Employee Benefits
S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                  s    o   A
1.    19.25    Disclosure about short-term employee benefits for
               key management personnel in accordance with Ind
               AS 24, Related Party Disclosures, and disclosure of
               short-term employee benefits expense in accordance
               with Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.
2.    19.53    Disclosure of the amount recognised as an expense
               for defined contribution plans.
3.    19.54    Where required by Ind AS 24, disclosure of
               information about contributions to defined
               contribution plans for key management personnel.
4.    19.135   Disclosure of information that:
               (a) explains the characteristics of its defined benefit
                    plans and risks associated with them (paragraph
                    139 of this Standard);
               (b) identifies and explains the amounts in its financial
                    statements arising from its defined benefit plans
                    (paragraphs 19.140­19.144 this Standard); and
               (c) describes how its defined benefit plans may affect
                    the amount, timing and uncertainty of the entity's
                    future cash flows (paragraphs 19.145­19.147).
5.    19.136   While giving disclosures under 19.135, whether the
               following have been considered:
               (a) the level of detail necessary to satisfy the
                     disclosure requirements;
               (b) how much emphasis to place on each of the
                     various requirements;
               (c) how much aggregation or disaggregation to
                     undertake; and
               (d) whether users of financial statements need
                     additional information to evaluate the quantitative
                     information disclosed.
6.    19.137   If the disclosures provided in accordance with the
               requirements in this Standard and other Ind ASs are
               insufficient to meet the objectives under 19.135,
               disclosure of additional information necessary to

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                 s    o   A
               meet those objectives be given.

               For example, an entity may present an analysis of the
               present value of the defined benefit obligation that
               distinguishes the nature, characteristics and risks of
               the obligation. Such a disclosure could distinguish:
               (a) between amounts owing to active members,
                    deferred members, and pensioners.
               (b) between vested benefits and accrued but not
                    vested benefits.
               (c) between conditional benefits, amounts attributable
                    to future salary increases and other benefits.
7.    19.138   Have assessment been made as to whether all or
               some disclosures should be disaggregated to
               distinguish plans or groups of plans with materially
               different risks.

               For example, an entity may disaggregate disclosure
               about plans showing one or more of the following
               (a) different geographical locations.
               (b) different characteristics such as flat salary
                   pension plans, final salary pension plans or
                   postemployment medical plans.
               (c) different regulatory environments.
               (d) different reporting segments.
               (e) different funding arrangements (eg wholly
                   unfunded, wholly or partly funded).
8.    19.139   Disclosure of:
               (a) information about the characteristics of its defined
                     benefit plans, including:
                   (i) the nature of the benefits provided by the plan
                       (eg final salary defined benefit plan or
                       contribution-based plan with guarantee).
                   (ii) a description of the regulatory framework in
                       which the plan operates, for example the level
                       of any minimum funding requirements, and any
                       effect of the regulatory framework on the plan,

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                  s    o   A
                       such as the asset ceiling (see paragraph 19.64).
                   (iii) a description of any other entity's
                       responsibilities for the governance of the plan,
                       for example responsibilities of trustees or of
                       board members of the plan.
                (b) a description of the risks to which the plan
                     exposes the entity, focused on any unusual,
                     entity specific or plan-specific risks, and of any
                     significant concentrations of risk. For example, if
                     plan assets are invested primarily in one class of
                     investments, eg property, the plan may expose
                     the entity to a concentration of property market
               (c) a description of any plan amendments,
                     curtailments and settlements.
9.    19.140   An entity shall provide a reconciliation from the
               opening balance to the closing balance for each of
               the following, if applicable:
               (a) the net defined benefit liability (asset), showing
                     separate reconciliations for:
                     (i) plan assets.
                    (ii) the present value of the defined benefit
                   (iii) the effect of the asset ceiling.
               (b) any reimbursement rights. An entity shall also
                     describe the relationship between any
                     reimbursement right and the related obligation.
10.   19.141   Each reconciliation listed in paragraph 140 shall
               show each of the following, if applicable:
               (a) current service cost.
               (b) interest income or expense.
               (c) remeasurements of the net defined benefit
                     liability (asset), showing separately:
                     (i) the return on plan assets, excluding
                           amounts included in interest in (b).
                    (ii) actuarial gains and losses arising from
                           changes in demographic assumptions (see
                           paragraph 19.76(a)).

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                               s    o   A
                   (iii) actuarial gains and losses arising from
                          changes in financial assumptions (see
                          paragraph 19.76(b)).
                   (iv) changes in the effect of limiting a net
                          defined benefit asset to the asset ceiling,
                          excluding amounts included in interest in
                          (b). An entity shall also disclose how it
                          determined the maximum economic benefit
                          available, ie whether those benefits would
                          be in the form of refunds, reductions in
                          future contributions or a combination of
               (d) past service cost and gains and losses arising
                    from settlements. As permitted by paragraph
                    19.100, past service cost and gains and losses
                    arising from settlements need not be
                    distinguished if they occur together.
               (e) the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates.
               (f) contributions to the plan, showing separately
                    those by the employer and by plan participants
               (g) payments from the plan, showing separately the
                    amount paid in respect of any settlements.
               (h) the effects of business combinations and
11.   19.143   Disclosure of the fair value of the entity's own
               transferable financial instruments held as plan
               assets, and the fair value of plan assets that are
               property occupied by, or other assets used by, the
12.   19.144   Disclosure of the significant actuarial assumptions
               used to determine the present value of the defined
               benefit obligation (paragraph 19.76).
               Such disclosure shall be in absolute terms (eg as an
               absolute percentage, and not just as a margin
               between different percentages and other variables).
               In case disclosures are provided in total for a
               grouping of plans, such disclosures be provided in
               the form of weighted averages or relatively narrow

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                            Ye    N     N
o     aph                                                            s     o     A
13.   19.145   Disclosure of:
               (a) a sensitivity analysis for each significant actuarial
                   assumption (as disclosed under paragraph
                   19.144) as of the end of the reporting period,
                   showing how the defined benefit obligation would
                   have been affected by changes in the relevant
                   actuarial assumption that were reasonably
                   possible at that date.
               (b) the methods and assumptions used in preparing
                   the sensitivity analyses required by (a) and the
                   limitations of those methods.
               (c) changes from the previous period in the methods
                   and assumptions used in preparing the sensitivity
                   analyses, and the reasons for such changes.
14.   19.146   Disclosure of a description of any asset-liability (d)      (e)   (f)
               matching strategies used by the plan or the entity,
               including the use of annuities and other techniques,
               such as longevity swaps, to manage risk.
15.   19.147   To provide an indication of the effect of the defined
               benefit plan on the entity's future cash flows,
               disclosure of:
               (a) a description of any funding arrangements and
                   funding policy that affect future contributions.
               (b) the expected contributions to the plan for the next
                   annual reporting period.
               (c) information about the maturity profile of the
                   defined benefit obligation. This will include the
                   weighted average duration of the defined benefit
                   obligation and may include other information
                   about the distribution of the timing of benefit
                   payments, such as a maturity analysis of the
                   benefit payments.
16.   19.148   If an entity participates in a multi-employer defined
               benefit plan, disclosure of:
               (a) a description of the funding arrangements,
                   including the method used to determine the
                   entity's rate of contributions and any minimum

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                     Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                     s    o   A
                   funding requirements.
               (b) a description of the extent to which the entity can
                   be liable to the plan for other entities' obligations
                   under the terms and conditions of the multi-
                   employer plan.
               (c) a description of any agreed allocation of a deficit
                   or surplus on:
                   (i) wind-up of the plan; or
                   (ii) the entity's withdrawal from the plan.
               (d) if the entity accounts for that plan as if it were a
                   defined contribution plan in accordance with
                   paragraph 34, it shall disclose the following, in
                   addition to the information required by (a)­(c) and
                   instead of the information required by paragraphs
                   (i) the fact that the plan is a defined benefit plan.
                   (ii) the reason why sufficient information is not
                         available to enable the entity to account for
                         the plan as a defined benefit plan.
                   (iii) the expected contributions to the plan for the
                         next annual reporting period.
                   (iv) information about any deficit or surplus in the
                         plan that may affect the amount of future
                         contributions, including the basis used to
                         determine that deficit or surplus and the
                         implications, if any, for the entity.
                   (v) an indication of the level of participation of the
                         entity in the plan compared with other
                         participating entities. Examples of measures
                         that might provide such an indication include
                         the entity's proportion of the total contributions
                         to the plan or the entity's proportion of the
                         total number of active members, retired
                         members, and former members entitled to
                         benefits, if that information is available.
17.   19.149   If an entity participates in a defined benefit plan that
               shares risks between entities under common control,
               disclosure of:

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                s    o   A
               (a) the contractual agreement or stated policy for
                   charging the net defined benefit cost or the fact
                   that there is no such policy.
               (b) the policy for determining the contribution to be
                   paid by the entity.
               (c) if the entity accounts for an allocation of the net
                   defined benefit cost as noted in paragraph 19.41,
                   all the information about the plan as a whole
                   required by paragraphs 19.135­19.147.
               (d) if the entity accounts for the contribution payable
                   for the period as noted in paragraph 19.41, the
                   information about the plan as a whole required by
                   paragraphs 19.135­19.137, 19.139, 19.142­
                   19.144 and 19.147(a) and (b).
18.   19.151   Where required by Ind AS 24, disclosures of
               information about:
               (a) related party transactions with post-employment
                   benefit plans; and
               (b) post-employment benefits for key management
19.   19.152   Where required by Ind AS 37 disclosures of
               information about contingent liabilities arising from
               post-employment benefit obligations.
20.   19.158   Disclosure about other long-term employee benefits
               for key management personnel in accordance with
               Ind AS 24, Related Party Disclosures, and disclosure
               of other long-term employee benefits expense in
               accordance with Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial
21.   19.171   Disclosure about termination benefits for key
               management personnel in accordance with Ind AS
               24, Related Party Disclosures, and disclosure of
               termination benefits expense in accordance with Ind
               AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.

Ind AS 20, Accounting for Government Grants and
Disclosure of Government Assistance
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                            Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                        s    o   A
1.    20.39 Disclosure of:
            (a) the accounting policy adopted for government
               grants, including the methods of presentation
               adopted in the financial statements;
            (b) the nature and extent of government grants
               recognised in the financial statements and an
               indication of other forms of government assistance
               from which the entity has directly benefited; and
            (c) unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies
               attaching to government assistance that has been

Ind AS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                            s    o   A
1.    21.52 Disclosure of:
            a) Exchange differences recognised in profit or
                 loss, except for those arising on financial
                 instruments accounted in accordance with Ind
                 AS 109, and
            b) Net exchange differences recognised in other
            c) income and accumulated in a separate
                 component of equity, and a reconciliation of
                 such exchange differences at the beginning and
                 end of the period.
2.    21.53 In case presentation currency is different from the
            functional currency, state that fact together with
            disclosure of the functional currency and the reason
            for using a different presentation currency.
3.    21.54 Disclosure of change in the functional currency of
            either the reporting entity or a significant foreign
            operation, together with the reason for the change in
            functional currency and the date of change in
            functional currency.
4.    21.55 In case financial statements are presented in a
            currency that is different from its functional currency,
            description that the financial statements as complying
            with Ind ASs only if they comply with all the
            requirements of each applicable Standard including
            the translation method set out in paragraphs 21.39
            and 21.42.
5.    21.57 In case financial statements or other financial
            information are presented in a currency that is different
            from either its functional currency or its presentation
            currency and the requirements of paragraph 21.55 is
            not met, whether:
            a) the information has been clearly identified as
                 supplementary information to distinguish it from
                 the information that complies with Ind ASs,

S.N   Parag Disclosure                                            Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                        s    o   A
            b) disclosed the currency in which the supplementary
                information is displayed, and
            c) disclosed the entity's functional currency and the
                method of translation used to determine the
                supplementary information?

Ind AS 23, Borrowing Costs
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                           Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                       s    o   A
1.    23.26 Disclosure of:
            (a) the amount of borrowing costs capitalised during
                 the period; and
            (b) the capitalisation rate used to determine the
                 amount of borrowing costs eligible for

Ind AS 24, Related Party Disclosures
S.N   Paragr    Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                 s    o   A
1.    24.13     Disclosure of the relationship between parent and its
                subsidiaries irrespective of whether there have been
                transactions between them.
2.    24.13     Disclosure of the name of parent and, if different, the
                ultimate controlling party.
3.    24.13     Disclosures of next most senior parent if neither
                parent nor ultimate controlling party produces
                consolidated financial statements available for public
4.    24.14     Disclosure of relationships, name of the related party
                and nature of the related party relationship, when
                control exists, irrespective of whether there have
                been transactions between the related parties
5.    24.17     Disclosure of key management personnel
                compensation in total for each of following
                  a) Short-term employee benefits,
                  b) Post-employment benefits,
                  c) Other long-term benefits,
                  d) Termination benefits, and
                  e) Share based payment
6.    24.17A    In case key management personnel services are
                obtained from a `management entity', the
                requirements of paragraph 24.17 is not required to
                apply to compensation paid or payable by the
                management entity to its employees or directors.
7.    24.18 -   In case there has been related party transactions
      24.18A    during the periods covered by the financial
                statements, disclosure of information about the
                transactions and outstanding balances, including
                commitments, necessary for an understanding of the
                potential effect of the relationship on the financial
                statements, including the following at a minimum:
                (a) Nature of related party relationship,
                (b) Amount of transactions,

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                 s    o   A
               (c) Amount of outstanding balances (including
                   commitments), and:
                   (i) their terms and conditions, including whether
                         they are secured, and nature of the
                         consideration to be provided in settlement,
                  (ii) Details of any guarantees given or received,
               (d) Provisions for doubtful debts related to
                   outstanding balances,
               (e) Expense recognised in respect of bad or doubtful
                   debts due from related parties, and
               (f) Amounts incurred for provision of key
                   management personnel services that are provided
                   by a separate entity.
8.    24.19    Disclosure is required under paragraph 24.18
               separately for all categories of related parties,
               (a) The parent,
               (b) Entities with joint control or significant influence
                   over the entity,
               (c) Subsidiaries,
               (d) Associates,
               (e) Joint ventures in which entity is a joint venturer,
               (f) Key management personnel of the entity or its
                   parent, and
               (g) Other related parties.
9.    24.21    Examples of transactions required to be disclosed
               with related parties:
               (a) Purchases or sales of goods (finished or
               (b) Purchases or sales of property and other
               (c) Rendering or receiving of services,
               (d) Leases,
               (e) Transfers of research and development,
               (f) Transfers under license agreements,
               (g) Transfers under finance arrangements
                     (including loans and equity contributions in cash
                     or in kind),

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                               s    o   A
           (h) Provision of guarantees or collateral,
           (i) Commitments to do something if a particular
                 event occurs or does not occur in the future,
                 including executory contracts (recognised and
           (j) Settlement of liabilities on behalf of the entity or
                 by the entity on behalf of that related party, and
           (k) Management contracts including for deputation
                 of employees.
10. 24.22  If there is a participation by a parent or subsidiary in a
           defined benefit plan that shares risks between group
           entities, has this been disclosed as a related party
11. 24.23  Disclosure that related party transactions were made
           on terms equivalent to those that prevail in an arm's
           length transactions provided that such terms can be
12. 24.24- Disclosure in aggregate items of similar nature,
    24.24A except when separate disclosure is necessary for an
           understanding of the effects of related party
           transactions on the financial statements of the entity?
           (Note: Disclosure of details of particular
           transactions with individual related parties would
           frequently be too voluminous to be easily
           understood. Accordingly, items of a similar nature
           may be disclosed in aggregate by type of related
           party. However, this is not done in such a way as to
           obscure the importance of significant transactions.
           Hence, purchases or sales of goods are not
           aggregated with purchases or sales of fixed assets.
           Nor a material related party transaction with an
           individual party is clubbed in an aggregated
13. 24.25  A reporting entity is exempt from the disclosure
           requirements of paragraph 24.18 in relation to related
           party transactions and outstanding balances,
           including commitments, with:
           (a) A government that has control or joint control of,
                or significant influence over the reporting entity,

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                 s    o   A
               (b) Another entity that is a related party because the
                     same government has control or joint control of,
                     or significant influence over both the reporting
                     entity and the other entity?
14. 24.26      In case exemption available in paragraph 24.25 is
               availed disclosures of following:
               (a) The name of the government and the nature of
                   its relationship with the reporting entity (i.e.
                   control, joint control or significant influence),
               (b) The nature and amount of each individually
                     significant transaction, and
               (c) For other transactions that are collectively, but
                     not individually, significant, a qualitative or
                     quantitative indication of their extent? (types of
                     transactions include those listed in paragraph

Ind AS 27, Separate Financial Statements
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                                     Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                                 s    o   A
1.    27.15 For providing disclosures in separate financial
            statements, all applicable Ind ASs shall be applied
            including requirements in paragraphs 27.16 and 27.17.
2.    27.16 When a parent, in accordance with paragraph 110
            .4(a), elects not to prepare consolidated financial
            statements and instead prepares separate financial
            statements, disclosure in those separate financial
            (a) the fact that the financial statements are separate
                financial statements; that the exemption from
                consolidation has been used; the name and
                principal place of business (and country of
                incorporation, if different) of the entity whose
                consolidated financial statements that comply with
                Ind ASs have been produced for public use; and
                the address where those consolidated financial
                statements are obtainable.
            (b) a list of significant investments in subsidiaries, joint
                ventures and associates, including:
                (i) the name of those investees.
                (ii) the principal place of business (and country of
                       incorporation, if different) of those investees.
                (iii) its proportion of the ownership interest (and its
                       proportion of the voting rights, if different) held
                       in those investees.
            (c) a description of the method used to account for the
                investments listed under (b).
3.    24.16 In case investment entity that is a parent prepares, in
      A     accordance with paragraph 24.8A, separate financial
            statements as its only financial statements, disclosure
            of that fact.

               Also disclosures relating to investment entities
               required by Ind AS 112, Disclosure of Interests in
               Other Entities.

S.N   Parag Disclosure                                                     Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                                 s    o   A
4.    24.17 In case a parent (other than a parent covered by
            paragraphs 24.16-24.16A) or an investor with joint
            control of, or significant influence over, an investee
            prepares separate financial statements, disclosure that
            the parent or investor:
            (i) identify the financial statements prepared in
                 accordance with Ind AS 110, Ind AS 111 or Ind AS
                 28 to which they relate.
            (ii) in its separate financial statements disclosed:
                 (a) the fact that the statements are separate
                       financial statements
                 (b) a list of significant investments in subsidiaries,
                       joint ventures and associates, including:
                       (i) the name of those investees.
                       (ii) the principal place of business (and country
                             of incorporation, if different) of those
                       (iii) its proportion of the ownership interest (and
                             its proportion of the voting rights, if
                             different) held in those investees.
                 (c) a description of the method used to account for
                       the investments listed under (b).

Ind AS 29, Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                           s    o   A
1.    29.9  Separate disclosure of gain or loss on the net
            monetary position included in profit or loss.
2.    29.39 Disclosures shall be made of the following:
            (a) the fact that the financial statements and the
                corresponding figures for previous periods have
                been restated for the changes in the general
                purchasing power of the functional currency and,
                as a result, are stated in terms of the measuring
                unit current at the end of the reporting period;
            (b) whether the financial statements are based on a
                historical cost approach or a current cost approach;
            (c) the identity and level of the price index at the end
                of the reporting period and the movement in the
                index during the current and the previous reporting
            (d) the duration of the hyperinflationary situation
                existing in the economy.
3.    29.40 Disclosures required by this Standard are needed to
            make clear the basis of dealing with the effects of
            inflation in the financial statements. They are also
            intended to provide other information necessary to
            understand that basis and the resulting amounts.

Ind AS 33, Earning per Share
S.N   Parag Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                             s    o   A
1.    33.70 Disclosure of the following:
            (a) the amounts used as the numerators in calculating
                 basic and diluted earnings per share, and a
                 reconciliation of those amounts to profit or loss
                 attributable to the parent entity for the period. The
                 reconciliation shall include the individual effect of
                 each class of instruments that affects earnings per
            (b) the weighted average number of ordinary shares
                 used as the denominator in calculating basic and
                 diluted earnings per share, and a reconciliation of
                 these denominators to each other. The
                 reconciliation shall include the individual effect of
                 each class of instruments that affects earnings per
            (c) instruments (including contingently issuable
                 shares) that could potentially dilute basic earnings
                 per share in the future, but were not included in
                 the calculation of diluted earnings per share
                 because they are antidilutive for the period(s)
            (d) a description of ordinary share transactions or
                 potential ordinary share transactions, other than
                 those accounted for in accordance with paragraph
                 64, that occur after the reporting period and that
                 would have changed significantly the number of
                 ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares
                 outstanding at the end of the period if those
                 transactions had occurred before the end of the
                 reporting period.
2.    33.71 Examples of transactions in paragraph 34.70(d)
            (a) an issue of shares for cash;
            (b) an issue of shares when the proceeds are used to
                 repay debt or preference shares outstanding at

S.N   Parag Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o     raph                                                           s    o   A
                the end of the reporting period;
            (c) the redemption of ordinary shares outstanding;
            (d) the conversion or exercise of potential ordinary
                shares outstanding at the end of the reporting
                period into ordinary shares;
            (e) an issue of options, warrants, or convertible
                instruments; and
            (f) the achievement of conditions that would result in
                the issue of contingently issuable shares.
                Earnings per share amounts are not adjusted for
                such transactions occurring after the reporting
                period because such transactions do not affect
                the amount of capital used to produce profit or
                loss for the period.
3.    33.73 Disclosure of, in addition to basic and diluted earnings
            per share, amounts per share using a reported
            component of the statement of profit and loss other
            than one required by this Standard.

              Note: Such amounts shall be calculated using the
              weighted average number of ordinary shares
              determined in accordance with this Standard. Basic
              and diluted amounts per share relating to such a
              component shall be disclosed with equal prominence
              and presented in the notes. An entity shall indicate the
              basis on which the numerator(s) is (are) determined,
              including whether amounts per share are before tax or
              after tax. If a component of the statement of profit and
              loss is used that is not reported as a line item in the
              statement of profit and loss, a reconciliation shall be
              provided between the component used and a line item
              that is reported in the statement of profit and loss

Ind AS 34, Interim Financial Reporting
S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                    s    o   A
1.    34.15    An explanation of events and transactions that are
               significant to an understanding of the changes in
               financial position and performance of the entity since
               the end of the last annual reporting period.
               Information disclosed in relation to those events and
               transactions shall update the relevant information
               presented in the most recent annual financial report.
2.    34.15B   List (not exhaustive) of events and transactions for
               which disclosures would be required if they are
                 (a) the write-down of inventories to net realisable
                      value and the reversal of such a write down;
                 (b) recognition of a loss from the impairment of
                      financial assets, property, plant and equipment,
                      intangible assets, assets arising from contracts
                      with customers, or other assets, and the
                      reversal of such an impairment loss;
                 (c) the reversal of any provisions for the costs of
                 (d) acquisitions and disposals of items of property,
                      plant and equipment;
                 (e) commitments for the purchase of property, plant
                      and equipment;
                 (f) litigation settlements;
                 (g) corrections of prior period errors;
                 (h) changes in the business or economic
                      circumstances that affect the fair value of the
                      entity's financial assets and financial liabilities,
                      whether those assets or liabilities are
                      recognised at fair value or amortised cost;
                 (i) any loan default or breach of a loan agreement
                      that has not been remedied on or before the
                      end of the reporting period;
                 (j) related party transactions;
                 (k) transfers between levels of the fair value

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
                       hierarchy used in measuring the fair value of
                       financial instruments;
                 (l) changes in the classification of financial assets as
                       a result of a change in the purpose or use of
                       those assets; and
                 (m) changes in contingent liabilities or contingent
3.    34.16A   Following disclosures either in the interim financial
               statements or incorporated by cross-reference from
               the interim financial statements to some other
               statement (such as management commentary or risk
               report) that is available to users of the financial
               statements on the same terms as the interim financial
               statements and at the same time. If users of the
               financial statements do not have access to the
               information incorporated by cross reference on the
               same terms and at the same time, the interim
               financial report is incomplete. The information shall
               normally be reported on a financial year-to-date
                 (a) a statement that the same accounting policies
                       and methods of computation are followed in the
                       interim financial statements as compared with
                       the most recent annual financial statements or,
                       if those policies or methods have been
                       changed, a description of the nature and effect
                       of the change.
                 (b) explanatory comments about the seasonality or
                       cyclicality of interim operations.
                 (c) the nature and amount of items affecting assets,
                       liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows that
                       are unusual because of their nature, size or
                 (d) the nature and amount of changes in estimates
                       of amounts reported in prior interim periods of
                       the current financial year or changes in
                       estimates of amounts reported in prior financial

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
               (e) issues, repurchases and repayments of debt and
                    equity securities.
               (f) dividends paid (aggregate or per share)
                    separately for ordinary shares and other shares.
               (g) the following segment information (disclosure of
                    segment information is required in an entity's
                    interim financial report only if Ind AS 108,
                    Operating Segments, requires that entity to
                    disclose segment information in its annual
                    financial statements):
                    (i) revenues from external customers, if included
                          in the measure of segment profit or loss
                          reviewed by the chief operating decision
                          maker or otherwise regularly provided to the
                          chief operating decision maker.
                    (ii) intersegment revenues, if included in the
                          measure of segment profit or loss reviewed
                          by the chief operating decision maker or
                          otherwise regularly provided to the chief
                          operating decision maker.
                    (iii) a measure of segment profit or loss.
                    (iv) a measure of total assets and liabilities for a
                          particular reportable segment if such
                          amounts are regularly provided to the chief
                          operating decision maker and if there has
                          been a material change from the amount
                          disclosed in the last annual financial
                          statements for that reportable segment.
                    (v) a description of differences from the last
                          annual financial statements in the basis of
                          segmentation or in the basis of
                          measurement of segment profit or loss.
                    (vi) a reconciliation of the total of the reportable
                          segments' measures of profit or loss to the
                          entity's profit or loss before tax expense (tax
                          income) and discontinued operations.
                          However, if an entity allocates to reportable
                          segments items such as tax expense (tax

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                  s    o   A
                          income), the entity may reconcile the total of
                          the segments' measures of profit or loss to
                          profit or loss after those items. Material
                          reconciling items shall be separately
                          identified    and     described     in    that
                (h) events after the interim period that have not
                      been reflected in the financial statements for the
                      interim period.
                (i) the effect of changes in the composition of the
                      entity during the interim period, including
                      business combinations, obtaining or losing
                      control of subsidiaries and long-term
                      investments, restructurings, and discontinued
                      operations. In the case of business
                      combinations, the entity shall disclose the
                      information required by Ind AS 103, Business
                (j) for financial instruments, the disclosures about
                      fair value required by paragraphs 113.91­
                      113.93(h), 113.94­113.96, 113.98 and 113.99
                      and paragraphs 107.25, 107.26 and 107.28­
                (k) for entities becoming, or ceasing to be,
                      investment entities, as defined in Ind AS 110,
                      Consolidated Financial Statements, the
                      disclosures in paragraph 112.9B.
                (l) the disaggregation of revenue from contracts with
                      customers required by paragraph 115.114-
4.    34.19    If an entity's interim financial report is in compliance
               with this Standard, that fact shall be disclosed. An
               interim financial report shall not be described as
               complying with Ind ASs unless it complies with all of
               the requirements of Ind ASs.
5.    34.26    If an estimate of an amount reported in an interim
               period is changed significantly during the final interim
               period of the financial year but a separate financial

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
               report is not published for that final interim period,
               disclosure of the nature and amount of that change in
               estimate in a note to the annual financial statements
               for that financial year.
6.    34.43    A change in accounting policy, other than one for
               which the transition is specified by a new Ind AS,
               shall be reflected by:
                (a) restating the financial statements of prior interim
                     periods of the current financial year and the
                     comparable interim periods of any prior financial
                     years that will be restated in the annual financial
                     statements in accordance with Ind AS 8; or
                (b) when it is impracticable to determine the
                     cumulative effect at the beginning of the
                     financial year of applying a new accounting
                     policy to all prior periods, adjusting the financial
                     statements of prior interim periods of the current
                     financial year, and comparable interim periods
                     of prior financial years to apply the new
                     accounting policy prospectively from the earliest
                     date practicable.

Ind AS 36, Impairment of Assets
S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
1.    36.126   Disclosure of the following for each class of assets:
      -        (a) The amount of impairment losses recognised in
      36.128         profit or loss during the period and the line
                     item(s) of the statement of profit and loss in
                     which those impairment losses are included,
               (b) The amount of reversals of impairment losses
                     recognised in profit or loss during the period and
                     the line item(s) of the statement of profit and loss
                     in which those impairment losses are reversed,
               (c) The amount of impairment losses on revalued
                     assets recognised in other comprehensive
                     income during the period, if any, and
               (d) The amount of reversals of impairment losses on
                     revalued assets recognised in other
                     comprehensive income during the period, if any.
               (The information required in paragraph 36.126 may
               be presented with other information disclosed for the
               class of assets. A class of assets is a grouping of
               assets of similar nature and use in an entity's
               operations. For example, this information may be
               included in a reconciliation of the carrying amount of
               property, plant and equipment, at the beginning and
               end of the period, as required by Ind AS 16.)
2.    36.129   In case segment information is reported in
               accordance with Ind AS 108, disclosure of the
               following for each reportable segment:
               (a) The amount of impairment losses recognised in
                   profit or loss and in other comprehensive income
                   during the period, and
               (b) The amount of reversals of impairment losses
                   recognised in profit or loss and in other
                   comprehensive income during the period.
3.    36.130   In case an impairment loss is recognised/reversed
               during the period for an individual asset or CGU,
               disclosure of the following:

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                    s    o   A
               (a) the events and circumstances that led to the
                    recognition or reversal of the impairment loss.
               (b) the amount of the impairment loss recognised or
               (c) for an individual asset:
                    (i) the nature of the asset; and
                    (ii) if the entity reports segment information in
                         accordance with Ind AS 108, the reportable
                         segment to which the asset belongs.
               (d) for a cash-generating unit:
                    (i) a description of the cash-generating unit (such
                         as whether it is a product line, a plant, a
                         business operation, a geographical area, or a
                         reportable segment as defined in Ind AS 108);
                    (ii) the amount of the impairment loss recognised
                         or reversed by class of assets and, if the entity
                         reports segment information in accordance
                         with Ind AS 108, by reportable segment; and
                    (iii) if the aggregation of assets for identifying the
                         cash-generating unit has changed since the
                         previous estimate of the cash-generating unit's
                         recoverable amount (if any), a description of
                         the current and former way of aggregating
                         assets and the reasons for changing the way
                         the cash generating unit is identified.
               (e) the recoverable amount of the asset (cash-
                    generating unit) and whether the recoverable
                    amount of the asset (cash-generating unit) is its
                    fair value less costs of disposal or its value in use.
               (f) if the recoverable amount is fair value less costs of
                    disposal, the entity shall disclose the following
                    (i) the level of the fair value hierarchy (see Ind AS
                         113) within which the fair value measurement
                         of the asset (cash-generating unit) is
                         categorised in its entirety (without taking into
                         account whether the `costs of disposal' are

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
                   (ii) for fair value measurements categorised within
                         Level 2 and Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy,
                         a description of the valuation technique(s)
                         used to measure fair value less costs of
                         disposal. If there has been a change in
                         valuation technique, the entity shall disclose
                         that change and the reason(s) for making it;
                   (iii) for fair value measurements categorised within
                         Level 2 and Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy,
                         each key assumption on which management
                         has based its determination of fair value less
                         costs of disposal. Key assumptions are those
                         to which the asset's (cash-generating unit's)
                         recoverable amount is most sensitive. The
                         entity shall also disclose the discount rate(s)
                         used in the current measurement and previous
                         measurement if fair value less costs of
                         disposal is measured using a present value
               (g) if recoverable amount is value in use, the discount
                   rate(s) used in the current estimate and previous
                   estimate (if any) of value in use.
4.    36.131   With respect to aggregate impairment losses and the
               aggregate reversals               of impairment losses
               recognised during the period for which no information
               has been disclosed in accordance with paragraph
               36.130, disclosure of the following:
               (a) The main classes of assets affected by
                   impairment losses and the main classes of assets
                   affected by reversal of impairment losses, and
               (b) The main events and circumstances that led to the
                   recognition of these impairment losses and
                   reversals of impairment losses?
5.    36.132   Optional disclosure regarding assumptions used to
               determine the recoverable amount of assets (CGU)
               during the period.
6.    36.133   If any portion of the goodwill acquired in a business

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
               combination during the period has not been allocated
               to a CGU (group of units) at the end of the reporting
               period, disclosure of the amount of unallocated
               goodwill together with the reasons why that amount
               remains unallocated.
               Estimates used to measure recoverable amounts
               of cash-generating units containing goodwill or
               intangible assets with indefinite useful lives
7.    36.134   Disclosure of the following information for each CGU
               (group of units) for which the carrying amount of
               goodwill or intangible assets with indefinite useful
               lives allocated to that unit (group of units) is
               significant in comparison with the entity's total
               carrying amount of goodwill or intangible assets with
               indefinite useful lives:
               (a) The carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the
                     unit (group of units),
               (b) The carrying amount of intangible assets with
                     indefinite useful lives allocated to the unit (group
                     of units),
               (c) The basis on which the unit's (group of units')
                     recoverable amount has been determined (i.e.
                     value in use or fair value less costs of disposal),
               (d) If the unit's (group of units') recoverable amount
                     is based on value in use:
                   i) each key assumption on which management
                         has based its cash flow projections for the
                         period covered by the most recent
                         budgets/forecasts. Key assumptions are
                         those to which the unit's (group of units')
                         recoverable amount is most sensitive,
                   ii) A description of management's approach to
                         determining the value(s) assigned to each
                         key assumption, whether those value(s)
                         reflect past experience or, if appropriate, are
                         consistent with external sources of
                         information, and, if not, how and why they
                         differ from past experience or external

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                   s    o   A
                         sources of information,
                   iii) the period over which management has
                         projected cash flows based on financial
                         budgets/forecasts approved by management
                         and, when a period greater than five years is
                         used for a unit (group of units), an
                         explanation of why that longer period is
                   iv) the growth rate used to extrapolate cash flow
                         projections beyond the period covered by the
                         most recent budgets/ forecasts, and the
                         justification for using any growth rate that
                         exceeds the long-term average growth rate
                         for the products, industries, or country or
                         countries in which the entity operates, or for
                         the market to which the unit (group of units) is
                         dedicated, and
                   v) the discount rate(s) applied to the cash flow
               (e) if the unit's (group of units') recoverable amount is
                   based on fair value less costs of disposal, the
                   valuation technique(s) used to measure fair value
                   less costs of disposal. An entity is not required to
                   provide the disclosures required by Ind AS 113. If
                   fair value less costs of disposal is not measured
                   using a quoted price for an identical unit (group of
                   units), an entity shall disclose the following
                   i) each key assumption on which management
                        has based its determination of fair value less
                        costs of disposal. Key assumptions are those
                        to which the unit's (group of units') recoverable
                        amount is most sensitive,
                   ii) a description of management's approach to
                        determining the value (or values) assigned to
                        each key assumption, whether those values
                        reflect past experience or, if appropriate, are
                        consistent with external sources of information,

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                 s    o   A
                      and, if not, how and why they differ from past
                      experience or external sources of information:
                  iiA) the level of the fair value hierarchy (see Ind
                      AS 113, Fair Value Measurement within which
                      the fair value measurement is categorised in
                      its entirety (without giving regard to the
                      observability of 'costs of disposal'), and
                  iiB) if there has been a change in valuation
                      technique, the change and the reason(s) for
                      making it,

                  If fair value less costs of disposal is measured
                  using discounted cash flow projections, the entity
                  shall disclose the following information:

                   iii) the period over which management has
                        projected cash flows,
                   iv) the growth rate used to extrapolate cash flow
                   v) the discount rate(s) applied to the cash flow
               (f) If a reasonably possible change in a key
                   assumption on which management has based its
                   determination of the unit's (group of units')
                   recoverable amount would cause the unit's (group
                   of units') carrying amount to exceed its
                   recoverable amount:
                   i) The amount by which the unit's (group of
                        units') recoverable amount exceeds its
                        carrying amount,
                   ii) The value assigned to the key assumption,
                   iii) The amount by which the value assigned to
                        the key assumption must change, after
                        incorporating any consequential effects of that
                        change on the other variables used to
                        measure recoverable amount, in order for the
                        unit's (group of units') recoverable amount to

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                                    s    o   A
                       be equal to its carrying amount.
8.    36.135   If some or all of the carrying amount of goodwill or
               intangible assets with indefinite useful lives is
               allocated across multiple CGUs (groups of units), and
               the amount so allocated to each unit (group of units)
               is not significant in comparison with the entity's total
               carrying amount of goodwill or intangible assets with
               indefinite useful lives , disclosure of this fact, together
               with the aggregate carrying amount of goodwill or
               intangible assets with indefinite useful lives allocated
               to those units (groups of units).
9.    36.135   If the recoverable amounts of any of those units
               (groups of units) are based on the same key
               assumption(s) and the aggregate carrying amount of
               goodwill or intangible assets with indefinite useful
               lives allocated to them is significant in comparison
               with the entity's total carrying amount of goodwill or
               intangible assets with indefinite useful lives,
               disclosure of that fact together with the following:
               (a) the aggregate carrying amount of goodwill
                   allocated to those units (groups of units),
               (b) the aggregate carrying amount of intangible
                   assets with indefinite useful lives allocated to
                   those units (groups of units),
               (c) a description of the key assumptions,
               (d) a description of management's approach to
                   determining the value(s) assigned to the key
                   assumption(s), whether those value(s) reflect past
                   experience or, if appropriate, are consistent with
                   external sources of information, and, if not, how
                   and why they differ from past experience or
                   external sources of information, and
               (e) if a reasonably possible change in the key
                   assumption(s) would cause the aggregate of the
                   units' (groups of units') carrying amounts to
                   exceed the aggregate of their recoverable
                   i) The amount by which the aggregate of the

S.N   Paragr   Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o     aph                                                              s    o   A
                      units' (groups of units') recoverable amounts
                      exceeds the aggregate of their carrying
                 ii) The value(s) assigned to the key assumptions,
                 iii) The amount by which the value(s) assigned to
                      the key assumption(s) must change, after
                      incorporating any consequential effects of the
                      change on the other variables used to
                      measure recoverable amount, in order for the
                      aggregate of the units' (groups of units')
                      recoverable amounts to be equal to the
                      aggregate of their carrying amounts.

Ind AS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets
SN   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                            s    o   A
1.   37.9  This Standard applies to provisions for restructurings
           (including discontinued operations). When a
           restructuring meets the definition of a discontinued
           operation, additional disclosures may be required by
           Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and
           Discontinued Operations.
2.   37.75 If an entity starts to implement a restructuring plan, or
           announces its main features to those affected, only
           after the reporting period, disclosure is required under,
           Ind AS 10, Events after the Reporting Period, if the
           restructuring is material and non-disclosure could
           influence the economic decisions that users make on
           the basis of the financial statement.
3.   37.84 For each class of provision, disclosure of:
           (a) the carrying amount at the beginning and end of
               the period;
           (b) additional provisions made in the period, including
               increases to existing provisions;
           (c) amounts used (i.e., incurred and charged against
               the provision) during the period;
           (d) unused amounts reversed during the period; and
           (e) the increase during the period in the discounted
               amount arising from the passage of time and the
               effect of any change in the discount rate.
               Comparative information is not required.
4.   37.85 Disclosure of the following for each class of provision:
           (a) a brief description of the nature of the obligation
               and the expected timing of any resulting outflows of
               economic benefits;
           (b) an indication of the uncertainties about the amount
               or timing of those outflows. Where necessary to
               provide adequate information, an entity shall
               disclose the major assumptions made concerning
               future events, as addressed in paragraph 48; and

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                            s    o   A
           (c) the amount of any expected reimbursement, stating
               the amount of any asset that has been recognised
               for that expected reimbursement.
5.   37.86 Unless the possibility of any outflow in settlement is
           remote, for each class of contingent liability at the end
           of the reporting period disclosure of a brief description
           of the nature of the contingent liability and, where
           (a) an estimate of its financial effect, measured under
               paragraphs 37.36­37.52;
           (b) an indication of the uncertainties relating to the
               amount or timing of any outflow; and
           (c) the possibility of any reimbursement.
6.   37.88 Where a provision and a contingent liability arise from
           the same set of circumstances, disclosures as
           required by paragraphs 37.84­37.86 are given in a
           way that shows the link between the provision and the
           contingent liability.
7.   37.89 Where an inflow of economic benefits is probable,
           disclosure of a brief description of the nature of the
           contingent assets at the end of the reporting period,
           and, where practicable, an estimate of their financial
           effect, measured using the principles set out for
           provisions in paragraphs 37.36­37.52.
8.   37.91 Where any of the information required by paragraphs
           37.86 and 37.89 is not disclosed because it is not
           practicable to do so, that fact shall be stated.
9.   37.92 In extremely rare cases, disclosure of some or all of
           the information required by paragraphs 37.84­37.89
           can be expected to prejudice seriously the position of
           the entity in a dispute with other parties on the subject
           matter of the provision, contingent liability or
           contingent asset. In such cases, the information need
           not be disclosed, but disclosure of the general nature
           of the dispute, together with the fact that, and reason
           why, the information has not been disclosed.

Ind AS 38, Intangible Assets
SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                    s    o   A
1.   38.118   Disclosure of the following for each class of intangible
              assets, distinguishing between internally generated
              intangible assets and other intangible assets:
              (a) whether the useful lives are indefinite or finite and,
                  if finite, the useful lives or the amortisation rates
               (b) the amortisation methods used for intangible
                   assets with finite useful lives;
               (c) the gross carrying amount and any accumulated
                   amortisation (aggregated with accumulated
                   impairment losses) at the beginning and end of
                   the period;
              (d) the line item(s) of the statement of profit and loss
                   in which any amortisation of intangible assets is
              (e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the
                   beginning and end of the period showing:
                   (i) additions, indicating separately those from
                        internal development, those acquired
                        separately, and those acquired through
                        business combinations;
                   (ii) assets classified as held for sale or included in
                        a disposal group classified as held for sale in
                        accordance with Ind AS 105 and other
                   (iii) increases or decreases during the period
                        resulting from revaluations under paragraphs
                        38.75, 38.85 and 38.86 and from impairment
                        losses recognised or reversed in other
                        comprehensive income in accordance with Ind
                        AS 36 (if any);
                   (iv) impairment losses recognised in profit or loss
                        during the period in accordance with Ind AS
                        36 (if any);
                   (v) impairment losses reversed in profit or loss
                        during the period in accordance with Ind AS

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                  s    o   A
                       36 (if any);
                  (vi) any amortisation recognised during the
                  (vii) net exchange differences arising on the
                       translation of the financial statements into the
                       presentation currency, and on the translation
                       of a foreign operation into the presentation
                       currency of the entity; and
                  (viii) other changes in the carrying amount during
                       the period.
2.   38.119   A class of intangible assets is a grouping of assets of
              a similar nature and use in an entity's operations.
              Examples of separate classes may include:
              (a) brand names;
              (b) mastheads and publishing titles;
              (c) computer software;
              (d) licences and franchises;
              (e) copyrights, patents and other industrial property
                  rights, service and operating rights;
              (f) recipes, formulae, models, designs and
                  prototypes; and
              (g) intangible assets under development.
              The classes mentioned above are disaggregated
              (aggregated) into smaller (larger) classes if this
              results in more relevant information for the users of
              the financial statements.
3.   38.120   Disclosures of information on impaired intangible
              assets in accordance with Ind AS 36 in addition to the
              information required by paragraph 38.118(e)(iii)­(v).
4.   38.121   Disclosure required under Ind AS 8 regarding nature
              and amount of a change in an accounting estimate
              that has a material effect in the current period or is
              expected to have a material effect in subsequent
              periods resulting from factors such as:
              (a) the assessment of an intangible asset's useful life;
              (b) the amortisation method; or
              (c) residual values.
5.   38.122   Disclosure of:

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                   s    o   A
              (a) for an intangible asset assessed as having an
                  indefinite useful life, the carrying amount of that
                  asset and the reasons supporting the assessment
                  of an indefinite useful life. In giving these reasons,
                  the entity shall describe the factor(s) that played a
                  significant role in determining that the asset has
                  an indefinite useful life.
              (b) a description, the carrying amount and remaining
                  amortisation period of any individual intangible
                  asset that is material to the entity's financial
              (c) for intangible assets acquired by way of a
                  government grant and initially recognised at fair
                  value (paragraph 38.44):
                  (i) the fair value initially recognised for these
                  (ii) their carrying amount; and
                  (iii) whether they are measured after recognition
                      under the cost model or the revaluation model.
              (d) the existence and carrying amounts of intangible
                  assets whose title is restricted and the carrying
                  amounts of intangible assets pledged as security
                  for liabilities.
              (e) the amount of contractual commitments for the
                  acquisition of intangible assets.
6.   38.124   In case intangible assets are accounted for at
              revalued amounts, disclosure of the following:
              (a) by class of intangible assets:
                (i) the effective date of the revaluation;
                (ii) the carrying amount of revalued intangible
                      assets; and
                (iii) the carrying amount that would have been
                      recognised had the revalued class of intangible
                      assets been measured after recognition using
                      the cost model in paragraph 38.74; and
              (b) the amount of the revaluation surplus that relates
                   to intangible assets at the beginning and end of
                   the period, indicating the changes during the

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                 s    o   A
                  period and any restrictions on the distribution of
                  the balance to shareholders.
7.   38.126   Disclosure of the aggregate amount of research and
              development expenditure recognised as an expense
              during the period.
8.   38.128   Optional disclosure of the following information:
              (a) a description of any fully amortised intangible
                 asset that is still in use; and
              (b) a brief description of significant intangible assets
                 controlled by the entity but not recognised as
                 assets because they did not meet the recognition
                 criteria in this Standard or because they were
                 acquired or generated before this standard was

Ind AS 40, Investment Property
SN   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                            s    o   A
1.   40.74 Following disclosures as required by Ind AS 17:
           a) as an owner of an investment property - lessors'
              disclosures about operating leases into which it
              has entered, and
           b) for investment property held under a finance
              lease - lessees' disclosures for finance leases.
2.   40.75 Disclosure of the following:
           a) accounting policy for measurement of investment
           b) when classification is difficult, the criteria used to
              distinguish the investment property from owner-
              occupied property and from property held for sale
              in the ordinary course of business should be
           c) the extent to which the fair value of investment
              property (as measured or disclosed in the financial
              statements) is based on a valuation by an
              independent valuer who holds a recognised and
              relevant professional qualification and has recent
              experience in the location and category of the
              investment property being valued. If there has been
              no such valuation, that fact shall be disclosed,
           d) the amounts recognised in profit or loss for:
              i) rental income from investment property,
              ii) direct operating expenses (including repairs and
                   maintenance) arising from investment property
                   that generated rental income during the period,
              iii) direct operating expenses (including repairs and
                    maintenance) arising from investment property
                    that did not generate rental income during the
           e) the existence and amounts of restrictions on the
              realisability of investment property or the
              remittance of income and proceeds of disposal,

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                            s    o   A
           f) contractual obligations to purchase, construct or
                 develop investment property or for repairs,
                 maintenance or enhancements.
3.   40.79 Disclosures of the following:
           a) the depreciation methods used,
           b) the useful lives or the depreciation rates used,
           c) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated
              depreciation (aggregated with accumulated
              impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the
           d) a reconciliation of the carrying amount of
              investment property at the beginning and end of
              the period, showing the following:
              i) additions, disclosing separately those
                   additions resulting from acquisitions and those
                   resulting from subsequent expenditure
                   recognised as an asset,
              ii) additions resulting from acquisitions through
                   business combinations,
              iii) assets classified as held for sale or included in
                   a disposal group classified as held for sale in
                   accordance with Ind AS 105 and other
              iv) depreciation,
              v) the amount of impairment losses recognised,
                   and the amount of impairment losses
                   reversed, during the period in accordance with
                   Ind AS 36,
              vi) the net exchange differences arising on the
                   translation of the financial statements into a
                   different presentation currency, and on
                   translation of a foreign operation into the
                   presentation currency of the reporting entity,
              vii) transfers to and from inventories and owner-
                   occupied property, and
              viii) other changes.
           e) the fair value of investment property. In the
              exceptional cases described in paragraph 40.53,
              when an entity cannot measure the fair value of
              the investment property reliably, disclosure of:

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                             s    o   A
               (i) a description of the investment property;
               (ii) an explanation of why fair value cannot be
                     measured reliably; and
               (iii) if possible, the range of estimates within which
                     fair value is highly likely to lie.
4.   40.84 If, in accordance with paragraph 40.84C, an entity
     E(b)  reclassifies property at the date of initial application,
           disclosure of the amounts reclassified to, or from,
           investment property in accordance with this
           paragraph. Disclosure of those amounts reclassified
           can be as part of the reconciliation of the carrying
           amount of investment property at the beginning and
           end of the period as required by paragraph 40.79.

Ind AS 41, Agriculture
SN   Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                            s    o   A
1.   41.40 Disclosure of the aggregate gain or loss arising during
           the current period on initial recognition of biological
           assets and agriculture produce.
2.   41.40 Disclosure of the aggregate gain or loss arising during
           the current period from the change in fair value less
           costs to sell (FVLCTS) of biological assets.
3.   41.41 Description of each group of biological assets (in the
           form of narrative or quantified description)
4.   41.43 Quantified description of each group of biological
           assets, distinguishing between
           (a) consumable and bearer biological assets, or
           (b) between mature and immature biological assets.
           For example, an entity may disclose the carrying
           amounts of consumable biological assets and bearer
           biological assets by group. An entity may further divide
           those carrying amounts between mature and immature
           assets. An entity shall disclose the basis for making
           any such distinctions.
5.   41.46 Disclosure of the following (if not disclosed elsewhere
           in information published with the financial statements):
           (a) nature of its activities involving each group of
                biological assets,
           (b) non-financial measures or estimates of the
                 physical quantities of
                 (i) each group of entity's biological assets at the
                     end of period, and
                 (ii) output of agricultural produce during the
6.   41.49 Disclosure of the following:
           (a) the existence and carrying amounts of biological
                assets whose title is restricted, and carrying
                amounts of biological assets pledged as security
                for liabilities,
           (b) the amount of commitments for the development
                 or acquisition of biological assets, and

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.   raph                                                              s    o   A
           (c) financial risk management strategies related to
                agricultural activity.
7.   41.50 Reconciliation of changes in carrying amount of
           biological assets between the beginning and the end
           of the current period including:
           (a) the gain or loss arising from changes in fair value
                less costs to sell,
           (b) increases/decreases due to purchases/harvest,
           (c) decreases attributable to sales and biological
                assets classified as held for sale (or included in a
                disposal group that is classified as held for sale) in
                accordance with Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets
                Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations,
           (d) increases resulting from business combinations,
           (e) net exchange differences arising on the
                translation of financial statements into a different
                presentation currency, and on the translation of a
                foreign operation into the presentation currency of
                the reporting entity and;
           (f) Other changes.
8.   41.51 The fair value less costs to sell of a biological asset
           can change due to both physical changes and price
           changes in the market. Separate disclosure of physical
           and price changes is useful in appraising current
           period performance and future prospects, particularly
           when there is a production cycle of more than one
           In such cases, an entity is encouraged to disclose, by
           group or otherwise, the amount of change in fair value
           less costs to sell included in profit or loss due to
           physical changes and due to price changes.
9.   41.54 In case biological assets are measured at their cost
           less any accumulated depreciation and any
           accumulated impairment losses (paragraph 41.30) at
           the end of the period, disclosure of the following:
           (a) description of the biological assets,
           (b) an explanation of why fair value cannot be
                measured reliably,

SN  Parag Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.  raph                                                            s    o   A
          (c) the range of estimates within which fair value is
               highly likely to lie (if possible),
          (d) the depreciation method used,
          (e) useful lives or depreciation rates used, and
          (f) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated
               depreciation (aggregated with accumulated
               impairment losses) at the beginning and end of
               the period.
10. 41.55 If, during the current period, an entity measures
          biological assets at their cost less any accumulated
          depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses
          (see paragraph 41.30), disclosure of any gain or loss
          recognised on disposal of such biological assets and
          the reconciliation required by paragraph 41.50 shall
          disclose amounts related to such biological assets
          separately. In addition, the reconciliation shall include
          the following amounts included in profit or loss related
          to those biological assets:
          (a) Impairment losses,
          (b) Reversals of impairment losses, and
          (c) Depreciation.
11. 41.56 In case the fair value of biological asset previously
          measured at their cost less any accumulated
          depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses
          becomes reliably measured during the current period,
          has the entity disclosed following:
          (a) description of biological assets,
          (b) an explanation of why fair value has become
              reliably measurable, and
          (c) the effect of the change.
12. 41.57 Disclosure of the following related to agricultural
          activity covered by the Standard:
          (a) nature and extent of government grants
               recognised in the financial statements;
          (b) unfulfilled conditions and other contingencies
               attaching to government grants;
          (c) significant decreases expected in the level of
               government grants.

Ind AS 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting
SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                 s    o   A
1.   101.22    In any financial statements containing historical
               summaries or comparative information in
               accordance with previous GAAP, an entity shall:
               (a) label the previous GAAP information prominently
               as not being prepared in accordance with Ind ASs;
               (b) disclose the nature of the main adjustments that
               would make it comply with Ind ASs. An entity need
               not quantify those adjustments.
2.   101.24    If the entity recognised or reversed any impairment
               losses for the first time in preparing its opening Ind
               AS Balance Sheet, entity's first Ind AS financial
               statements shall include disclosures that Ind AS 36,
               Impairment of Assets, would have required if the
               entity had recognised those impairment losses or
               reversals in the period beginning with the date of
               transition to Ind ASs.
3.   101.27A   Disclosure of the fact and the accounting policy in
     A         case first time exemption option provided in
               accordance with paragraph D7AA is adopted until
               such time that those items of Property, plant and
               equipment, investment properties or intangible
               assets, as the case may be, are significantly
               depreciated, impaired or derecognised from the
               entity's Balance Sheet.
4.   101.28    In case financial statements for previous periods are
               not presented, disclosure of that fact in first Ind AS
               financial statements.
5.   101.29    In case, previously recognised financial asset is
               designated as a financial asset measured at fair
               value through profit or loss in accordance with
               paragraph D19A, disclosure of the fair value of
               financial assets so designated at the date of
               designation and their classification and carrying

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                     s    o   A
               amount in the previous financial statements.
6.   101.29A   In case, previously recognised financial liability is
               designated as a financial liability at fair value
               through profit or loss in accordance with paragraph
               D19, disclosure of the fair value of financial liabilities
               so designated at the date of designation and their
               classification and carrying amount in the previous
               financial statements.
7.   101.30    In case fair value is used in opening Ind AS Balance
               Sheet as deemed cost for an item of property, plant
               and equipment or an intangible asset in accordance
               with paragraphs 101.D5 and 101.D7, first Ind AS
               financial statements shall disclose, for each line item
               in the opening Ind AS Balance Sheet:
               (a) the aggregate of those fair values; and
               (b) the aggregate adjustment to the carrying
                   amounts reported under previous GAAP.
8.   101.31    In case, deemed cost is used in opening Ind AS
               Balance Sheet for an investment in a subsidiary,
               joint venture or associate in its separate financial
               statements in accordance with paragraph 101.D15,
               first Ind AS separate financial statements shall
               (a) the aggregate deemed cost of those investments
                   for which deemed cost is their previous GAAP
                   carrying amount;
               (b) the aggregate deemed cost of those investments
                   for which deemed cost is fair value; and
               (c) the aggregate adjustment to the carrying
                   amounts reported under previous GAAP.
9.   101.31A   In case exemption in paragraph 101.D8A(b) for oil
               and gas assets is used, disclosure of that fact and
               the basis on which carrying amounts determined
               under previous GAAP were allocated.
10. 101.31B    In case exemption in paragraph 101.D8B for
               operations subject to rate regulation is used,
               disclosure of that fact and the basis on which
               carrying amounts were determined under previous

SN   Paragra    Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                   s    o   A
11. 101.31C In case assets and liabilities is elected to measure
            at fair value and to use that fair value as the
            deemed cost in opening Ind AS Balance Sheet
            because of severe hyperinflation in accordance with
            paragraphs 101.D26­101.D30, first Ind AS financial
            statements shall disclose an explanation of how,
            and why, the entity had, and then ceased to have, a
            functional currency that has both of the following
            (a) a reliable general price index is not available to
                all entities with transactions and balances in the
            (b) exchangeability between the currency and a
                relatively stable foreign currency does not exist.
12. 101.33  Ind AS 34 requires minimum disclosures, which are
            based on the assumption that users of the interim
            financial report also have access to the most recent
            annual financial statements. However, Ind AS 34
            also requires an entity to disclose `any events or
            transactions that are material to an understanding of
            the current interim period'.

                Therefore, if a first-time adopter did not, in its most
                recent annual financial statements in accordance
                with previous GAAP, disclosed the information
                material to an understanding of the current interim
                period, disclosure in interim financial report that
                information or inclusion of a cross-reference to
                another published document that includes it.
13. 101.B8      Disclosure of the carrying amount at the reporting
    A           date of the financial assets whose contractual cash
                flow characteristics have been assessed based on
                the facts and circumstances that existed at the date
                of transition to Ind ASs without taking into account
                the requirements related to the modification of the
                time value of money element in paragraphs
                109.B4.1.9B­109.B4.1.9D until those financial

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                             Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                s    o   A
              assets are derecognized.
14.   101.B8 Disclosure of the carrying amount at the reporting
      B       date of the financial assets whose contractual cash
              flow characteristics have been assessed based on
              the facts and circumstances that existed at the date
              of transition to Ind ASs without taking into account
              the exception for prepayment features in paragraph
              109.B4.1.12 until those financial assets are
15.   101.D2 A first-time adopter is encouraged, but not required,
              to apply Ind AS 102, Share based payment, to
              equity instruments that vested before date of
              transition to Ind ASs.
              In case a first-time adopter elects to apply Ind AS
              102 to such equity instruments, it may do so only if
              disclosure is made publicly of the fair value of those
              equity instruments, determined at the measurement
              date, as defined in Ind AS 102.
              For all grants of equity instruments to which Ind AS
              102 has not been applied (eg, equity instruments
              vested but not settled before date of transition to Ind
              AS), disclosure by a first-time adopter of the
              information required by paragraphs 102.44 and
16.   101.D4 An entity shall apply Ind AS 104, Insurance
              Contracts, for annual periods beginning on or after
              date of transition to Ind ASs. Earlier application is
              encouraged. If Ind AS 104 applies for an earlier
              period, disclosure of the fact.
17.   101.D4 If it is impracticable, when an entity first applies Ind
              AS 104, to prepare information about claims
              development that occurred before the beginning of
              the earliest period for which an entity presents full
              comparative information that complies with this Ind
              AS, disclosure of that fact.
18.   101.D22 Disclosure of the fact that retrospective
      (iii)   remeasurement of service arrangement assets is
              not practicable

SN  Paragra Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.  ph                                                               s    o   A
19. 101.D31 If aggregating all previously proportionately
    AD      consolidated assets and liabilities results in negative
            net assets, an entity shall assess whether it has
            legal or constructive obligations in relation to the
            negative net assets and, if so, the entity shall
            recognise the corresponding liability. If the entity
            concludes that it does not have legal or constructive
            obligations in relation to the negative net assets, it
            shall not recognise the corresponding liability but it
            shall adjust retained earnings at the date of
            transition to Ind ASs. Disclosure of this fact, along
            with its cumulative unrecognised share of losses of
            its joint ventures at the date of transition to Ind ASs.
20. 101.D31 Disclosure of a breakdown of the assets and
    AE      liabilities that have been aggregated into the single
            line investment balance at the date of transition to
            Ind ASs. That disclosure shall be prepared in an
            aggregated manner for all joint ventures at the date
            of transition to Ind ASs.

Ind AS 102, Share-based Payments
SN   Paragra Disclosure                                             Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                             s    o   A
1.   102.45(a) With regard to the nature and extent of share-based
               transactions, disclosure of:
               a) a description of each type of share-based
                     payment arrangement that existed at any time
                     during the period, including the general terms
                     and conditions of each arrangement, and
               b) aggregated information for substantially similar
                     types of share- based payment arrangements
                     (unless separate disclosure of each
                     arrangement is necessary).
2.   102.45(b) Disclosure of the number and weighted average
               exercise prices of share options for each of the
               following groups of options:
               (i) Outstanding at the beginning of the period,
               (ii) Granted during the period,
               (iii) Forfeited during the period,
               (iv) Exercised during the period,
               (v) Expired during the period,
               (vi) Outstanding at the end of the period, and
               (vii) Exercisable at the end of the period.
3.   102.45(c) Disclosure of weighted average share price at the
               date of exercise with regards to share options
               exercised during the period.
               Disclosure of the weighted average share price
               during the period, if options were exercised on a
               regular basis throughout the period.
4.   102.45(d) For share options outstanding at the end of the
               period, disclosure of the range of exercise prices
               and weighted average remaining contractual life.
               If the range of exercise prices is wide, the
               outstanding options is divided into ranges that are
               meaningful for assessing number and timing of
               additional shares that may be issued and the cash
               that may be received upon exercise of those

SN   Paragra Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                  s    o   A
5.   102.46   Disclosure of information that enables users of the
              financial statements to understand how the fair
              value of the goods or services received, or the fair
              value of the equity instruments granted, during the
              period was determined.
6.   102.47   In case the fair value of goods or services received
              is measured as consideration for equity instruments
              of the entity indirectly, by reference to the fair value
              of the equity instruments granted, disclosure of at
              least the following:
              a) For share options granted during the period,
                   the weighted average fair value of those
                   options at the measurement date and
                   information on how that fair value was
                   measured, including:
                   i) the option pricing model used and the
                        inputs to that model, including the
                        weighted average share price, exercise
                        price, expected volatility, option life,
                        expected dividends, the risk-free interest
                        rate and any other inputs to the model,
                        including the method used and the
                        assumptions made to incorporate the
                        effects of expected early exercise,
                   ii) how expected volatility was determined,
                        including an explanation of the extent to
                        which expected volatility was based on
                        historical volatility, and
                   iii) whether and how any other features of
                        the option grant were incorporated into
                        the measurement of fair value, such as a
                        market condition.
              b) For other equity instruments granted during the
                   period (i.e. other than share options), the
                   number and weighted average fair value of
                   those equity instruments at the measurement
                   date, and information on how that fair value
                   was measured, including:

SN   Paragra Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                              s    o   A
                   i) if fair value was not measured on the
                        basis of an observable market price, how
                        it was determined,
                   ii) whether and how any other features of
                        the equity instruments granted were
                        incorporated into the measurement of fair
                   iii) whether and how any other features of
                        the equity instruments granted were
                        incorporated into the measurement of fair
              c) For share-based payment arrangements that
                   were modified during the period:
                   i) an explanation of those modifications
                   ii) the incremental fair value granted (as a
                        result o f those modifications), and
                   iii) information on how the incremental fair
                        value granted was measured, consistently
                        with the requirements set out in (a) and (b)
                        above, where applicable.
7.   102.48   In case fair value of goods or services received
              during the period is measured directly, disclosure of
              how that fair value was determined.
8.    102.49  In case the presumption that the fair value of the
              goods or services received cannot be estimated
              reliably is rebutted, disclosure of that fact, and an
              explanation of why the presumption was rebutted.
9.    102.51  Disclosure of the following with regard to
              understanding the effect of share-based payment
              transactions on the entity's profit or loss for the
              period and on its financial position:
              a) the total expense recognised for the period
                   arising from share-based payment transactions
                   in which the goods or services received did not
                   qualify for recognition as assets and hence
                   were recognised immediately as an expense,
                   including portion of the total expense that
                   arises from transactions accounted for as

SN    Paragra Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                              s    o   A
                    equity-settled        share-based        payment
                    transactions, and
               b) for liabilities arising from share-based payment
                    transactions, has the entity disclosed:
                     i) the total carrying amount at the end of the
                     ii) the total intrinsic value at the end of the
                         period of liabilities for which the
                         counterparty's right to cash or other assets
                         had vested by the end of the period.
10.   102.52   If the information required to be disclosed by this
               Standard does not satisfy the principles in the
               disclosure paragraphs, has the entity disclosed such
               additional information as is necessary to satisfy
               For example, if an entity has classified any share-
               based payment transactions as equity-settled in
               accordance with paragraph 102.33F, disclosure of
               an estimate of the amount that it expects to transfer
               to the tax authority to settle the employee's tax
               obligation when it is necessary to inform users about
               the future cash flow effects associated with the
               share-based payment arrangement.

Ind AS 103, Business Combinations
SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   aph
1.   103.59   Disclosure by the acquirer regarding information that
              enables users of its financial statements to evaluate
              the nature and financial effect of a business
              combination that occurs either:
              (a) during the current reporting period; or
              (b) after the end of the reporting period but before the
                  financial statements are approved for issue.
2.   103.61   Disclosure by the acquirer regarding information that
              enables users of its financial statements to evaluate
              the financial effects of adjustments recognised in the
              current reporting period that relate to business
              combinations that occurred in the period or previous
              reporting periods.
3.   103.63   If the specific disclosures required by this and other
              Ind ASs do not meet the objectives set out in
              paragraphs 103.59 and 103.61, disclosure of
              whatever additional information is necessary to meet
              those objectives.
4.   103.B6   To meet the objective in paragraph 103.59,
     4        disclosure by the acquirer of the following information
              for each business combination that occurs during the
              reporting period:
              (a) the name and a description of the acquiree
              (b) the acquisition date.
              (c) the percentage of voting equity interests acquired.
              (d) the primary reasons for the business combination
                  and a description of how the acquirer obtained
                  control of the acquiree.
              (e) a qualitative description of the factors that make
                  up the goodwill recognised, such as expected
                  synergies from combining operations of the
                  acquiree and the acquirer, intangible assets that
                  do not qualify for separate recognition or other
              (f) the acquisition-date fair value of the total

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                     Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                  consideration transferred and the acquisition-date
                  fair value of each major class of consideration,
                  such as:
                  (i) cash;
                  (ii) other tangible or intangible assets, including a
                      business or subsidiary of the acquirer;
                  (iii) liabilities incurred, for example, a liability for
                      contingent consideration; and
                  (iv) equity interests of the acquirer, including the
                      number of instruments or interests issued or
                      issuable and the method of measuring the fair
                      value of those instruments or interests
              (g) for contingent consideration arrangements and
                  indemnification assets:
                  (i) the amount recognised as of the acquisition
                  (ii) a description of the arrangement and the basis
                  for determining the amount of the payment; and
                  (iii) an estimate of the range of outcomes
                  (undiscounted) or, if a range cannot be estimated,
                  that fact and the reasons why a range cannot be
                  estimated. If the maximum amount of the payment
                  is unlimited, the acquirer shall disclose that fact.
              (h) for acquired receivables:
                  (i) the fair value of the receivables;
                  (ii) the gross contractual amounts receivable; and
                  (iii) the best estimate at the acquisition date of the
                  contractual cash flows not expected to be
                  The disclosures shall be provided by major class
                  of receivable, such as loans, direct finance leases
                  and any other class of receivables.
              (i) the amounts recognised as of the acquisition date
                  for each major class of assets acquired and
                  liabilities assumed.
                  for each contingent liability recognised in
                  accordance with paragraph 103.23, the
                  information required in paragraph 37.85. If a

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                  contingent liability is not recognised because its
                  fair value cannot be measured reliably, the
                  acquirer shall disclose:
                  (i) the information required by paragraph 37.86;
                  (ii) the reasons why the liability cannot be
                         measured reliably.
              (j) the total amount of goodwill that is expected to be
                  deductible for tax purposes.
              (k) for transactions that are recognised separately
                  from the acquisition of assets and assumption of
                  liabilities in the business combination in
                  accordance with paragraph 103.51:
                  (i) a description of each transaction;
                  (ii) how the acquirer accounted for each
                  (iii) the amounts recognised for each transaction
                  and the line item in the financial statements in
                  which each amount is recognised; and
                  (iv) if the transaction is the effective settlement of
                  a pre-existing relationship, the method used to
                  determine the settlement amount.
              (l) the disclosure of separately recognised
                  transactions required by (l) shall include the
                  amount of acquisition-related costs and,
                  separately, the amount of those costs recognised
                  as an expense and the line item or items in the
                  statement of profit and loss in which those
                  expenses are recognised. The amount of any
                  issue costs not recognised as an expense and
                  how they were recognised shall also be disclosed.
              (m)         in a bargain purchase (in accordance with
                  paragraphs 103.34­103.36A):
                  (i) the amount of any gain recognised in other
                      comprehensive income in accordance with
                      paragraph 103.34;
                  (ii) the amount of any gain directly recognised in
                      equity in accordance with paragraph

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                  (iii) a description of the reasons why the
                  transaction resulted in a gain in case of (i) above.
              (n) for each business combination in which the
                  acquirer holds less than 100 per cent of the equity
                  interests in the acquiree at the acquisition date:
                  (i) the amount of the non-controlling interest in the
                      acquiree recognised at the acquisition date and
                      the measurement basis for that amount; and
                  (ii) for each non-controlling interest in an acquiree
                      measured at fair value, the valuation
                      technique(s) and significant inputs used to
                      measure that value.
              (p) in a business combination achieved in stages:
                  (i) the acquisition-date fair value of the equity
                      interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer
                      immediately before the acquisition date; and
                  (ii) the amount of any gain or loss recognised as a
                      result of remeasuring to fair value the equity
                      interest in the acquiree held by the acquirer
                      before the business combination (paragraph
                      103.42) and the line item in the statement of
                      profit and loss in which that gain or loss is
              (q) the following information:
                  (i) the amounts of revenue and profit or loss of the
                      acquiree since the acquisition date included in
                      the consolidated statement of profit and loss for
                      the reporting period; and
                  (ii) the revenue and profit or loss of the combined
                      entity for the current reporting period as though
                      the acquisition date for all business
                      combinations that occurred during the year had
                      been as of the beginning of the annual reporting
                  If disclosure of any of the information required by
                  this subparagraph is impracticable, disclosure by
                  the acquirer of that fact and explanation why the

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                     Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                  disclosure is impracticable. This Ind AS uses the
                  term `impracticable' with the same meaning as in
                  Ind AS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in
                  Accounting Estimates and Errors.
5.   103.B6   For individually immaterial business combinations
     5        occurring during the reporting period that are material
              collectively, disclosure by acquirer in aggregate the
              information required by paragraph 103.B64(e)­(q).
6.   103.B6   If the acquisition date of a business combination is
     6        after the end of the reporting period but before the
              financial statements are approved for issue,
              disclosure by acquirer the information required by
              paragraph 103.B64 unless the initial accounting for
              the business combination is incomplete at the time
              the financial statements are approved for issue. In
              that situation, the acquirer shall describe which
              disclosures could not be made and the reasons why
              they cannot be made.
7.   103.B6   To meet the objective in paragraph 103.61,
     7        disclosure of the following information for each
              material business combination or in the aggregate for
              individually immaterial business combinations that
              are material collectively:
              (a)       if the initial accounting for a business
                     combination is incomplete (see paragraph
                     103.45) for particular assets, liabilities, non-
                     controlling interests or items of consideration
                     and the amounts recognised in the financial
                     statements for the business combination thus
                     have been determined only provisionally:
                    (i) the reasons why the initial accounting for the
                          business combination is incomplete;
                   (ii) the assets, liabilities, equity interests or items
                          of consideration for which the initial
                          accounting is incomplete; and
                   (iii) the nature and amount of any measurement
                          period adjustments recognised during the
                          reporting period in accordance with

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                         paragraph 103.49.
              (b) for each reporting period after the acquisition date
                   until the entity collects, sells or otherwise loses
                   the right to a contingent consideration asset, or
                   until the entity settles a contingent consideration
                   liability or the liability is cancelled or expires.
              for contingent liabilities recognised in a business
                   combination, the acquirer shall disclose the
                   information required by paragraphs 37.84 and
                   37.85 for each class of provision.
              (d) a reconciliation of the carrying amount of goodwill
                   at the beginning and end of the reporting period
                   showing separately:
                   (i) the gross amount and accumulated
                        impairment losses at the beginning of the
                        reporting period.
                  (ii) additional goodwill recognised during the
                        reporting period, except goodwill included in a
                        disposal group that, on acquisition, meets the
                        criteria to be classified as held for sale in
                        accordance with Ind AS 105, Non-current
                        Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued
                   (iii) adjustments resulting from the subsequent
                         recognition of deferred tax assets during the
                         reporting period in accordance with
                         paragraph 103.67.
                  (iv) goodwill included in a disposal group
                        classified as held for sale in accordance with
                        Ind AS 105 and goodwill derecognised during
                        the reporting period without having previously
                        been included in a disposal group classified
                        as held for sale.
                  (v) impairment losses recognised during the
                         reporting period in accordance with Ind AS
                         36. (Ind AS 36 requires disclosure of
                         information about the recoverable amount
                         and impairment of goodwill in addition to this

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                    (vi) net exchange rate differences arising during
                          the reporting period in accordance with Ind
                          AS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign
                          Exchange Rates.
                    (vii) any other changes in the carrying amount
                          during the reporting.
                    (viii) the gross amount and accumulated
                          impairment losses at the end of the reporting
              (e) the amount and an explanation of any gain or
                    loss recognised in the current reporting period
                    that both:
                    (i) relates to the identifiable assets acquired or
                          liabilities assumed in a business
                          combination that was effected in the current
                          or previous reporting period; and
                    (ii) is of such a size, nature or incidence that
                          disclosure is relevant to understanding the
                          combined entity's financial statements.
8.   103.C1   Following disclosures in the first financial statements
     3        following the business combination:
              (a) names and general nature of business of the
                  combining entities,
              (b) date on which transferor obtains control of the
              (c) description and number of shares issued, together
                  with the percentage of each entity's equity shares
                  exchanged to effect the combination, and
              (d) amount of any difference between the
                  consideration and the value of net assets taken
                  over, and the treatment thereof.
9.   103.C1   When a combination is effected after the balance
     4        sheet but before approval of the financial statements,
              disclosure in accordance with Ind AS 10, but the
              combination is not incorporated in the financial

Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts
SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   aph
1.   104.36   Disclose by an insurer of information that identifies
              and explains the amounts in its financial statements
              arising from insurance contracts.
2.   104.37   To comply with paragraph 104.36, disclosure by an
              (a) its accounting policies for insurance contracts and
                  related assets, liabilities, income and expense.
              (b) the recognised assets, liabilities, income and
                  expense (and, if it presents its statement of cash
                  flows using the direct method, cash flows) arising
                  from insurance contracts. Furthermore, if the
                  insurer is a cedant, disclosure of:
                  (i) gains and losses recognised in profit or loss on
                       buying reinsurance; and
                  (ii) if the cedant defers and amortises gains and
                       losses arising on buying reinsurance, the
                       amortisation for the period and the amounts
                       remaining unamortised at the beginning and
                       end of the period.
              (c) the process used to determine the assumptions
                  that have the greatest effect on the measurement
                  of the recognised amounts described in (b). When
                  practicable, an quantified disclosure of those
              (d) the effect of changes in assumptions used to
                  measure insurance assets and insurance
                  liabilities, showing separately the effect of each
                  change that has a material effect on the financial
              (e) reconciliations of changes in insurance liabilities,
                  reinsurance assets and, if any, related deferred
                  acquisition costs.
3.   104.38   Disclosure of information by an insurer that enables
              users of its financial statements to evaluate the
              nature and extent of risks arising from insurance

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Yes No   NA
o.   aph
4.   104.39   To comply with paragraph 104.38, disclosure by an
              (a) its objectives, policies and processes for
                  managing risks arising from insurance contracts
                  and the methods used to manage those risks.
              (b) information about insurance risk (both before and
                  after risk mitigation by reinsurance), including
                  information about:
                  (i) sensitivity to insurance risk (see paragraph
                  (ii) concentrations of insurance risk, including a
                       description of how management determines
                       concentrations and a description of the shared
                       characteristic that identifies each concentration
                       (e.g., type of insured event, geographical area,
                       or currency).
                  (iii) actual claims compared with previous
                       estimates (i.e., claims development). The
                       disclosure about claims development shall go
                       back to the period when the earliest material
                       claim arose for which there is still uncertainty
                       about the amount and timing of the claims
                       payments, but need not go back more than ten
                       years. Disclose of this information is not
                       required for claims for which uncertainty about
                       the amount and timing of claims payments is
                       typically resolved within one year.
              (c) information about credit risk, liquidity risk and
                    market risk that paragraphs 107.31­107.42
                    would require if the insurance contracts were
                    within the scope of Ind AS 107. However:
                  (i) the maturity analysis need not provided as
                       required by paragraph 107.39(a) and (b) if it
                       discloses information about the estimated
                       timing of the net cash outflows resulting from
                       recognised insurance liabilities instead. This
                       may take the form of an analysis, by estimated

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                      timing, of the amounts recognised in the
                      balance sheet.
                 (ii) if an insurer uses an alternative method
                      conditions, such as an embedded value
                      analysis, it may use that sensitivity analysis to
                      meet the requirement in paragraph 107.40(a).
                      Such an insurer shall also provide the
                      disclosures required by paragraph 107.41.
                 (d) information about exposures to market risk
                      arising from embedded derivatives contained
                      in a host insurance contract if the insurer is not
                      required to, and does not, measure the
                      embedded derivatives at fair value.
5.   104.39   To comply with paragraph 104.39(c)(i), disclosure by
     A        an insurer either (a) or (b) as follows:
              (a) a sensitivity analysis that shows how profit or loss
                  and equity would have been affected if changes in
                  the relevant risk variable that were reasonably
                  possible at the end of the reporting period had
                  occurred; the methods and assumptions used in
                  preparing the sensitivity analysis; and any
                  changes from the previous period in the methods
                  and assumptions used. However, if an insurer
                  uses an alternative method to manage sensitivity
                  to market conditions, such as an embedded value
                  analysis, it may meet this requirement by
                  disclosing that alternative sensitivity analysis and
                  the disclosures required by paragraph 107.41.
              (b) qualitative information about sensitivity, and
                  information about those terms and conditions of
                  insurance contracts that have a material effect on
                  the amount, timing and uncertainty of the insurer's
                  future cash flows.

Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and
Discontinued Operations
SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   ph
1.   105.30    Disclosure of following information that enables
     and       users of the financial statements to evaluate the
     105.33    financial effects of discontinued operations and
               disposals of non-current assets (or disposal groups):
               (a) a single amount in the statement of profit and
                   loss comprising the total of:
                   (i) the post-tax profit or loss of discontinued
                       operations and
                   (ii) the post-tax gain or loss recognised on the
                       measurement to fair value less costs to sell or
                       on the disposal of the assets or disposal
                       group(s) constituting the discontinued
               (b) an analysis of the single amount in (a) into:
                   (i) the revenue, expenses and pre-tax profit or
                       loss of discontinued operations;
                    (ii) the related income tax expense as required
                       by paragraph 12.81(h); and
                   (iii) the gain or loss recognised on the
                       measurement to fair value less costs to sell or
                       on the disposal of the assets or disposal
                       group(s) constituting the discontinued
                   (iv) the related income tax expense as required
                       by paragraph 12.81(h). The analysis may be
                       presented in the notes or in the statement of
                       profit and loss. If it is presented in the
                       statement of profit and loss it shall be
                       presented in a section identified as relating to
                       discontinued operations, ie separately from
                       continuing operations. The analysis is not
                       required for disposal groups that are newly
                       acquired subsidiaries that meet the criteria to
                       be classified as held for sale on acquisition

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   ph
                      (see paragraph 11).
               (c) the net cash flows attributable to the operating,
                   investing and financing activities of discontinued
                   operations. These disclosures may be presented
                   either in the notes or in the financial statements.
                   These disclosures are not required for disposal
                   groups that are newly acquired subsidiaries that
                   meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale
                   on acquisition (see paragraph 11).
               (d) the amount of income from continuing operations
                   and from discontinued operations attributable to
                   owners of the parent. These disclosures may be
                   presented either in the notes or in the statement
                   of profit and loss.
2.   105.34    Re-presentation of the disclosures in paragraph
               105.33 for prior periods presented in the financial
               statements so that the disclosures relate to all
               operations that have been discontinued by the end
               of the reporting period for the latest period
3.   105.35    Separate classification in discontinued operations
               adjustments in the current period to amounts
               previously presented in discontinued operations that
               are directly related to the disposal of a discontinued
               operation in a prior period. Disclosures of the nature
               and amount of such adjustments.
               Examples of circumstances in which these
               adjustments may arise include the following:
               (a) the resolution of uncertainties that arise from the
                     terms of the disposal transaction, such as the
                     resolution of purchase price adjustments and
                     indemnification issues with the purchaser.
               (b) the resolution of uncertainties that arise from and
                     are directly related to the operations of the
                     component before its disposal, such as
                     environmental and product warranty obligations
                     retained by the seller.
               (c) the settlement of employee benefit plan

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                   Yes No   NA
o.   ph
                     obligations, provided that the settlement is
                     directly related to the disposal transaction
4.   105.36    If an entity ceases to classify a component of an
               entity as held for sale, the results of operations of
               the component previously presented in discontinued
               operations in accordance with paragraphs 105.33­
               105.35 shall be reclassified and included in income
               from continuing operations for all periods presented.
               The amounts for prior periods shall be described as
               having been re-presented.
5.   105.36A   In case entity committed to a sale plan involving loss
               of control of a subsidiary, disclosure of the
               information required in paragraphs 105.33­105.36
               when the subsidiary is a disposal group that meets
               the definition of a discontinued operation in
               accordance with paragraph 105.32.
6.   105.37    Gains or losses relating to continuing
               Whether any gain or loss on the remeasurement of
               a non-current asset (or disposal group) classified as
               held for sale that does not meet the definition of a
               discontinued operation is included in profit or loss
               from continuing operations.
7.   105.38    For non-current asset or disposal group classified as
               held for sale, disclosure of:
               (a) non-current asset and the assets of a disposal
                   group classified as held for sale separately from
                   other assets in the balance sheet.
               (b) liabilities of a disposal group classified as held for
                   sale separately from other liabilities in the
                   balance sheet.
               (c) assets and liabilities not offset and presented as
                   a single amount.
               (d) the major classes of assets and liabilities
                   classified as held for sale either in the balance
                   sheet or in the notes, except as permitted by
                   paragraph 105.39.
               (e) cumulative income or expense recognised in

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   ph
                   other comprehensive income relating to a non-
                   current asset (or disposal group) classified as
                   held for sale
8.   105.39    Disclosure of the major classes of assets and
               liabilities is not required if the disposal group is a
               newly acquired subsidiary that meets the criteria to
               be classified as held for sale on acquisition (see
               paragraph 105.11).
               Additional disclosures
9.   105. 41   Disclosure of the following information in the notes
               in the period in which a non-current asset (or
               disposal group) has been either classified as held
               for sale or sold:
               (a) a description of the non-current asset (or
                   disposal group);
               (b) a description of the facts and circumstances of
                   the sale, or leading to the expected disposal, and
                   the expected manner and timing of that disposal;
               (c) the gain or loss recognised in accordance with
                   paragraphs 105.20­105.22 and, if not separately
                   presented in the statement of profit and loss, the
                   caption in the statement of profit and loss that
                   includes that gain or loss;
               (d) if applicable, the reportable segment in which the
                   non-current asset (or disposal group) is
                   presented in accordance with Ind AS 108,
                   Operating Segments.
10. 105. 42    In case either paragraph 105.26 or paragraph
               105.29 applies, disclosure of, in the period of the
               decision to change the plan to sell the non-current
               asset (or disposal group), a description of the facts
               and circumstances leading to the decision and the
               effect of the decision on the results of operations for
               the period and any prior periods presented.

Ind AS 106, Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral
SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                               s    o   A
1.   106.18   In case, on assessment, facts and circumstances
              suggest that the carrying amount of exploration and
              evaluation assets exceeds its recoverable amount,
              disclosure of any resulting impairment loss in
              accordance with Ind AS 36, except as provided by
              paragraph 106.21.
2.   106.23   Disclosure of information that identifies and explains
              the amounts recognised in its financial statements
              arising from the exploration for and evaluation of
              mineral resources.
3.   106.24   To comply with paragraph 106.23, disclosure of:
              (a) its accounting policies for exploration and
                  evaluation expenditures including the recognition
                  of exploration and evaluation assets.
              (b) the amounts of assets, liabilities, income and
                  expense and operating and investing cash flows
                  arising from the exploration for and evaluation of
                  mineral resources.
4.   106.25   Treat exploration and evaluation of assets as a
              separate class of assets and make the disclosures
              required by either Ind AS 16 or Ind AS 38 consistent
              with how the assets are classified.

Ind AS 107, Financial Instruments: Disclosures
Disclosure requirements for Ind AS 109 and Ind AS 32 are laid down in Ind AS 107.

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                     s    o   A
                 Balance Sheet-Categories of financial assets and
                 financial liabilities
1.    107.8      The carrying amounts of each of the following
                 categories, as specified in Ind AS 109, shall be
                 disclosed either in the balance sheet or in the notes:
                 (a) financial assets measured at fair value through
                       profit or loss, showing separately (i) those
                       designated as such upon initial recognition or
                       subsequently in accordance with paragraph
              and (ii) those mandatorily measured at
                       fair value through profit or loss in accordance
                       with Ind AS 109.
                 (b) financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
                       loss, showing separately (i) those designated as
                       such upon initial recognition or subsequently in
                       accordance with paragraph 6.7.1 of Ind AS 109
                       and (ii) those that meet the definition of held for
                       trading in Ind AS 109 .
                 (c) financial assets measured at amortised cost.
                 (d) financial liabilities measured at amortised cost.
                 (e) financial assets measured at fair value through
                       other      comprehensive       income,    showing
                       separately (i) financial assets that are measured
                       at fair value through other comprehensive
                       income in accordance with paragraph
             ; and (ii) investments in equity
                       instruments designated as such upon initial
                       recognition in accordance with paragraph 109.
                 Balance Sheet-Financial assets or financial
                 liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
2.    107.9      In case a financial asset (or group of financial assets)
                 has designated as measured at fair value through

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                      s    o   A
               profit or loss that would otherwise be measured at fair
               value through other comprehensive income or
               amortised cost, disclosure of:
               (a) the maximum exposure to credit risk (see
                    paragraph 107.36(a)) of the financial asset (or
                    group of financial assets) at the end of the
                    reporting period.
               (b) the amount by which any related credit derivatives
                    or similar instruments mitigate that maximum
                    exposure to credit risk (see paragraph
               (c) the amount of change, during the period and
                    cumulatively, in the fair value of the financial
                    asset (or group of financial assets) that is
                    attributable to changes in the credit risk of the
                    financial asset determined either:
                    (i) as the amount of change in its fair value that is
                          not attributable to changes in market
                          conditions that give rise to market risk ; or
                    (ii) using an alternative method the entity
                          believes more faithfully represents the
                          amount of change in its fair value that is
                          attributable to changes in the credit risk of
                          the asset. Changes in market conditions that
                          give rise to market risk include changes in
                          an observed (benchmark) interest rate,
                          commodity price, foreign exchange rate or
                          index of prices or rates.
               (d) the amount of the change in the fair value of any
                    related credit derivatives or similar instruments
                    that has occurred during the period and
                    cumulatively since the financial asset was
3.   107.10    In case a financial liability has been designated as at
               fair value through profit or loss in accordance with
               paragraph and is required to present the
               effects of changes in that liability's credit risk in other
               comprehensive income (see paragraph,

SN   Paragra    Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                      s    o   A
             disclosure of:
             (a) the amount of change, cumulatively, in the fair
                  value of the financial liability that is attributable to
                  changes in the credit risk of that liability (see
                  paragraphs 109.B5.7.13-109.B5.7.20)                  for
                  guidance on determining the effects of changes
                  in a liability's credit risk).
             (b) the difference between the financial liability's
                  carrying amount and the amount the entity would
                  be contractually required to pay at maturity to the
                  holder of the obligation.
             (c) any transfers of the cumulative gain or loss within
                  equity during the period including the reason for
                  such transfers.
             (d) if a liability is derecognised during the period, the
                  amount (if any) presented in other
                  comprehensive income that was realised at
4.   107.10A In case a financial liability has been designated as at
             fair value through profit or loss in accordance with
             paragraph and is required to present all
             changes in the fair value of that liability (including the
             effects of changes in the credit risk of the liability) in
             profit or loss (see paragraphs and
   , disclosure of:
             (a) the amount of change, during the period and
                  cumulatively, in the fair value of the financial
                  liability that is attributable to changes in the credit
                  risk of that liability (see paragraphs 109.B5.7.13­
                  109.B5.7.20 for guidance on determining the
                  effects of changes in a liability's credit risk); and
             (b) the difference between the financial liability's
                  carrying amount and the amount the entity would
                  be contractually required to pay at maturity to the
                  holder of the obligation.
5.   107.11  Disclosure of:
             (a) a detailed description of the methods used to
                  comply with the requirements in paragraphs

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.   ph                                                                    s    o   A
                    107.9(c), 107.10(a) and 107.10A(a) and
                    paragraph, including an explanation
                    of why the method is appropriate.
               (b) in case it is believed that the disclosure has given,
                    either in the balance sheet or in the notes, to
                    comply with the requirements in paragraph
                    107.9(c), 107.10(a) or 107.10A(a) or paragraph
                    109. 5.7.7(a) does not faithfully represent the
                    change in the fair value of the financial asset or
                    financial liability attributable to changes in its
                    credit risk, the reasons for reaching this
                    conclusion and the factors it believes are
               (c) a detailed description of the methodology or
                    methodologies used to determine whether
                    presenting the effects of changes in a liability's
                    credit risk in other comprehensive income would
                    create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in
                    profit or loss (see paragraphs and
           In case the effects of changes in a
                    liability's credit risk in profit or loss (see
                    paragraph, is required to present, the
                    disclosure must include a detailed description of
                    the economic relationship described in paragraph
               Investments in equity instruments designated at
               fair value through other comprehensive income
6.   107.11A   In case investments in equity instruments are
               designated to be measured at fair value through
               other comprehensive income, as permitted by
               paragraph, disclosure of:
               (a) which investments in equity instruments have
                    been designated to be measured at fair value
                    through other comprehensive income.
               (b)      the reasons for using this presentation
               (c) the fair value of each such investment at the end
                    of the reporting period.

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                   s    o   A
              (d) dividends recognised during the period, showing
                    separately those related to investments
                    derecognised during the reporting period and
                    those related to investments held at the end of
                    the reporting period.
              (e) any transfers of the cumulative gain or loss within
                    equity during the period including the reason for
                    such transfers.
7.    107.11B In case investments in equity instruments measured
              at fair value through other comprehensive income is
              derecognised during the reporting period, disclosure
              (a) the reasons for disposing of the investments.
              (b) the fair value of the investments at the date of
              (c) the cumulative gain or loss on disposal.
8.    107.12B Disclosure if, in the current or previous reporting
              periods, entity has reclassified any financial assets in
              accordance with paragraph For each such
              event, disclosure of:
              (a) the date of reclassification.
              (b) a detailed explanation of the change in business
                    model and a qualitative description of its effect
                    on the entity's financial statements.
              (c) the amount reclassified into and out of each
9.    107.12C For each reporting period following reclassification
              until derecognition, disclosure for assets reclassified
              out of the fair value through profit or loss category so
              that they are measured at amortised cost or fair value
              through other comprehensive income in accordance
              with paragraph
              (a) the effective interest rate determined on the date
              of reclassification; and
              (b) the interest revenue recognised.
10.   107.12D If, since its last annual reporting date, financial assets
              reclassified out of the fair value through other

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                  s    o   A
              comprehensive income category so that they are
              measured at amortised cost or out of the fair value
              through profit or loss category so that they are
              measured at amortised cost or fair value through
              other comprehensive income disclosure of:
              (a) the fair value of the financial assets at the end of
                    the reporting period; and
              (b) the fair value gain or loss that would have been
                    recognised in profit or loss or other
                    comprehensive income during the reporting
                    period if the financial assets had not been
              Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
11.   107.13A Disclosures in paragraphs 107.13B­107.13E
              supplement the other disclosure requirements of Ind
              AS 107 and are required for all recognised financial
              instruments that are set off in accordance with
              paragraph 32.42. These disclosures also apply to
              recognised financial instruments that are subject to
              an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar
              agreement, irrespective of whether they are set off in
              accordance with paragraph 32.42.
12.   107.13B Disclosure of information to enable users of financial
              statements to evaluate the effect or potential effect of
              netting arrangements on the entity's financial
              position. This includes the effect or potential effect of
              rights of set-off associated with the entity's
              recognised financial assets and recognised financial
              liabilities that are within the scope of paragraph
13.   107.13C To meet the objective in paragraph 107.13B,
              disclosure of, at the end of the reporting period, the
              following quantitative information separately for
              recognised financial assets and recognised financial
              liabilities that are within the scope of paragraph
              (a) the gross amounts of those recognised financial
                    assets and recognised financial liabilities;

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                  s    o   A
              (b) the amounts that are set-off in accordance with
                   the criteria in paragraph 32.42 when determining
                   the net amounts presented in the statement of
                   financial position;
              (c) the net amounts presented in the balance sheet;
              (d) the amounts subject to an enforceable master
                   netting arrangement or similar agreement that
                   are not otherwise included in paragraph
                   107.13C(b), including:
                   (i) amounts related to recognised financial
                        instruments that do not meet some or all of
                        the offsetting criteria in paragraph 32.42;
                   (ii) amounts related to financial collateral
                        (including cash collateral); and
              (e) the net amount after deducting the amounts in (d)
                   from the amounts in (c) above.
              The information required by this paragraph shall be
              presented in a tabular format, separately for financial
              assets and financial liabilities, unless another format
              is more appropriate.
14.   107.13D The total amount disclosed in accordance with
              paragraph 107.13C(d) for an instrument shall be
              limited to the amount in paragraph 107.13C(c) for
              that instrument.
15.   107.13E A description in the disclosures of the rights of set-off
              associated with the entity's recognised financial
              assets and recognised financial liabilities subject to
              enforceable master netting arrangements and similar
              agreements that are disclosed in accordance with
              paragraph 107.13C(d), including the nature of those
16.   107.13F If the information required by paragraphs 107.13B­
              107.13E is disclosed in more than one note to the
              financial statements, cross-reference between those
17.   107.14  Disclosure of:

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                  s    o   A
              (a) the carrying amount of financial assets it has
                    pledged as collateral for liabilities or contingent
                    liabilities, including amounts that have been
                    reclassified in accordance with paragraph
          ; and
              (b) the terms and conditions relating to its pledge.
18.   107.15  In case an entity holds collateral (of financial or non-
              financial assets) and is permitted to sell or repledge
              the collateral in the absence of default by the owner
              of the collateral, disclosure of:
              (a) the fair value of the collateral held;
              (b) the fair value of any such collateral sold or
                    repledged, and whether the entity has an
                    obligation to return it; and
              (c) the terms and conditions associated with its use of
                    the collateral.
              Allowance account for credit losses
19.   107.16A The carrying amount of financial assets measured at
              fair value through other comprehensive income in
              accordance with paragraph is not reduced
              by a loss allowance and an entity shall not present
              the loss allowance separately in the balance sheet as
              a reduction of the carrying amount of the financial
              asset. However, disclosure of the loss allowance in
              the notes to the financial statements.
              Compound financial instruments with multiple
              embedded derivatives
20.   107.17  In case an instrument is issued that contains both a
              liability and an equity component (see paragraph
              32.28) and the instrument has multiple embedded
              derivatives whose values are interdependent (such
              as a callable convertible debt instrument), disclosure
              of the existence of those features.
              Defaults and breaches
21.   107.18  For loans payable recognised at the end of the
              reporting period, disclosure of:
              (a) details of any defaults during the period of
                    principal, interest, sinking fund, or redemption

SN    Paragra   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                      s    o   A
                     terms of those loans payable;
                (b) the carrying amount of the loans payable in
                     default at the end of the reporting period; and
                (c) whether the default was remedied, or the terms of
                     the loans payable were renegotiated, before the
                     financial statements were approved for issue.
22.   107.19    If, during the period, there were breaches of loan
                agreement terms other than those described in
                paragraph 107.18, disclosure of the same information
                as required by paragraph 107.18 if those breaches
                permitted the lender to demand accelerated
                repayment (unless the breaches were remedied, or
                the terms of the loan were renegotiated, on or before
                the end of the reporting period).
                Statement of profit and loss
                Items of income, expense, gains or losses
23.   107.20    Disclosure of items of income, expense, gains or
                losses either in the statement of profit and loss or in
                the notes:
                (a) net gains or net losses on:
                    (i) financial assets or financial liabilities measured
                         at fair value through profit or loss, showing
                         separately those on financial assets or
                         financial liabilities designated as such upon
                         initial recognition or subsequently in
                         accordance with paragraph, and
                         those on financial assets or financial liabilities
                         that are mandatorily measured at fair value
                         through profit or loss in accordance with Ind
                         AS 109 (eg financial liabilities that meet the
                         definition of held for trading in Ind AS 109). For
                         financial liabilities designated as at fair value
                         through profit or loss, an entity shall show
                         separately the amount of gain or loss
                         recognised in other comprehensive income
                         and the amount recognised in profit or loss.
                    (ii) financial liabilities measured at amortised cost.
                    (iii) financial assets measured at amortised cost.

SN    Paragra   Disclosure                                                     Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                       s    o   A
                    (iv) investments in equity instruments designated
                         at fair value through other comprehensive
                         income in accordance with paragraph
                     (v) financial assets measured at fair value
                          through other comprehensive income in
                          accordance with paragraph,
                          showing separately the amount of gain or loss
                          recognised in other comprehensive income
                          during the period and the amount reclassified
                          upon derecognition from accumulated other
                          comprehensive income to profit or loss for the
                (b) Total interest revenue and total interest expense
                     (calculated using the effective interest method)
                     for financial assets that are measured at
                     amortised cost or that are measured at fair value
                     through other comprehensive income in
                     accordance with paragraph (showing
                     these amounts separately); or financial liabilities
                     that are not measured at fair value through profit
                     or loss, and
                (c) Fee income and expense (other than amounts
                     included in determining the effective interest rate)
                     arising from:
                     (i) Financial assets and financial liabilities that
                          are not at fair value through profit or loss, and
                    (ii) Trust and other fiduciary activities that result in
                         the holding or investing of assets on behalf of
                         individuals, trusts, retirement benefit plans,
                         and other institutions.
24.   107.20A   Disclosure of an analysis of the gain or loss
                recognised in the statement of profit and loss, arising
                from the derecognition of financial assets measured
                at amortised cost, showing separately gains and
                losses arising from derecognition of those financial
                assets along with the reasons for derecognition.
                Other disclosures

SN    Paragra   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                     s    o   A
                Accounting policies
25.   107.21    Disclosure of, in accordance with paragraph 1.117, in
      and       the summary of significant accounting policies, the
      107.B5    measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the
                financial statements and the other accounting policies
                used that are relevant to an understanding of the
                financial statements.
                For financial instruments, such disclosures may
                (a) For financial liabilities designated as at fair value
                     through profit or loss:
                     (i) The nature of the financial liabilities the
                           entity has designated as at fair value
                           through profit or loss,
                     (ii) The criteria for so designating such financial
                           liabilities on initial recognition, and
                     (iii) How the entity has satisfied the conditions in
                           paragraph for such designation.
                (b) For financial assets designated as measured at
                     fair value through profit or loss:
                     (i) The nature of the financial assets the entity
                           has designated as measured at fair value
                           through profit or loss, and
                     (ii) How the entity has satisfied the criteria in
                           paragraph for such designation.
                (c) Whether regular way purchases and sales of
                     financial assets are accounted for at trade date
                     or settlement date,
                (d) How net gains and losses on each category of
                     financial instrument are determined, for example,
                     whether the net gains or net losses on items at
                     fair value through profit or loss include interest or
                     dividend income, and
                     The judgements, apart from those involving
                     estimations, that management has made in the
                     process of applying the entity's accounting
                     policies and that have the most significant effect
                     on the amounts recognised in the financial

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                 s    o   A
              Hedge accounting
26.   107.21A Disclosure requirements in paragraphs 107.21B-
              107.24F shall be applied for those risk exposures that
              it hedges, and for which it elects to apply hedge
              Has the entity disclosed the following information
              (a) The entity's risk management strategy and how it
                   is applied to manage risk,
              (b) How the entity's hedging activities may affect the
                   amount, timing and uncertainty of its future cash
                   flows, and
              (c) The effect that hedge accounting has had on the
                   entity's balance sheet, statement of profit and
                   loss and statement of changes in equity.
27.   107.21B To ensure that all the relevant disclosures have been
              presented in a single note or separate section in its
              financial statements, or if not, has the information
              located elsewhere been adequately cross-referenced
              from the financial statements to some other
              statement, such as a management commentary or
              risk report, that is available to users of the financial
              statements on the same terms as the financial
              statements and at the same time.
28.   107.21D To meet the objectives in paragraph 107.21A, entity
              shall (except as otherwise specified below) determine
              how much detail to disclose, how much emphasis to
              place on different aspects of the disclosure
              requirements, the appropriate level of aggregation or
              disaggregation, and whether users of financial
              statements need additional explanations to evaluate
              the quantitative information disclosed.
              It shall be ensured the same level of aggregation /
              disaggregation in the disclosure as it has in for
              related information between this standard and Ind AS
              113, Fair Value Measurement.
              The risk management strategy

SN    Paragra   Disclosure                                             Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                               s    o   A
29.   107.22A Explanation of risk management strategy for each
              risk category of risk exposures that has been hedge
              and for which hedge accounting is applied, such that
              users are able to evaluate:
              a) How each risk arises,
              b) How the entity manages risk, including whether
                   the entity hedges an item in its entirety for all
                   risks or hedges a risk component (or
                   components) of an item and why, and
              c) The extent of risk exposures being managed.
30.   107.22B To meet the requirement in paragraph 107.22A, a
              description of information:
              (a) The hedging instruments that are used (and how
                   they are used) to hedge risk exposures,
              (b) How the entity determined the economic
                   relationship between the hedged item and the
                   hedging instrument for the purpose of assessing
                   hedge effectiveness, and
              (c) How the entity had established the hedge ratio
                   and what the sources of hedge ineffectiveness
31.   107.22C In addition to disclosure required in paragraphs
              107.22A-107.22B, qualitative or quantitative
              information about the following, when a specific risk
              component is designated as a hedged item:
              (a) How the entity determined the risk component
                   that is designated as the hedged item (including
                   a description of the nature of the relationship
                   between the risk component and the item as a
                   whole), and
              (b) How the risk component relates to the item in its
                   entirety (for example, the designated risk
                   component historically covered on average 80
                   per cent of the changes in fair value of the item
                   as a whole).
              The amount, timing and uncertainty of future
              cash flows
32.   107.23A Disclosure, by risk category, quantitative information

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                  s    o   A
      107..23 to allow users of financial statements to evaluate the
      B       terms and conditions of hedging instruments and how
              they affect the amount, timing and uncertainty of
              future cash flows of the entity:
              To meet the above requirements the entity is required
              to provide a breakdown that disclosures:
              (a) A profile of the timing of the nominal amount of
                    the hedging instrument, and
              (b) If applicable, the average price or rate (for
                    example strike or forward prices, etc.) of the
                    hedging instrument.
33.   107.23C In situations where entity frequently resets its
              hedging relationships because both the hedging
              instrument and the hedged item frequently change
              (i.e. the entity uses a dynamic process in which both
              the exposure and the hedging instruments used to
              manage that exposure do not remain the same for
              long) then, entity
              a) is exempt from providing the disclosure required
                    by paragraph 107.23A and 107.23B
              b) has to disclose:
                     (i) Information about what the ultimate risk
                         management strategy is in relation to those
                         hedging relationships
                    (ii) A description of how it reflects its risk
                         management strategy by using hedge
                         accounting and designating those particular
                         hedging relationships, and
                   (iii) An indication of how frequently the hedging
                         relationships are discontinued and restarted
                         as part of the entity's process in relation to
                         those hedging relationships.
34.   107.23D Disclosure by risk category a description of the
              sources of hedge ineffectiveness that are expected to
              affect the hedging relationship during its term.
35.   107.23E If other sources of hedge ineffectiveness emerge in a
              hedging relationship, disclosure of those sources by
              risk category and explained the resulting hedge

SN    Paragra   Disclosure                                             Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                               s    o   A
36.   107.23F For cash flow hedges, disclosure of a description of
              an forecast transaction for which hedge accounting
              had been used in the previous period, but which is no
              longer expected to occur for cash flow hedges.
              The effects of hedge accounting on financial
              position and performance
37.   107.24A Disclosure of, in a tabular format, the following
              amounts related to items designated as hedging
              instruments separately by risk category for each type
              of hedge (fair value hedge, cash flow hedge or hedge
              of a net investment in a foreign operation):
              (a) The carrying amount of the hedging instruments
                   (financial assets separately from financial
              (b) The line item in the balance sheet that includes
                   the hedging instrument,
              (c) The change in fair value of the hedging
                   instrument used as the basis for recognising
                   hedge ineffectiveness for the period, and
              (d) The nominal amounts (including quantities such
                   as tonnes or cubic metres) of the hedging
38.   107.24B Disclosure of, in a tabular format, the following
              amount related to hedged items separately by risk
              category for each type of hedge as follows:
              (a) For fair value hedges:
                   (i) The carrying amount of the hedged item
                         recognised in the balance sheet (presenting
                         assets separately from liabilities),
                   (ii) The accumulated amount of fair value
                         hedge adjustments on the hedged item
                         included in the carrying amount of the
                         hedged item recognised in the balance
                         sheet (presenting assets separately from
                   (iii) The line item in the balance sheet that
                         includes the hedged item,

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                   (iv) The change in value of the hedged item
                          used as the basis for recognising hedge
                          ineffectiveness for the period, and
                   (v) The accumulated amount of fair value
                          hedge adjustments remaining in the balance
                          sheet for any hedged items that have
                          ceased to be adjusted for hedging gains and
                          losses in accordance with paragraph
              (b) For cash flow hedges and hedges of a net
                   investment in a foreign operation:
                   (i) The change in value of the hedged item
                          used as the basis for recognising hedge
                          ineffectiveness for the period (i.e. for cash
                          flow hedges the change in value used to
                          determine      the      recognised     hedge
                          ineffectiveness in accordance with
                   (ii) The balances in the cash flow hedge
                          reserve and the foreign currency translation
                          reserve for continuing hedges that are
                          accounted for in accordance with
                          paragraphs and,
                   (iii) The balances remaining in the cash flow
                          hedge reserve and the foreign currency
                          translation reserve from any hedging
                          relationships for which hedge accounting is
                          no longer applied.
39.   107.24C Disclosure of in a tabular format, the following
              amounts separately by risk category for the types of
              a) For fair value hedges:
                 i) Hedge ineffectiveness, and
                 ii) The line item in the statement of profit and loss
                       that includes the recognised hedge
              b) For cash flow hedges and hedges of a net

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                  investment in a foreign operation:
                  i) Hedging gains or losses of the reporting period
                       that were recognised in other comprehensive
                  ii) Hedge ineffectiveness recognised in profit or
                  iii) The line item in the statement of profit and loss
                       that includes the recognised hedge
                  iv) The amount reclassified from the cash flow
                       hedge reserve or the foreign currency
                       translation reserve into profit or loss as a
                       reclassification adjustment (see Ind AS 1)
                       (differentiating between amounts for which
                       hedge accounting had previously been used,
                       but for which the hedged future cash flows are
                       no longer expected to occur, and amounts that
                       have been transferred because the hedged
                       item has affected profit or loss),
                  v) The line item in the statement of profit and loss
                       that includes the reclassification adjustment
                       (see Ind AS 1), and
                  vi) For hedges of net positions, the hedging gains
                       or losses recognised in a separate line item in
                       the statement of profit and loss (see paragraph
40.   107.24D Disclosure of the fact and the reason, if the entity
              believes that the volume of hedging relationships to
              exemption in paragraph 107.23C applies, is
              unrepresentative of normal volumes during the period
              (i.e. the volume at the reporting date does not reflect
              the volumes during the period).
41.   107.24E A reconciliation of each component of equity and an
              analysis of other comprehensive income in
              accordance with Ind AS 1 that, taken together:
              (a) differentiates, at a minimum, between the
                    amounts that relate to the disclosures in
                    paragraph 107.24C(b)(i) and 107.24C(b)(iv) as

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                   well as the amounts accounted for in accordance
                   with       paragraph  and
                   differentiates between the amounts associated
                   with the time value of options that hedge
                   transaction related hedged items and the
                   amounts associated with the time value of
                   options that hedge time-period related hedged
                   items when an entity accounts for the time value
                   of an option in accordance with paragraph
         , and
              (b) differentiates between the amounts associated
                   with forward elements of forward contracts and
                   the foreign currency basis spreads of financial
                   instruments that hedge transaction related
                   hedged items, and the amounts associated with
                   forward elements of forward contracts and the
                   foreign currency basis spreads of financial
                   instruments that hedge time-period related
                   hedged items when an entity accounts for those
                   amounts in accordance with paragraph
42.   107.24F Disclosure of the information required in paragraph
              107.24E separately by risk category. Disaggregation
              by risk may be provided in notes to financial
              Option to designate a credit exposure as measured
              at fair value through profit or loss
43.   107.24  Disclosure of the following, if the entity has
      G       designated a financial instrument, or a proportion of
              it, as measured at fair value through profit or loss
              because it uses a credit derivative to manage the
              credit risk of that financial instrument:
              (a) For credit derivatives that have been used to
                   manage the credit risk of financial instruments
                   designated as measured at fair value through
                   profit or loss in accordance with paragraph
         , a reconciliation of each of the nominal

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                     amount and the fair value at the beginning and at
                     the end of the period,
                (b) The gain or loss recognised in profit or loss on
                     designation of a financial instrument, or a
                     proportion of it, as measured at fair value through
                     profit or loss in accordance with paragraph
           , and
                (c) On discontinuation of measuring a financial
                     instrument, or a proportion of it, at fair value
                     through profit or loss, that financial instrument's
                     fair value that has become the new carrying
                     amount in accordance with paragraph
            and the related nominal or principal
                Fair Value
44.   107.25    Except as set out in paragraph 107.29, for each class
                of financial assets and financial liabilities (see
                paragraph 107.6), disclosure of the fair value of that
                class of assets and liabilities in a way that permits it
                to be compared with its carrying amount.
45.   107.26    While disclosing fair values, grouped financial assets
                and financial liabilities into classes and ensured that it
                offsets them only to the extent that their carrying
                amounts are offset in the balance sheet.
46.   107.28    Disclosure of the following by class of financial asset
      and       or financial liability, if the entity does not recognise a
      107.29    gain or loss on initial recognition of a financial asset
                or financial liability because the fair value is neither
                evidenced by a quoted price in an active market for
                an identical asset or liability (i.e. a Level 1 input) nor
                based on a valuation technique that uses only data
                from observable markets (see paragraph
                (a) the accounting policy for recognising in profit or
                     loss the difference between the fair value at initial
                     recognition and the transaction price to reflect a
                     change in factors (including time) that market
                     participants would take into account when pricing

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                      the asset or liability (see paragraph
                (b) the aggregate difference yet to be recognised in
                      profit or loss at the beginning and end of the
                      period and a reconciliation of changes in the
                      balance of this difference, and
                (c) why the entity concluded that the transaction
                      price was not the best evidence of fair value,
                      including a description of the evidence that
                      supports the fair value?
                (Note: Disclosures of fair value are not required when
                the carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of
                fair value, (for example, for financial instruments such
                as short-term trade receivables or payables); or for a
                contract containing a discretionary participation
                feature (as described in Ind AS 104) if the fair value
                of that feature cannot b measured reliably.)
47.   107.30    Disclosure of the following information for a contract
                containing a discretionary participation feature (as
                described in Ind AS 104) if the fair value of that
                feature cannot be measured reliably to help users of
                the financial statements make their own judgements
                about the extent of possible differences between the
                carrying amount of those contracts and their fair
                (a) the fact that fair value information has not been
                      disclosed for these instruments because their fair
                      value cannot be measured reliably,
                (b) a description of the financial instruments, their
                      carrying amount, and an explanation of why fair
                      value cannot be measured reliably,
                (c) information about the market for the instruments,
                (d) information about whether and how the entity
                      intends to dispose of the financial instruments,
                (e) if financial instruments whose fair value
                      previously could not be reliably measured are
                      derecognised, that fact, their carrying amount at

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                     the time, of derecognition, and the amount of
                     gain or loss recognised.
                Nature and extent of risks arising from financial
48.   107.31-   Disclosure of information that enables users of its
      107.32A   financial statements to evaluate the nature and extent
                of risks arising from financial instruments to which the
                entity is exposed at the end of the reporting period.

                (Note: These risks typically include, but are not
                limited to, market risk, liquidity risk and credit risk.
                Qualitative disclosures should be provided in the
                context of quantitative disclosures to enable users to
                link related disclosures and form an overall picture of
                the nature and extent of risks arising from financial
                instruments. The interaction between qualitative and
                quantitative disclosures contributes to disclosure of
                information in a way that better enables users to
                evaluate an entity's exposure to risks.)
                Qualitative disclosures
49.   107.33    Disclosure of the following qualitative disclosures for
                each type of risk (credit risk, liquidity risk and market
                risk) arising from financial instruments:
                (a) the exposures to risk and how they arise,
                (b) its objectives, policies and processes for
                     managing the risk and the methods used to
                     measure the risk, and
                (c) any changes in (a) or (b) from the previous
                Quantitative disclosures
50.   107.34    Disclosure of the following quantitative disclosures for
                each type of risk (credit risk, liquidity risk and market
                risk) arising from financial instruments:
                (a) summary quantitative data about its exposure to
                     that risk at the end of the reporting period. This
                     disclosure shall be based on the information
                     provided internally to key management personnel
                     of the entity (as defined in Ind AS 24, Related

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                   Party Disclosures), for example the entity's board
                   of directors or chief executive officer,
              (b) the disclosures required by paragraphs 107.36-
                   107.42, to the extent not provided in (a) above,
              (c) concentrations of risk if not apparent from the
                   disclosures made in accordance with (a) and (b)
                   which shall include:
                   i) a description of how management
                         determines concentrations;
                   ii) a description of the shared characteristic
                         that identifies each concentration (eg
                         counterparty, geographical area, currency or
                         market); and
              (d) the amount of the risk exposure associated with
                   all financial instruments sharing that
51.   107.35  If the quantitative data disclosed as at the end of the
              reporting period are unrepresentative of the entity's
              exposure to risk during the period, further information
              that is representative shall be provided.
52.   107.35B Disclosure of the following with the objective of
              enabling users of financial statements to understand
              the effect of credit risk on the amount, timing and
              uncertainty of future cash flows:
              (a) information about the entity's credit risk
                   management practices and how they relate to
                   the recognition and measurement of expected
                   credit losses, including the methods,
                   assumptions and information used to measure
                   expected credit losses,
              (b) quantitative and qualitative information that
                   allows users of financial statements to evaluate
                   the amounts in the financial statements arising
                   from expected credit losses, including changes in
                   the amount of expected credit losses and the
                   reasons for those changes, and
              (c) information about the entity's credit risk exposure

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                      (i.e. the credit risk inherent in an entity's financial
                      assets and commitments to extend credit)
                      including significant credit risk concentrations?

              (Note: If the above information is disclosed
              elsewhere, it needs to be adequately cross-
              Credit risk ­ if impairment applicable
53.   107.35A Disclosures under paragraphs 107.35F-107.35N is
              required to be provided for financial instruments to
              which the impairment requirements in Ind AS 109 are
54.   107.35F Explanation of credit risk management practices and
              how they relate to the recognition and measurement
              of expected credit losses. To meet this objective,
              disclosure of following information to enable users of
              financial statements to understand and evaluate:
              (a) how the entity determined whether the credit risk
                     of financial instruments has increased
                     significantly since initial recognition, including, if
                     and how:
                  (i) financial instruments are considered to have
                        low credit risk in accordance with paragraph
              , including the classes of financial
                        instruments to which it applies, and
                 (ii) the presumption in paragraph, that
                        there have been significant increases in credit
                        risk since initial recognition when financial
                        assets are more than 30 days past due, has
                        been rebutted,
              (b) the entity's definitions of default, including the
                     reasons for selecting those definitions, which
                     may include:
                     i) the qualitative and quantitative factors
                           considered in defining default;
                     ii) whether different definitions have been
                           applied to different types of financial
                           instruments; and

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                     iii) assumptions about the cure rate (ie the
                           number of financial assets that return to a
                           performing status) after a default occurred
                           on the financial asset
                (c) how the instruments were grouped if expected
                     credit losses were measured on a collective
                (d) how an entity determined that financial assets
                     are credit-impaired financial assets,
                (e) the entity's write-off policy, including the
                     indicators that there is no reasonable expectation
                     of recovery and information about the policy for
                     financial assets that are written-off but are still
                     subject to enforcement activity, and
                (f) how the requirements in paragraph
                     for the modification of contractual cash flows of
                     financial assets have been applied, including
                     how the entity:
                     i) determines whether the credit risk on a
                         financial asset that has been modified while
                         the loss allowance was measured at an
                         amount equal to lifetime expected credit
                         losses, has improved to the extent that the
                         loss allowance reverts to being measured at
                         an amount equal to 12-month expected credit
                         losses in accordance with paragraph
               , and
                     ii) monitors the extent to which the loss
                         allowance on financial assets meeting the
                         criteria in (i) is subsequently re - measured at
                         an amount equal to lifetime expected credit
                         losses in accordance with paragraph
55.   107.35    Disclosure of the following to explain the inputs
      G         assumptions and estimation techniques used to apply
                the requirements in section 5.5 of Ind AS 109:
                (a) the basis of inputs and assumptions and the
                     estimation techniques used to:

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                   (i) measure the 12-month and lifetime expected
                         credit losses,
                  (ii) determine whether the credit risk of financial
                         instruments have increased significantly since
                         initial recognition, and
                 (iii) determine whether a financial asset is a
                         credit-impaired financial asset.
              (b) how forward-looking information has been
                    incorporated into the determination of expected
                    credit losses, including the use of
                    macroeconomic information, and
              (c) changes in the estimation techniques or
                    significant assumptions made during the
                    reporting period and the reasons for those
              Quantitative and qualitative information about
              amounts arising from expected credit losses
56.   107.35H A reconciliation by class of financial instrument from
              opening balance to closing balance of the loss
              allowance, in a tabular form showing separately the
              changes during the period for:
              (a) the loss allowance measured at an amount equal
                    to 12-month expected credit losses,
              (b) the loss allowance measured at an amount equal
                    to lifetime expected credit losses for:
                   (i) financial instruments for which credit risk has
                         increased significantly since initial recognition
                         but that are not credit-impaired financial
                  (ii) financial assets that are credit-impaired at the
                         reporting date (but that are not purchased or
                         originated credit-impaired), and
                 (iii) trade receivables, contract assets or lease
                         receivables for which the loss allowances are
                         measured in accordance with paragraph
              (c) financial assets that are purchased or originated
                    credit-impaired, including disclosure of the total

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                     amount of undiscounted expected credit losses
                     at initial recognition on financial assets initially
                     recognised during the reporting period.
57.   107.35I   Disclosure of an explanation of how significant
                changes in the gross carrying amount of financial
                instruments contributed to changes in the loss
                allowance for each class of financial instrument,
                including relevant qualitative and quantitative
                information provided separately for financial
                instruments that represent the loss allowance as
                disclosed in paragraph 107.35H(a)-(c). Examples of
                changes in the gross carrying amount of financial
                instruments that contributed to the changes in the
                loss allowance may include:
                (a) changes because of financial instruments
                     originated or acquired during the reporting
                (b) the modification of contractual cash flows on
                     financial assets that do not result in a
                     derecognition of those financial assets in
                     accordance with Ind AS 109,
                (c) changes because of financial instruments that
                     were derecognised (including those that were
                     written-off) during the reporting period, and
                (d) changes arising from whether the loss allowance
                     is measured at an amount equal to 12-month or
                     lifetime expected credit losses.
58.   107.35J   Disclosure of the following with the objective of
                enabling users of financial statements to understand
                the nature and effect of modifications of contractual
                cash flows on financial assets that have not resulted
                in derecognition and the effect of such modifications
                on the measurement of expected credit losses:
                (a) the amortised cost before the modification and
                     the net modification gain or loss recognised for
                     financial assets for which the contractual cash
                     flows have been modified during the reporting
                     period while they had a loss allowance measured

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                    at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit
                    losses; and
              (b) the gross carrying amount at the end of the
                    reporting period of financial assets that have
                    been modified since initial recognition at a time
                    when the loss allowance was measured at an
                    amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses
                    and for which the loss allowance has changed
                    during the reporting period to an amount equal to
                    12-month expected credit losses.
59.   107.35K Disclosure by class of financial instrument with
              objective of enabling users of financial statements to
              understand the effect of collateral and other credit
              enhancements on the amounts arising from expected
              credit losses:
              (a) the amount that best represents its maximum
                    exposure to credit risk at the end of the reporting
                    period without taking account of any collateral
                    held or other credit enhancements (e.g. netting
                    agreements that do not qualify for offset in
                    accordance with Ind AS 32),
              (b) a narrative description of collateral held as
                    security and other credit enhancements,
                   (i) a description of the nature and quality of the
                        collateral held,
                  (ii) an explanation of any significant changes in
                        the quality of that collateral or credit
                        enhancements as a result of deterioration or
                 (iii) changes in the collateral policies of the entity
                        during the reporting period, and
                 (iv) information about financial instruments for
                        which an entity has not recognised a loss
                        allowance because of the collateral.
              (c) quantitative information about the collateral held
                    as security and other credit enhancements (for
                    example, quantification of the extent to which
                    collateral and other credit enhancements mitigate

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                     credit risk) for financial assets that are credit-
                     impaired at the reporting date.
60.   107.35L Disclosure of the contractual amount outstanding on
              financial assets that were written off during the
              reporting period and are still subject to enforcement
              Credit risk exposure
61.   107.35  Disclosure of, by credit risk rating grades, the gross
      M-      carrying amount of financial assets and the exposure
      107.35N to credit risk on loan commitments and financial
              guarantee contracts to enable users of financial
              statements to assess the entity's credit risk exposure
              and understand its significant credit risk
              concentrations separately for the following financial
              (a) for which the loss allowance is measured at an
                     amount equal to 12-month expected credit
              (b) for which the loss allowance is measured at an
                     amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses
                     (gross carrying amount of financial instruments to
                     be separately disclosed for which lifetime ECL
                     have been measured on a collective basis) and
                     that are:
                  (i) financial instruments for which credit risk has
                        increased significantly since initial recognition
                        but that are not credit-impaired financial
                 (ii) financial assets that are credit-impaired at the
                        reporting date (but that are not purchased or
                        originated credit-impaired), and
                (iii) trade receivables, contract assets or lease
                        receivables for which the loss allowances are
                        measured in accordance with paragraph
              (c) that are purchased or originated credit-impaired
                     financial assets.
              (Note: For trade receivables, contract assets and

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                lease receivables to which an entity applies
                paragraph, the information provided in
                paragraph 107.35M may be based on a provision
                matrix (see paragraph 109.B5.5.35.)
62.   107.36    Disclosure of the following by class of financial
                instrument for all financial instruments within the
                scope of Ind AS 107, but to which the impairment
                requirements in Ind AS 109 are not applied:
                (a) the amount that best represents its maximum
                     exposure to credit risk at the end of the reporting
                     period without taking account of any collateral
                     held or other credit enhancements (e.g. netting
                     agreements that do not qualify for offset in
                     accordance with Ind AS 32); this disclosure is not
                     required for financial instruments whose carrying
                     amount best represents the maximum exposure
                     to credit risk, and
                (b) a description of collateral held as security and
                     other credit enhancements, and their financial
                     effect (e.g. quantification of the extent to which
                     collateral and other credit enhancements mitigate
                     credit risk) in respect of the amount that best
                     represents the maximum exposure to credit risk
                     (whether disclosed in accordance with (a) or
                     represented by the carrying amount of a financial
                Collateral and other credit enhancements obtained
63.   107.38    In case entity has obtained financial or non-financial
                assets during the period by taking possession of
                collateral it holds as security or calling on other credit
                enhancements (e.g. guarantees), and such assets
                meet the recognition criteria in other Ind AS,
                disclosure of the following for such assets held at the
                reporting date:
                (a) The nature and carrying amount of the assets,
                (b) When the assets are not readily convertible into
                     cash, its policies for disposing of such assets or

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                     for using them in its operations.
                Liquidity risk
64.   107.39    Disclosure of the following with reference to the
                liquidity risk of financial instruments:
                (a) a maturity analysis for non-derivative financial
                     liabilities (including issued financial guarantee
                     contracts) that shows the remaining contractual
                (b) a maturity analysis for derivative financial
                     liabilities. The maturity analysis shall include the
                     remaining contractual maturities for those
                     derivative financial liabilities for which contractual
                     maturities are essential for an understanding of
                     the timing of the cash flows, and
                (c) a description of how it manages the liquidity risk
                     inherent in (a) and (b) above.
                Market risk
65.   107.41    Disclosure of the following, if the entity prepares a
                sensitivity analysis, such as value-at-risk, that reflects
                interdependencies between risk variables (e.g.
                interest rates and exchange rates) and uses it to
                manage financial risks:
                (a) an explanation of the method used in preparing
                     such a sensitivity analysis, and of the main
                     parameters and assumptions underlying the data
                     provided, and
                (b) an explanation of the objective of the method
                     used and of limitations that may result in the
                     information not fully reflecting the fair value of the
                     assets and liabilities involved.
66.   107.40    Disclosure of the following, in case entity does not
                prepare a sensitivity analysis as described in
                paragraph 107.41:
                (a) a sensitivity analysis for each type of market risk
                     to which the entity is exposed at the end of the
                     reporting period, showing how profit or loss and
                     equity would have been affected by changes in
                     the relevant risk variable that were reasonably

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                   possible at that date,
              (b) the methods and assumptions used in preparing
                   the sensitivity analysis, and
              (c) changes from the previous period in the methods
                   and assumptions used, and the reasons for such
67.   107.42  In case entity believes that the sensitivity analyses
              disclosed in accordance with paragraphs 107.40 or
              107.41 are unrepresentative of a risk inherent in a
              financial instrument (for example because the year-
              end exposure does not reflect the exposure during
              the year), disclosure of that fact and the reason to
              believes that the sensitivity analyses are
              Transfer of financial assets
68.   107.42A Presentation, in a single note in the financial
              statements, the disclosures required by paragraphs
              107.42B-107.42H for all transferred financial assets
              that are not derecognised and for any continuing
              involvement in a transferred asset, existing at
              reporting date, irrespective of when the related
              transferred transaction occurred.

              (Note: For the purpose of disclosure requirements in
              paragraphs 107.42B-107.42H, the entity transfers all
              or a part of a financial asset (the transferred financial
              asset) in accordance with Ind AS 109 if, and only if, it
              (a) transfers the contractual rights to receive the
                   cash flows of that financial asset; or
              (b) retains the contractual rights to receive the cash
                   flows of that financial asset, but assumes a
                   contractual obligation to pay the cash flows to
                   one or more recipients in an arrangement.)
69.   107.42B Disclosure of information to enable the users:
              (a) to understand the relationship between
                   transferred financial assets that are not
                   derecognised in their entirety and the associated

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                  liabilities, and
              (b) to evaluate the nature of, and risks associated
                  with, the entity's continuing involvement in
                  derecognised financial assets.
              Transferred financial assets that are not
              derecognised in their entirety
70.   107.42D In case of financial assets satisfying the criteria in
              paragraph 107.42B(a), disclosure at each reporting
              date for each class of transferred financial assets that
              are not derecognised in their entirety:
              (a) the nature of the transferred assets,
              (b) the nature of the risks and rewards of ownership
                  to which the entity is exposed,
              (c) a description of the nature of the relationship
                  between the transferred assets and the
                  associated liabilities, including restrictions arising
                  from the transfer on the reporting entity's use of
                  the transferred assets,
              (d) when the counterparty (counterparties) to the
                  associated liabilities has (have) recourse only to
                  the transferred assets, a schedule that sets out
                  the fair value of the transferred assets, the fair
                  value of the associated liabilities and the net
                  position (the difference between the fair value of
                  the transferred assets and the associated
              (e) when the entity continues to recognise all of the
                  transferred assets, the carrying amounts of the
                  transferred assets and the associated liabilities,
              (f) when the entity continues to recognise the assets
                  to the extent of its continuing involvement (see
                  paragraphs and, the
                  total carrying amount of the original assets
                  before the transfer, the carrying amount of the
                  assets that the entity continues to recognise, and
                  the carrying amount of the associated liabilities.
              Transferred financial assets that are derecognised in

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              their entirety
71.   107.42E In case entity derecognises transferred financial
      -       assets in their entirety (see paragraph 3.2.6(a) and
      107.42F (c)(i) of Ind AS 109) but has continuing involvement
              in them, disclosure of the following, as a minimum,
              for each type of continuing involvement at each
              reporting date:
              (a) the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities
                    that are recognised in the entity's balance sheet
                    and represent the entity's continuing involvement
                    in the derecognised financial assets, and the line
                    items in which the carrying amount of those
                    assets and liabilities are recognised,
              (b) the fair value of the assets and liabilities that
                    represent the entity's continuing involvement in
                    the derecognised financial assets,
              (c) the amount that best represents the entity's
                    maximum exposure to loss from its continuing
                    involvement in the derecognised financial assets,
                    and information showing how the maximum
                    exposure to loss is determined,
              (d) the undiscounted cash outflow that would or may
                    be required to repurchase derecognised financial
                    assets (e.g. the strike price in an option
                    agreement) or other amounts payable to the
                    transferee in respect of the transferred assets. If
                    the cash outflow is variable then the amount
                    disclosed should be based on the conditions that
                    exist at each reporting date,
              (e) a maturity analysis of the undiscounted cash
                    outflows that would or may be required to
                    repurchase the derecognised financial assets or
                    other amounts payable to the transferee in
                    respect of the transferred assets, showing the
                    remaining contractual maturities of the entity's
                    continuing involvement, and
              (f) qualitative information that explains and supports
                    the quantitative disclosures required in (a)­(e).

SN    Paragra    Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.    ph                                                                  s    o   A
              (Note: The entity may aggregate the information
              required as above in respect of a particular asset if
              the entity has more than one type of continuing
              involvement in that derecognised financial asset, and
              report it under one type of continuing involvement.)
72.   107.42  Disclosure of the following for each type of continuing
      G       involvement for each period for which the statement
              of profit and loss is presented:
              (a) the gain or loss recognised at the date of transfer
                   of the assets,
              (b) income and expenses recognised, both in the
                   reporting period and cumulatively, from the
                   entity's continuing involvement in the
                   derecognised financial assets (e.g. fair value
                   changes in derivative instruments),
              (c) if the total amount of proceeds from transfer
                   activity (that qualifies for derecognition) in a
                   reporting period is not evenly distributed
                   throughout the reporting period (e.g. if a
                   substantial proportion of the total amount of
                   transfer activity takes place in the closing days of
                   a reporting period):
                    (i) when the greatest transfer activity took
                         place within that reporting period (e.g. the
                         last five days before the end of the reporting
                   (ii) the amount (e.g. related gains or losses)
                         recognised from transfer activity in that part
                         of the reporting period, and
                  (iii) the total amount of proceeds from transfer
                         activity in that part of the reporting period.
              Supplementary information
73.   107.42H Disclosures of additional information which the entity
              considers necessary to meet the objectives of
              paragraph 107.42B.

Ind AS 108, Operating Segments
SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   aph
1.   108.20   Disclosure of information to enable users of financial
              statements to evaluate the nature and financial
              effects of the business activities in which the entity
              engages and the economic environments in which it
2.   108.21   Disclosure of the following general information:
     108.22   (a) factors used to identify the entity's reportable
                   segments, including the basis of organisation
                   e.g. whether management has chosen to
                   organise the entity around differences in
                   products and services, geographical areas,
                   regulatory environments, or a combination of
                   factors and whether operating segments have
                   been aggregated,
              (b) the judgement made by management in
                   applying the aggregation criteria in paragraph
                   108.12. This includes a brief description of the
                   operating segments that have been aggregated
                   in this way and the economic indicators that
                   have been assessed in determining that the
                   aggregated operating segments share similar
                   economic characteristics, and
              (c) types of products and services from which each
                   reportable segment derives its revenues
              (Note: Reconciliations of the amounts in the balance
              sheet for reportable segments to the amounts in the
              entity's balance sheet are required for each date at
              which a balance sheet is presented. Information for
              prior periods shall be restated as described in
              paragraphs 108.29 and 108.30)
              Information about profit or loss, assets and liabilities
3.   108.23   Disclosure of the following:
              (a) the measure of profit or loss for each
                   reportable segment,
              (b) the measure of total assets and liabilities for

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                     each reportable segment if such amounts are
                     regularly provided to the chief operating
                     decision maker,
              (c) the following about each reportable segment if
                     the specified amounts are included in the
                     measure of segment profit or loss reviewed by
                     the chief operating decision maker, or are
                     otherwise regularly provided to the chief
                     operating decision maker, even if not included
                     in that measure of segment profit or loss:
                     (i) revenues from external customers,
                    (ii) revenues from transactions with other
                         operating segment of the same entity,
                   (iii) interest revenue,
                   (iv) interest expense,
                    (v) depreciation and amortisation,
                   (vi) material items of income and expense
                         disclosed in accordance with paragraph
                  (vii) the entity's interest in the profit or loss of
                         associates and joint ventures accounted for
                         by the equity method,
                 (viii) income tax expense or income, and
                   (ix) material non-cash items other than
                         depreciation and amortisation

              (Note: Interest revenue should be reported
              separately from interest expense for each
              reportable segment unless a majority of the
              segment's revenues are from interest and the chief
              operating decision maker relies primarily on net
              interest revenue to assess the performance of the
              segment and make decisions about resources to
              be allocated to the segment. In that situation, the
              entity may report that segment's interest revenue
              net of its interest expense and disclose that it has
              done so.)
4.   108.24   Disclosure of the following about each reportable

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                               Yes No   NA
o.   aph
              segment if the specified amounts are included in the
              measure of segment assets reviewed by the chief
              operating decision maker or are otherwise regularly
              provided to the chief operating decision maker, even
              if not included in the measure of segment assets:
              (a) the amount of investment in associates and
                   joint ventures accounted for by the equity
                   method, and
              (b) the amounts of additions to non-current assets
                   (for assets classified according to a liquidity
                   presentation, amounts expected to be
                   recovered more than 12 months after the
                   reporting date) other than financial
                   instruments, deferred tax assets, post-
                   employment benefit assets and rights arising
                   under insurance contracts
5.   108.27   An explanation of the measurements of segment
              profit or loss, segment assets and segment liabilities
              for each reportable segment. Disclosure of the
              (a) the basis of accounting for any transactions
                   between reportable segments,
              (b) The nature of any differences between the
                   measurements of the reportable segments'
                   profits or losses and the entity's profit or loss
                   before income tax expense or income and
                   discontinued operations (if not apparent from
                   the reconciliations described in paragraph
                   108.28), those differences could include
                   accounting policies and policies for allocation
                   of centrally incurred costs that are necessary
                   for an understanding of the reported segment
                   the nature of any differences between the
                   measurements of the reportable segments'
                   assets and the entity's assets (if not apparent
                   from the reconciliations described in paragraph
                   108.28), those differences could include

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                  accounting policies and policies for allocation
                  of jointly used assets that are necessary for an
                  understanding of the reported segment
              (c) The nature of any differences between the
                  measurements of the reportable segments'
                  liabilities and the entity's liabilities (if not
                  apparent from the reconciliations described in
                  paragraph 108.28),Those differences could
                  include accounting policies and policies for
                  allocation of jointly utilised liabilities that are
                  necessary for an understanding of the reported
                  segment information,
              (d) The nature of any changes from prior periods
                  in the measurement methods used to
                  determine reported segment profit or loss and
                  the effect, if any, of those changes on the
                  measure of segment profit or loss, and
              (e) The nature and effect of any asymmetrical
                  allocations to reportable segments, e.g. the
                  entity might allocate depreciation expense to a
                  segment without allocating the related
                  depreciable assets to that segment.
6.   108.28   Reconciliations of the following providing material
              reconciling items separately identified and described:
              (a) the total of the reportable segments' revenues
                  to the entity's revenue,
              (b) the total of the reportable segments' measures
                  of profit or loss to the entity's profit or loss
                  before tax expense (tax income) and
                  discontinued operations, however, if the entity
                  allocated to reportable segments items such as
                  tax expense (tax income), then it may reconcile
                  the total of the segments' measures of profit or
                  loss to the entity's profit or loss after those
              (c) the total of the reportable segments' assets to

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                     Yes No   NA
o.   aph
                    the entity's assets if the segment assets are
                    reported in accordance with paragraph 108.23,
              (d) the total of the reportable segments' liabilities
                    to the entity's liabilities if segment liabilities are
                    reported in accordance with paragraph 108.23,
              (e) the total of the reportable segments' amounts
                    for every other material item of information
                    disclosed to the corresponding amount for the
7.   108.29   In case entity changed the structure of its internal
              organisation in a manner that causes the composition
              of its reportable segments to change:
              (a) corresponding information for earlier periods,
                    including interim periods been restated unless
                    the information is not available and the cost to
                    develop it would be excessive, and
              (Note: The determination of whether the information
              is not available and the cost to develop it would be
              excessive shall be made for each individual item of
              (b) disclosure of whether it has restated the
                    corresponding items of segment information for
                    earlier periods.
8.   108.30   (a) If the entity has changed the structure of its
                    internal organisation in a manner that causes
                    the composition of its reportable segments to
                    change, has the entity restated segment
                    information for earlier periods, including interim
                    periods, to reflect the change?
              (b) If not, then in the year in which the change
                    occurs, disclosure of segment information for
                    the current period on both the old basis and
                    the new basis of segmentation, unless the
                    necessary information is not available and the
                    cost to develop it would be excessive.
              Entity-wide disclosures
9.   108.31   Entity-wide disclosures as required even if the entity

SN    Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Yes No   NA
o.    aph
               has only one reportable segment.
               (Note: Information required by paragraphs 108.32-
               108.34 is provided only if it is not provided as part of
               the reportable segment information required by Ind
               AS 108.)
10.   108.32   Disclosure of the following:
               (a) the revenues from external customers for each
                   product and service, or each group of similar
                   products and services
               (b) if the necessary information is not available
                   and the cost to develop it would be excessive,
                   this fact in the financial statements?
               (Note: The amounts of revenues reported are
               based on the financial information used to produce
               the entity's financial statements.)
11.   108.33   Disclosure of the following geographical information,
               unless the necessary information is not available and
               the cost to develop it would be excessive:
               (a) revenues from external customers:
                    (i) attributed to the entity's country of domicile,
                   (ii) attributed to all foreign countries in total from
                         which the entity derives revenues. If
                         revenues from external customers attributed
                         to an individual foreign country are material,
                         then those revenues are disclosed
                         separately. Disclose the basis for attributing
                         revenues from external customers to
                         individual countries,
               (b) non-current assets (for assets classified
                   according to a liquidity presentation, amounts
                   expected to be recovered more than 12 months
                   after the reporting date) other than financial
                   instruments, deferred tax assets, post-
                   employment benefit assets and rights arising
                   under insurance contracts:
                    (i) located in the entity's country of domicile,

SN    Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.    aph
                    (ii) located in all foreign countries in total in
                         which the entity holds assets. If assets in an
                         individual foreign country are material, then
                         those assets are disclosed separately.
12.   108.33   a) entity shall ensure that the amounts reported are
                    based on the financial information that is used to
                    produce the entity's financial statements,
               b) if the necessary information is not available and
                    the cost to develop it would be excessive, has
                    the entity disclosed such fact?
               (Note: The entity may disclose, in addition to this
               information, subtotals of geographical information
               about groups of countries.)
               Information about major customers
13.   108.34   If revenues from transactions with a single external
               customer amount to 10 per cent or more of an entity's
               revenues, following information about the extent of its
               reliance on such customers:
               (a) disclosure of that fact,
               (b) the total amount of revenues from each such
                    customer, and the identity of the segment or
                    segments reporting the revenues,
               (Note: The entity need not disclose the identity of a
               major customer or the amount of revenues that
               each segment reports from that customer.)
               (c) for the above purpose, has a group of entities
                    known to a reporting entity to be under common
                    control been considered a single customer.

Ind AS 112, Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities
Disclosures requirement for Ind AS 110, Ind AS 111, Ind AS 27 and Ind AS 28
are laid down in this Standard.

SN    Paragr    Disclosure                                               Ye   N   N
o.    aph                                                                s    o   A
 1.   112.2  Disclosure of the following:
             (a) the significant judgements and assumptions
                   made by an entity in determining:
                   (i) The nature of its interest in another entity or
                  (ii) The type of joint arrangement in which it has
                       an interest,
                 (iii) That it meets the definition of an investment
                       entity, if applicable,
             (b) information about entity's interests in:
                   (i)   Subsidiaries,
                  (ii)   Arrangements and associates, and
                 (iii)   Structured entities that are not controlled
                         by the entity (unconsolidated structured
 2.   112.5  This Ind AS is applied if the entity has an interest in
             any of the following:
                   a) Subsidiaries
                   b) Joint arrangements (Joint operations or
                   c) Associates
                   d) Unconsolidated structured entities.
 3.   112.5A Except as described in paragraph 112.B17, the
             requirements in this Ind AS apply to an entity's
             interests listed in paragraph 112.5 that are classified
             (or included in a disposal group that is classified) as
             held for sale or discontinued operations in
             accordance with Ind AS 105, Noncurrent Assets Held
             for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
 4.   112.7  Disclosure of information about significant judgments
             and assumptions made by an entity (and changes to
             those judgments an assumptions) in determining:

SN   Paragr    Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                               s    o   A
             (a) that it has control of another entity, i.e. an
                  investee as described in paragraphs 110.5 and
             (b) that it has joint control of an arrangement or
                  significant influence over another entity, and
             (c) the type of joint arrangement (i.e. joint operation
                  or joint venture) when the arrangement has been
                  structured through a separate vehicle.
5.   112.9   To address the disclosure required by paragraph
             112.7, disclosures of significant judgments and
             assumptions made in determining that:
            (a) it does not control another entity even though it
                  holds more than half of the voting rights of the
                  other entity,
            (b) it controls another entity even though it holds
                  less than half of the voting rights of the other
            (c) it is an agent or a principal,
            (d) it does not have significant influence even
                  though it holds 20 per cent or more of the voting
                  rights of another entity, or
            (e) it has significant influence even though it holds
                  less than 20 per cent of the voting rights of
                  another entity.
6.   112.9A Where the parent entity determines that it is an
             investment entity, disclosure of information by
             investments entity:
             a) about significant judgments and assumptions
                  made in determining that it is an investment
                  entity in accordance with paragraph 110.27,
             b) about reasons for concluding that it is
                  nevertheless an investment entity, if the entity
                  does not have one or more of the typical
                  characteristics of an investment entity in
                  paragraph 110.28.
7.   112.9B In case entity becomes, or ceases to be, investment
             entity, disclosure of
             a) change of investment entity status and

SN   Paragr    Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                    s    o   A
             b) the reasons for the change, and
             In case entity becomes an investment entity,
             disclosure of the effect of the change of status on the
             financial statements for the period presented
            (a) the total fair value, as of the date of change of
                   status, of the subsidiaries that cease to be
            (b) the gain or loss, if any, calculated in accordance
                   with paragraph 110.B101, and
            (c) the line item(s) in profit or loss in which the gain
                   or loss is recognised.
             Interests in subsidiaries
8.   112.10 Disclosures of information that enables users of
             consolidated financial statements to understand the
             composition of the group and the interest that non-
             controlling interests have in the group's activities and
             cash flows (see paragraph 112.12) :
             (a) to understand:
                 (i) the composition of the group and
                 (ii) the interest that non-controlling interests have
                       in the group's activities and cash flows (see
                       paragraph 112.12).
             (b) to evaluate:
                 (i) the nature and extent of significant restrictions
                       on its ability to access or use assets, and settle
                       liabilities, of the group (see paragraph 112.13);
                 (ii) the nature of, and changes in, the risks
                       associated with its interests in consolidated
                       structured entities (see paragraphs 112.14­
                 (iii) the consequences of changes in its ownership
                       interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a
                       loss of control (see paragraph 112.18); and
                 (iv) the consequences of losing control of a
                       subsidiary during the reporting period (see
                       paragraph 112.19).
9.   112.11 In case financial statements of a subsidiary used in

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                    s    o   A
              the preparation of consolidated financial statements
              are as of a date or for a period that is different from
              that of the consolidated financial statements,
              disclosure of:
              a) the date of the end of the reporting period of the
                   financial statements of that subsidiary and
              b) reason for using the different date or period.
10. 112.12    Disclosure for each of its subsidiaries that have non-
              controlling interests that are material to the reporting
              (a) the name of subsidiary
              (b) principal place of business (and country of
                   incorporation if different from principal place of
                   business) of subsidiary,
              (c) the proportion of ownership interests held by non
                   controlling interests,
              (d) the proportion of voting rights held by non
                   controlling interests, if different from the
                   proportion of ownership interests held
              (e) the profit or loss allocated to non-controlling
                   interests of the subsidiary during the reporting
              (f) accumulated non-controlling interests of the
                   subsidiary at the end of the reporting period, and
              (g) summarised financial information about the
                   subsidiary (see paragraph 112.B10)
11. 112.B1    For each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests
    0-        that are material to the reporting entity, disclosure of:
    112.B1    (a) dividends paid to non-controlling interests, and
    1         (b) summarised financial information about the
                   assets, liabilities, profit or loss and cash flows of
                   the subsidiary that enables users to understand
                   the interest that non-controlling interests have in
                   the group's activities and cash flows. That
                   information might include but is not limited to, for
                   example, current assets, non-current assets,
                   current liabilities, non-current liabilities, revenue,
                   profit or loss and total comprehensive income.

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                   s    o   A
              (Note: The summarised financial information required
              by B10(b) shall be the amounts before inter-company
              Nature and extent of significant restrictions
12. 112.13    Disclosure of the following:
              (a) significant restrictions on its ability to access or
                    use the assets and settle the liabilities of the
                    group, including:
                   (i) whether that restricts the ability of a parent or
                        its subsidiaries to transfer cash or other
                        assets to (or from) other entities within the
                        group disclosed, and
                  (ii) the guarantees or other requirements that
                        may restrict dividends and other capital
                        distributions being paid, or loans and
                        advances being made or repaid, to (or from)
                        other entities within the group,
              (b) the nature and extent to which protective rights of
                    non-controlling interests can significantly restrict
                    the entity's ability to access or use the assets
                    and settle the liabilities of the group
              (c) the carrying amounts in the consolidated
                    financial statements of the assets and liabilities
                    to which above restrictions apply.
13. 112.14    Disclosure of the terms of any contractual
              arrangements that could require the parent or its
              subsidiaries to provide financial support to a
              consolidated structured entity, including events or
              circumstances that could expose the reporting entity
              to a loss.
14. 112.15    In case, during the reporting period, a parent or any
              of its subsidiaries has, without having a contractual
              obligation to do so, provided financial or other
              support to a consolidated structured entity, disclosure
              (a) the type and amount of support provided,
                    including situations in which the parent or its
                    subsidiaries assisted the structured entity in

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                   s    o   A
                   obtaining financial support, and
              (b) reasons for the same.
15. 112.16    In case, during the reporting period, a parent or any
              of its subsidiaries has, without having a contractual
              obligation to do so, provided financial or other
              support to a previously unconsolidated structured
              entity and that provision of support resulted in the
              entity controlling the structured entity, disclosure of
              an explanation of the relevant factors in reaching that
16. 112.17    Has the entity disclosed any current intentions to
              provide financial or other support to a consolidated
              structured entity, including intentions to assist the
              structured entity in obtaining financial support?
17. 112.18    Presentation of a schedule that shows the effects on
              the equity attributable to owners of the parent of any
              changes in its ownership interest in a subsidiary that
              do not result in a loss of control.
18. 112.19    Disclosure of gain or loss, if any, calculated in
              accordance with paragraph 110.25, and:
               (a) the portion of gain or loss attributable to
                   measuring any investment retained in the former
                   subsidiary at its fair value at the date when
                   control is lost, and
               (b) the line item(s) in profit or loss in which the gain
                   or loss is recognised.
              Interests in unconsolidated subsidiaries (investment
19. 112.19    In case entity is required, in accordance with Ind AS
    A         110, to apply the exception to consolidation and
              instead accounted for its investment in a subsidiary at
              fair value through profit or loss, disclosure of the fact.
20. 112.19    For each unconsolidated subsidiary, disclosure by an
    B         investment entity:
              (a) subsidiary's name,
              (b) the principal place of business of subsidiary (and
                   country of incorporation if different from the
                   principal place of business) of the subsidiary, and

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                 s    o   A
              (c) the proportion of ownership interest held by the
                   investment entity and, if different, the proportion
                   of voting rights held.
21. 112.19    In case an investment entity is the parent of another
    C         investment entity, disclosures by the parent in
              paragraph 112.19B(a)­(c) for investments that are
              controlled by its investment entity subsidiary. The
              disclosure may be provided by including, in the
              financial statements of the parent, the financial
              statements of the subsidiary (or subsidiaries) that
              contain the above information.
22. 112.19    Disclosure by investment entity:
    D         (a) the nature and extent of any significant
                   restrictions on the ability of an unconsolidated
                   subsidiary to transfer funds to the investment
                   entity in the form of cash dividends or to repay
                   loans or advances made to the unconsolidated
                   subsidiary by the investment entity, and
              (b) any current commitments or intentions to provide
                   financial or other support to an unconsolidated
                   subsidiary, including commitments or intentions
                   to assist the subsidiary in obtaining financial
23. 112.19    In case, during the reporting period, an investment
    E         entity or any of its subsidiaries has, without having a
              contractual obligation to do so, provided financial or
              other support to an unconsolidated subsidiary (eg
              purchasing assets of, or instruments issued by, the
              subsidiary or assisting the subsidiary in obtaining
              financial support), disclosure of:
              (a) the type and amount of support provided to each
                   unconsolidated subsidiary, and
              (b) the reasons for providing the support.
24. 112.19    Disclosure by an investment entity the terms of any
    F         contractual arrangements that could require the entity
              or its unconsolidated subsidiaries to provide financial
              support to an unconsolidated, controlled, structured
              entity, including events or circumstances that could

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                  s    o   A
              expose the reporting entity to a loss.
25. 112.19    In case, during the reporting period, an investment
    G         entity or any of its unconsolidated subsidiaries has,
              without having a contractual obligation to do so,
              provided financial or other support to an
              unconsolidated, structured entity that the investment
              entity did not control, and if that provision of support
              resulted in the investment entity controlling the
              structured entity, disclosure of an explanation of the
              relevant factors in reaching the decision to provide
              that support.
              Interests in joint arrangements and associates
26. 112.20    Disclosure of information that enables users of its
              financial statements to evaluate:
              (a) the nature, extent and financial effects of its
                   interests in joint arrangements and associates,
                   including the nature and effects of its contractual
                   relationship with the other investors with joint
                   control of, or significant influence over, joint
                   arrangements and associates, and
              (b) the nature of, and changes in, the risks
                   associated with its interests in joint ventures and
              Interests in joint arrangements and associates
27. 112.21    Disclosure of:
              (a) for each joint arrangement and associate that is
                   material to the reporting entity:
                     i) the name of the joint arrangement or
                    ii) the nature of the entity's relationship with
                         the joint arrangement or associate,
                   iii) the principal place of business of the joint
                         arrangement or associate, and
                   iv) the proportion of ownership interest or
                         participating share held by the entity and, if
                         different, the proportion of voting rights
              (b) for each joint venture and associate that is

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                  s    o   A
                   material to the reporting entity:
                   i) whether the investment in the joint venture
                         or associate is measured using the equity
                         method or at fair value,
                    ii) summarised financial information about the
                         joint venture or associate as specified in
                         paragraphs 112.B12 and 112.B13, and
                   iii) if the joint venture or associate is accounted
                         for using the equity method, the fair value of
                         its investment in the joint venture or
                         associate, if there is a quoted market price
                         for the investment.
              (c) financial information as specified in paragraph
                   112.B16 about the entity's investments in joint
                   ventures and associates that are not individually
                   (i) in aggregate for all individually immaterial
                         joint ventures, ,and
                         in aggregate for all individually immaterial
28. 112.21    An investment entity need not provide the
    A         disclosures required by paragraphs 112.21(b)-
29. 112.B1    For each joint venture and associate that is material
    2         to the reporting entity, disclosure of:
              (a) dividends received from the joint venture or
              (b) summarised financial information for the joint
                   venture or associate including, but not
                   necessarily limited to:
                   i) Current assets,
                   ii) Non-current assets,
                   iii) Current liabilities,
                   iv) Non-current liabilities,
                   v) Revenue,
                   vi) Profit or loss from continuing operations,
                   vii) Post-tax profit or loss from discontinued

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                s    o   A
                   viii) Other comprehensive income, and
                   ix) Total comprehensive income.
30. 112.B1    In addition to the summarised financial information
    3         required by paragraph 112.B12, disclosure, for each
              joint venture that is material to the reporting entity,
              the amount of:
              (a) cash and cash equivalents included in
                      paragraph 112.B12(b)(i),
              (b) current financial liabilities (excluding trade
                      and other payables and provisions) included
                      in paragraph 112.B12(b)(iii),
              (c) non-current financial liabilities (excluding
                      trade and other payables and provisions)
                      included in paragraph 112.B12(b)(iv),
              (d) depreciation and amortisation,
              (e) interest income,
              (f)     interest expense, and
              (g) income tax
              (h) expense or income.
31. 112.B1    The summarised financial information presented in
    4         accordance with paragraphs 112.B12 and 112.B13
              shall be the amounts included in the Ind AS financial
              statements of the joint venture or associate (and not
              the entity's share of those amounts). If the entity
              accounts for its interest in the joint venture or
              associate using the equity method, disclosure of:
              (a) the amounts included in the Ind AS financial
                   statements of the joint venture or associate,
                   adjusted to reflect adjustments made by the
                   entity when using the equity method, such as fair
                   value adjustments made at the time of
                   acquisition and adjustments for differences in
                   accounting policies, and
              (b) a reconciliation of the summarised financial
                   information presented to the carrying amount of
                   its interest in the joint venture or associate.
32. 112.B1    Presentation of the summarised financial information
    5         required by paragraphs 112.B12 and 112.B13 on the

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                   Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                   s    o   A
              basis of the joint venture's or associate's financial
              statements only if:
               a) the entity measures its interest in the joint
                   venture or associate at fair value in
                   accordance with Ind AS 28, Investments in
                   Associates and Joint Ventures, and
               b) the joint venture or associate does not prepare
                   Ind AS financial statements and preparation on
                   that basis would be impracticable or cause
                   undue cost.
33. 112.B1    Disclosure of the basis on which the summarised
    5         financial information has been prepared.
34. 112.B1    Disclosure of, in aggregate, the carrying amount of its
    6         interests in all individually immaterial joint ventures or
              associates that are accounted for using the equity
35. 112.B1    Disclosure separately of the aggregate amount of its
    6         share of those joint ventures' or associates':
              a) profit or loss from continuing operations,
              b) post-tax profit or loss from discontinued
              c) other comprehensive income, and
              d) total comprehensive income.
36. 112.B1    In case, entity's interests in subsidiary, joint venture
    7         or associate, (or a portion of its interest in a joint
              venture or an associate) is classified (or included in a
              disposal group that is classified) as held for sale in
              accordance with Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets
              Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations,
              disclosure of the summarised financial information is
              not required for that subsidiary, joint venture or
              associate in accordance with paragraphs 112.B10­
37. 112.22    Disclosure of:
              (a) the nature and extent of any significant
                   restrictions (e.g. resulting from borrowing
                   arrangements, regulatory requirements or
                   contractual arrangements between investors with

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                    s    o   A
                   joint control of or significant influence over a joint
                   venture or an associate) on the ability of joint
                   ventures or associates to transfer funds to the
                   entity in the form of cash dividends, or to repay
                   loans or advances made by the entity,
              (b) when the financial statements of a joint venture
                   or associate used in applying the equity method
                   are as of a date or for a period that is different
                   from that of the entity
                  (i) the date of the end of the reporting period of
                       the financial statements of that joint venture
                       or associate, and
                 (ii) the reason for using a different date or period,
              (c) the unrecognised share of losses of a joint
                   venture or associate, both for the reporting
                   period and cumulatively, if the entity has stopped
                   recognising its share of losses of the joint
                   venture or associate when applying the equity
              Risks associated with an entity's interests in
              joint ventures and associates
38. 112.23    Disclosure of the following information:
              a) commitments that it has relating to its joint
                   ventures separately from the amount of other
                   commitments, and
              b) contingent liabilities incurred relating to its
                   interests in joint ventures or associates
                   separately from the amount of other contingent
39. 112.B1    Disclose of total commitments entity has made but
    8         not recognised at the reporting date (including its
              share of commitments made jointly with other
              investors with joint control of a joint venture) relating
              to its interests in joint ventures. Commitments are
              those that may give rise to a future outflow of cash
              or other resources.
              Interest in unconsolidated structured entities
40. 112.24    Disclosure of the following information that enables

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                 s    o   A
              users of financial statements:
              (a) to understand the nature and extent of entity's
                   interests in unconsolidated structured entities,
              (b) to evaluate the nature of, and changes in, the
                   risks associated with its interests in
                   unconsolidated structured entities, and
41. 112.25    The information required by paragraph 112.24(b)
              includes information about an entity's exposure to
              risk from involvement that it had with unconsolidated
              structured entities in previous periods (eg
              sponsoring the structured entity), even if the entity
              no longer has any contractual involvement with the
              structured entity at the reporting date.
42. 112.25    An investment entity need not provide the
    A         disclosures required by paragraph 112.24 for an
              unconsolidated structured entity that it controls and
              for which it presents the disclosures required by
              paragraphs 112.19A­112.19G.
43. 112.26    Disclosure of:
    -         (a) qualitative and quantitative information about its
    112.27         interests in unconsolidated structured entities,
                   including, but not limited to, the nature, purpose,
                   size and activities of the structured entity and
                   how the structured entity is financed, and
              (b) if the entity has sponsored an unconsolidated
                   structured entity for which it does not provide
                   information required:
                    (i) how it has determined which structured
                         entities it has sponsored,
                   (ii) income from those structured entities
                         during the reporting period, including a
                         description of the types of income
                         presented (to be presented in tabular
                         format preferably), and
                  (iii) the carrying amount (at the time of
                         transfer) of all assets transferred to those
                         structured entities during the reporting
                         period (to be presented in tabular format

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                                 s    o   A
              Nature of Risk
44. 112.29    Disclosure of the following (to be presented in
              tabular format preferably):
              a) the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities
                   recognised in its financial statements relating to
                   its interests in unconsolidated structured
              b) the line items in the balance sheet in which
                   those assets and liabilities are recognised,
              c) the amount that best represents the entity's
                   maximum exposure to loss from its interests in
                   unconsolidated structured entities, including:
                     i.    how the maximum exposure to loss is
                           determined, and
                    ii.    if an entity cannot quantify its maximum
                           exposure to loss from its interests in
                           unconsolidated structured entities, that
                           fact and the reasons.
              d) a comparison of the carrying amounts of the
                   assets and liabilities of the entity that relate to
                   its interests in unconsolidated structured entities
                   and the entity's maximum exposure to loss from
                   those entities.
45. 112.30    If during the reporting period an entity has, without
              having a contractual obligation to do so, provided
              financial or other support to an unconsolidated
              structured entity in which it previously had or
              currently has an interest (for example, purchasing
              assets of or instruments issued by the structured
              entity), disclosure of:
               a) the type and amount of support provided,
                   including situations in which the entity assisted
                   the structured entity in obtaining financial
                   support; and
               b) the reasons for providing the support.
46. 112.31    Disclosure of any current intentions to provide
              financial or other support to an unconsolidated

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                              Ye   N   N
o.   aph                                                              s    o   A
              structured entity, including intentions to assist the
              structured entity in obtaining financial support.

Ind AS 113, Fair Value Measurements

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   raph
1.   113.9 Disclosure of the following:
     1     a) for assets and liabilities that are measured at fair
                value on a recurring or non-recurring basis in the
                balance sheet after initial recognition, the
                valuation techniques and inputs used to develop
                those measurements, and
           b) for recurring fair value measurements using
                significant unobservable inputs (Level 3), the
                effect of the measurements on profit or loss or
                other comprehensive income for the period.
2.   113.9 Disclosure of, at a minimum, the following information
     3     for each class of assets and liabilities measured at fair
           value in the balance sheet after initial recognition:
            a) for recurring and non-recurring fair value
                measurements, the fair value measurement at
                the end of the reporting period, and for non-
                recurring fair value measurements, the reason
                for the measurement,
            b) for recurring and non-recurring fair value
                measurements, the level of the fair value
                hierarchy (Level 1, 2, or 3),
            c) if there are any transfers between level 1 and
                level 2 of the hierarchy, the reasons for those
            d) a description of the valuation technique (s) and
                the inputs used in the fair value measurement
                for the items categorised within Level 2 and
                Level 3 of the hierarchy,
            e) if there has been change in the valuation
                technique, that change and the reasons for
                making it,
            f) for fair value measurements categorised within
                Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy, quantitative
                information about the significant unobservable
            g) for recurring fair value measurements
                categorised within Level 3 of the fair value
                hierarchy, a reconciliation from the opening
                balances to the closing balances, disclosing

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   raph
                separately changes during the period
                attributable to the following:
                i) total gains and losses for the period
                      recognised in profit or loss and the line
                      items in profit or loss in which those gains,
                ii) total gains and losses for the period
                      recognised in other comprehensive income,
                      and the line items in other comprehensive
                      income in which those gains or losses are
                iii) purchases, sales, issues and settlements,
           h) the amounts of any transfers into or out of Level
                3 of the fair value hierarchy, the reasons for
                those transfers and the entity's policy for
                determining when transfers between levels are
                deemed to have occurred,
               i) for recurring fair value measurements
                      categorized within Level 3, the amount of
                      gains or losses for the period included in
                      profit or loss that are attributable to the
                      change in unrealised gains or losses
                      relating to those assets and liabilities,
              ii) a description of valuation processes used
                      by the entity for recurring and non-recurring
                      fair value measurements categorized within
                      Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy,
           i) for recurring fair value measurements
                categorised within Level 3 of the fair value
                i) a narrative description of the sensitivity of the
                      fair value measurement to changes in
                      unobservable inputs, and
                ii) for financial assets and liabilities, if changing
                      one or more of the unobservable inputs to
                      reflect reasonably possible alternative
                      assumptions would change the fair value
                      significantly, that fact and effect of those
                iii) for recurring and non-recurring fair value
                      measurements, if the highest and the best

SN   Parag Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   raph
                       use differs from the current use, the reasons
                       as to why it is used in such manner.
3.   113.9 Determination of the appropriate classes of assets and
     4     liabilities based on the following:
           a) the nature, characteristics and risks of the asset or
                 liability, and
           b) the level of the fair value hierarchy within which the
                 fair value measurement is categorised.
4.   113.9 Disclose and consistently followed policy for
     5     determining the transfers between levels in the fair
           value hierarchy that are deemed to have occurred.
5.   113.9 If an entity has made an accounting policy decision to
     6     use the exception in paragraph 113.48, has it
           disclosed the same.
6.   113.9 Disclosure of the information required by paragraph
     7     113.93(b)-(d) for each class of assets and liabilities not
           measured at fair value but for which the fair value is
7.   113.9 In case entity has issued a liability with inseparable
     8     third-party credit enhancement and measured the
           same at fair value, disclosure of the existence of that
           credit enhancement and whether it is reflected in the
           fair value measurement of the liability.
8.   113.9 Presentation of the quantitative disclosures required
     9     by Ind AS 113 in a tabular format unless other format
           is more appropriate.
           Income approach
9.   113.B a) Disclosure of fair value by using which of of the
     11          following techniques:
                 i) Present value techniques,
                 ii) Option pricing models, or
                 iii) Multi-period excess earnings method.
           b) If not, is the valuation technique used by the entity
                 appropriate and relevant.

Ind AS 114, Regulatory Deferral Accounts

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   aph
1.   114.27   In case entity elects to apply this Standard,
              disclosure of the information that enables users to
              (a) the nature of, and the risks associated with, the
                   rate regulation that establishes the price(s) that
                   the entity can charge customers for the goods or
                   services it provides; and
              (b) the effects of that rate regulation on its financial
                   position, financial performance and cash flows.
2.   114.28   If any of the disclosures set out in paragraphs
              114.30­114.36 are not considered relevant to meet
              the objective in paragraph 114.27, they may be
              omitted from the financial statements. If the
              disclosures provided in accordance with paragraphs
              114.30­114.36 are insufficient to meet the objective
              in paragraph 114.27, disclosure of additional
              information that is necessary to meet that objective.
3.   114.29   To meet the disclosure objective in paragraph
              114.27, an entity shall consider all of the following:
              (a) the level of detail that is necessary to satisfy the
                   disclosure requirements;
              (b) how much emphasis to place on each of the
                   various requirements
              (c) how much aggregation or disaggregation to
                   undertake; and
              (d) whether users of financial statements need
                   additional information to evaluate the quantitative
                   information disclosed.
              Explanation of activities subject to rate regulation
4.   114.30   To help a user of the financial statements assess the
              nature of, and the risks associated with, the entity's
              rate-regulated activities, for each type of rate-
              regulated activity, disclosure of:
              (a) a brief description of the nature and extent of the
                  rate-regulated activity and the nature of the
                  regulatory rate-setting process;

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                    Yes No   NA
o.   aph
              (b) the identity of the rate regulator(s). If the rate
                  regulator is a related party (as defined in Ind AS
                  24, Related Party Disclosures), the entity shall
                  disclose that fact, together with an explanation of
                  how it is related;
              (c) how the future recovery of each class (ie each
                  type of cost or income) of regulatory deferral
                  account debit balance or reversal of each class of
                  regulatory deferral account credit balance is
                  affected by risks and uncertainty, for example:
                  (i) demand risk (for example, changes in
                      consumer attitudes, the availability of alternative
                      sources of supply or the level of competition);
                  (ii) regulatory risk (for example, the submission
                      and approval of a rate-setting application or the
                      entity's assessment of the expected future
                      regulatory actions); and
                  (ii) other risks (for example, currency or other
                      market risks).
5.   114.31   The disclosures required by paragraph 114.30 shall
              be given in the financial statements either directly in
              the notes or incorporated by cross-reference from the
              financial statements to some other statement, such
              as a management commentary or risk report, that is
              available to users of the financial statements on the
              same terms as the financial statements and at the
              same time. If the information is not included in the
              financial statements directly or incorporated by cross-
              reference, the financial statements are incomplete.
              Explanation of recognised amounts
6.   114.32   Disclosure of the basis on which regulatory deferral
              account balances are recognised and derecognised,
              and how they are measured initially and
              subsequently, including how regulatory deferral
              account balances are assessed for recoverability and
              how any impairment loss is allocated.
7.   114.33   For each type of rate-regulated activity, disclosure of
              the following information for each class of regulatory

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Yes No   NA
o.   aph
              deferral account balance:
              (a) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the
                   beginning and the end of the period, in a table
                   unless another format is more appropriate. The
                   entity shall apply judgement in deciding the level
                   of detail necessary (see paragraphs 114.28­
                   114.29), but the following components would
                   usually be relevant:
                   (i) the amounts that have been recognised in the
                       current period in the balance sheet as
                       regulatory deferral account balances;
                   (ii) the amounts that have been recognised in the
                       statement of profit and loss relating to
                       balances that have been recovered
                       (sometimes described as amortised) or
                       reversed in the current period; and
                   (iii) other amounts, separately identified, that
                       affected the regulatory deferral account
                       balances, such as impairments, items acquired
                       or assumed in a business combination, items
                       disposed of, or the effects of changes in
                       foreign exchange rates or discount rates;
              (b) the rate of return or discount rate (including a zero
                   rate or a range of rates, when applicable) used to
                   reflect the time value of money that is applicable
                   to each class of regulatory deferral account
                   balance; and
              (c) the remaining periods over which the entity
                   expects to recover (or amortise) the carrying
                   amount of each class of regulatory deferral
                   account debit balance or to reverse each class of
                   regulatory deferral account credit balance.
8.   114.34   When rate regulation affect the amount and timing of
              an entity's income tax expense (income), disclosure
              of the impact of the rate regulation on the amounts of
              current and deferred tax recognised. In addition, the
              entity shall separately disclose any regulatory
              deferral account balance that relates to taxation and

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   aph
              the related movement in that balance.
9.   114.35   When an entity provides disclosures in accordance
              with Ind AS 112 Disclosure of Interests in Other
              Entities, for an interest in a subsidiary, associate or
              joint venture that has rate-regulated activities and for
              which regulatory deferral account balances are
              recognised in accordance with this Standard,
              disclosure of the amounts that are included for the
              regulatory deferral account debit and credit balances
              and the net movement in those balances for the
              interests disclosed (see paragraphs 114.B25­
10. 114.B2    If the entity chooses to include the regulatory deferral
    2         account balances and movements in those balances
              that are related to the disposal group or discontinued
              operation within the related regulated deferral
              account line items, it may be necessary to disclose
              them separately as part of the analysis of the
              regulatory deferral account line items described by
              paragraph 114.33.
11. 114.B2    Disclosure is required by paragraph 112.12(e) for
    5         each of its subsidiaries that have non-controlling
              interests that are material to the reporting entity, the
              profit or loss that was allocated to non-controlling
              interests of the subsidiary during the reporting period.
              In case an entity that recognises regulatory deferral
              account balances in accordance with this Standard,
              disclosure of the net movement in regulatory deferral
              account balances that is included within the amounts
              that are required to be disclosed by paragraph Ind AS
12. 114.B2    In addition to the information specified in paragraphs
    7         112.12, 112.21, 112.B10, 112.B12­112.B13 and
              112.B16, in case entity recognises regulatory deferral
              account balances in accordance with this Standard,
              disclosure of
               i. the total regulatory deferral account debit

SN   Paragr   Disclosure                                                  Yes No   NA
o.   aph
               ii. the total regulatory deferral account credit
                   balance and
              iii. the net movements in those balances, split
                   between amounts recognised in profit or loss and
                   amounts recognised as other comprehensive
                   income, for each entity for which those Ind AS
                   112 disclosures are required.
13. 114.B2    Paragraph 112.19 specifies the information that an
    8         entity is required to disclose when the entity
              recognises a gain or loss on losing control of a
              subsidiary, calculated in accordance with paragraph
              110.25. In addition to the information required by
              paragraph 112.19, in case an entity that elects to
              apply this Standard, disclosure of the portion of that
              gain or loss that is attributable to derecognising
              regulatory deferral account balances in the former
              subsidiary at the date when control is lost.
14. 114.36    When an entity concludes that a regulatory deferral
              account balance is no longer fully recoverable or
              reversible, disclosure of that fact, the reason why it is
              not recoverable or reversible and the amount by
              which the regulatory deferral account balance has
              been reduced.

Ind AS 115, Revenue from Contracts with Customers

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   ph
1.   115.107   If an entity performs by transferring goods or
               services to a customer before the customer pays
               consideration or before payment is due, the entity
               shall present the contract as a contract asset,
               excluding any amounts presented as a receivable. A
               contract asset is an entity's right to consideration in
               exchange for goods or services that the entity has
               transferred to a customer. An entity shall assess a
               contract asset for impairment in accordance with Ind
               AS 109. An impairment of a contract asset shall be
               measured, presented and disclosed on the same
               basis as a financial asset that is within the scope of
               Ind AS 109 (see also paragraph 115.113(b)).
2.   115.110   Disclosure of qualitative and quantitative information
               about all of the following:
               (a) its contracts with customers (see paragraphs
               (b) the significant judgements, and changes in the
                   judgements, made in applying this Standard to
                   those contracts (see paragraphs 115.123­
                   115.126); and
               (c) any assets recognised from the costs to obtain
                   or fulfil a contract with a customer in
                   accordance with paragraph 115.91 or 115.95
                   (see paragraphs 115.127­115.128).
3.   115.113   Disclosure of all of the following amounts for the
               reporting period unless those amounts are
               presented separately in the statement of profit and
               loss in accordance with other Standards:
               (a) revenue recognised from contracts with
                   customers, which the entity shall disclose
                   separately from its other sources of revenue;
               (b) any impairment losses recognised (in
                   accordance with Ind AS 109) on any
                   receivables or contract assets arising from an

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                               Yes No   NA
o.   ph
                    entity's contracts with customers, which the
                    entity shall disclose separately from impairment
                    losses from other contracts.
               Disaggregation of revenue
4.   115.114   An entity shall disaggregate revenue recognised
               from contracts with customers into categories that
               depict how the nature, amount, timing and
               uncertainty of revenue and cash flows are affected
               by economic factors. An entity shall apply the
               guidance in paragraphs 115.B87­115.B89 when
               selecting the categories to use to disaggregate
5.   115.115   In addition, disclosure of sufficient information to
               enable users of financial statements to understand
               the relationship between the disclosure of
               disaggregated revenue (in accordance with
               paragraph 115.114) and revenue information that is
               disclosed for each reportable segment, if the entity
               applies Ind AS 108, Operating Segments.
6.   115.116   Disclosure of all of the following:
               (a) the opening and closing balances of
                    receivables, contract assets and contract
                    liabilities from contracts with customers, if not
                    otherwise separately presented or disclosed;
               (b) revenue recognised in the reporting period that
                    was included in the contract liability balance at
                    the beginning of the period; and
               (c) revenue recognised in the reporting period from
                    performance obligations satisfied (or partially
                    satisfied) in previous periods (for example,
                    changes in transaction price).
               Performance obligations
7.   115.119   Disclosure of information about entity's performance
               obligations in contracts with customers, including a
               description of all of the following:
               (a) when the entity typically satisfies its
                    performance obligations (for example, upon
                    shipment, upon delivery, as services are

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                 Yes No   NA
o.   ph
                   rendered or upon completion of service),
                   including when performance obligations are
                   satisfied in a bill-and-hold arrangement;
               (b) the significant payment terms (for example,
                   when payment is typically due, whether the
                   contract has a significant financing component,
                   whether the consideration amount is variable
                   and whether the estimate of variable
                   consideration is typically constrained in
                   accordance with paragraphs 115.56­115.58);
               (c) the nature of the goods or services that the
                   entity has promised to transfer, highlighting any
                   performance obligations to arrange for another
                   party to transfer goods or services (ie if the
                   entity is acting as an agent);
               (d) obligations for returns, refunds and other similar
                   obligations; and
               (e) types of warranties and related obligations.
               Transaction price allocated to the remaining
               performance obligations
8.   115.120   Disclosure of the following information about entity's
               remaining performance obligations:
               (a) the aggregate amount of the transaction price
                   allocated to the performance obligations that
                   are unsatisfied (or partially unsatisfied) as of the
                   end of the reporting period; and
               (b) an explanation of when the entity expects to
                   recognise as revenue the amount disclosed in
                   accordance with paragraph 120(a), which the
                   entity shall disclose in either of the following
                       in a quantitative basis using the time bands
                       that would be most appropriate for the
                       duration of the remaining performance
                       obligations; or
                   (i) (ii) by using qualitative information.
9.   115.121   An entity need not disclose the information in
               paragraph 115.120 for a performance obligation if

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                              Yes No   NA
o.   ph
               either of the following conditions is met:
               (a) the performance obligation is part of a contract
                    that has an original expected duration of one
                    year or less; or
               (b) the entity recognises revenue from the
                    satisfaction of the performance obligation in
                    accordance with paragraph 115.B16.
               Significant judgements in the application of this
10. 115.123    Disclosure of the judgements, and changes in the
               judgements, made in applying this Standard that
               significantly affect the determination of the amount
               and timing of revenue from contracts with
               customers. In particular, an entity shall explain the
               judgements, and changes in the judgements, used
               in determining both of the following:
               (a) the timing of satisfaction of performance
                    obligations (see paragraphs 115.124­115.125);
               (b) the transaction price and the amounts allocated
                    to performance obligations (see paragraph
               Determining the timing of satisfaction of
               performance obligations
11. 115.124    For performance obligations that an entity satisfies
               over time, disclosure of both of the following:
               (a) the methods used to recognise revenue (for
                    example, a description of the output methods or
                    input methods used and how those methods are
                    applied); and
               (b) an explanation of why the methods used
                    provide a faithful depiction of the transfer of
                    goods or services.
12. 115.125    For performance obligations satisfied at a point in
               time, disclosure of the significant judgements made
               in evaluating when a customer obtains control of
               promised goods or services.
               Determining the transaction price and the

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                  Yes No   NA
o.   ph
               amounts allocated to performance obligations
13. 115.126    Disclosure of information about the methods, inputs
               and assumptions used for all of the following:
               (a) determining the transaction price, which
                    includes, but is not limited to, estimating
                    variable      consideration,       adjusting     the
                    consideration for the effects of the time value of
                    money and measuring non-cash consideration;
               (b) assessing whether an estimate of variable
                    consideration is constrained;
               (c) allocating the transaction price, including
                    estimating stand-alone selling prices of
                    promised goods or services and allocating
                    discounts and variable consideration to a
                    specific part of the contract (if applicable); and
               (d) measuring obligations for returns, refunds and
                    other similar obligations.
               Assets recognised from the costs to obtain or
               fulfil a contract with a customer
14. 115.127    An entity shall describe both of the following:
               (a) the judgements made in determining the
                    amount of the costs incurred to obtain or fulfil a
                    contract with a customer (in accordance with
                    paragraph 115.91 or 115.95); and
               (b) the method it uses to determine the
                    amortisation for each reporting period.
15. 115.128    Disclosure of all of the following:
               (a) the closing balances of assets recognised from
                    the costs incurred to obtain or fulfil a contract
                    with a customer (in accordance with paragraph
                    115.91 or 115.95), by main category of asset
                    (for example, costs to obtain contracts with
                    customers, pre-contract costs and setup costs);
               (b) the amount of amortisation and any impairment
                    losses recognised in the reporting period.
               Practical expedients
16. 115.129    If the practical expedient is elected in paragraph

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   ph
               115.63 (about the existence of a significant
               financing component) or paragraph 115.94 (about
               the incremental costs of obtaining a contract),
               disclosure of that fact.
17. 115.C6     For any of the practical expedients in paragraph
               115.C5 that an entity uses, it shall apply that
               expedient consistently to all contracts within all
               reporting periods presented. In addition, it shall
               disclose all of the following information:
               (a) the expedients that have been used; and
               (b) to the extent reasonably possible, a qualitative
                    assessment of the estimated effect of applying
                    each of those expedients.
18. 115.C7     An entity applying this Standard retrospectively in
    A          accordance with paragraph 115.C3(b) may also
               use the practical expedient described in
               paragraph 115.C5(c), either:
               (a) for all contract modifications that occur before
                    the beginning of the earliest period presented;
               (b) for all contract modifications that occur before
                    the date of initial application.
               If an entity uses this practical expedient, the entity
               shall apply the expedient consistently to all contracts
               and disclose the information required by paragraph
19. 115.C8     For reporting periods that include the date of initial
               application, an entity shall provide both of the
               following additional disclosures if this Standard is
               applied retrospectively in accordance with
               paragraph C3(b):
               (a) the amount by which each financial statement
                    line item is affected in the current reporting
                    period by the application of this Standard as
                    compared to Ind AS 11 and Ind AS 18; and
               (b) an explanation of the reasons for significant
                    changes identified in C8(a).
20. 115.E6     All aspects of a service concession arrangement

SN   Paragra   Disclosure                                                Yes No   NA
o.   ph
               shall be considered in determining the appropriate
               disclosures in the notes. Disclosure of the following
               in each period by an operator and a grantor:
               (a) a description of the arrangement;
               (b) significant terms of the arrangement that may
                    affect the amount, timing and certainty of future
                    cash flows (eg the period of the concession, re-
                    pricing dates and the basis upon which re-
                    pricing or re-negotiation is determined);
               (c) the nature and extent (eg quantity, time period
                    or amount as appropriate) of:
                       (i) obligations to acquire or build items of
                           property, plant and equipment
                      (ii) obligations to deliver or rights to receive
                           specified assets at the end of the
                           concession period;
                     (iii) renewal and termination options; and
                    (iv) other rights and obligations (eg major
               (d) changes in the arrangement occurring during
                    the period; and
               (e) how the service arrangement has been
                           Note: The disclosures required in
                           accordance with 115.E6 shall be provided
                           individually for each service concession
                           arrangement or in aggregate for each class
                           of service concession arrangements. A
                           class is a grouping of service concession
                           arrangements involving services of a
                           similar nature (eg toll collections,
                           telecommunications and water treatment
                           services). (paragraph 115.E7)
21. 115.E6     Disclosure by an operator of the amount of revenue
    A          and profits or losses recognized in the period on
               exchanging construction services for a financial
               asset or an intangible asset.

                                                   APPENDIX - A
Comparison of IFRS with Ind AS notified by the MCA (As of April,
  S    IFRS/    Indian       Name
 No.   IAS      Accounting
 1.    IAS 1    Ind AS 1     Presentation of Financial Statements
 2.    IAS 2    Ind AS 2     Inventories
 3.    IAS 7    Ind AS 7     Statement of Cash Flows
 4.    IAS 8    Ind AS 8     Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
                             Estimates and Errors
 5.    IAS 10   Ind AS 10    Events after the Reporting Period
 6.    IAS 12   Ind AS 12    Income Taxes
 7.    IAS 16   Ind AS 16    Property, Plant and Equipment
 8.    IAS 17   Ind AS 17    Leases
 9.    IAS 19   Ind AS 19    Employee Benefits
 10.   IAS 20   Ind AS 20    Accounting for Government Grants and
                             Disclosure of Government Assistance
 11.   IAS 21   Ind AS 21    The Effects of Changes in Foreign
                             Exchange Rates
 12.   IAS 23   Ind AS 23    Borrowing Costs
 13.   IAS 24   Ind AS 24    Related Party Disclosures
 14.   IAS 27   Ind AS 27    Separate Financial Statements
 15.   IAS 28   Ind AS 28    Investments in Associates and Joint
 16.   IAS 29   Ind AS 29    Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
 17.   IAS 32   Ind AS 32    Financial Instruments: Presentation
 18.   IAS 33   Ind AS 33    Earnings per Share
 19.   IAS 34   Ind AS 34    Interim Financial Reporting
 20.   IAS 36   Ind AS 36    Impairment of Assets
 21.   IAS 37   Ind AS 37    Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
                             Contingent Assets
 22.   IAS 38   Ind AS 38    Intangible Assets

  S    IFRS/     Indian         Name
 No.   IAS       Accounting
 23.   IAS 40    Ind AS 40      Investment Property
 24.   IAS 41    Ind AS 41      Agriculture
 25.   IFRS 1    Ind AS 101     First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting
 26.   IFRS 2    Ind AS 102     Share-based Payment
 27.   IFRS 3    Ind AS 103     Business Combinations
 28.   IFRS 4    Ind AS 104     Insurance Contracts
 29.   IFRS 5    Ind AS 105     Non-current Assets Held for Sale and
                                Discontinued Operations
 30.   IFRS 6    Ind AS 106     Exploration for and Evaluation of
                                Mineral Resources
 31.     IFRS 7 Ind AS 107      Financial Instruments: Disclosures
 32.     IFRS 8 Ind AS 108      Operating Segments
 33.     IFRS 9 Ind AS 109      Financial Instruments
 34.     IFRS     Ind AS 110    Consolidated Financial Statements
  35. IFRS        Ind AS 111     Joint Arrangements
  36. IFRS        Ind AS 112     Disclosure of Interest in Other Entities
  37. IFRS        Ind AS 113     Fair Value Measurement
  38. IFRS        Ind AS 114     Regulatory Deferral Account
  39. IFRS        Ind AS 115     Revenue from Contracts with Customers
* Ind AS corresponding to IAS 26, Accounting and Reporting by Retirement
     Benefit Plans, has not been issued as this standard is not applicable to
** Since India has decided to converge early with IFRS 9, Financial
     Instruments. Accordingly, Ind AS 109, Financial Instruments, has been
     issued and Ind AS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and
     Measurement, has not been issued.

IFRS not yet effective

  S    IFRS/    Indian          Title
 No.   IAS      Accounting
 1.    IFRS     Ind AS 116      Leases (Effective from April 01, 2019, will
       16                       replace Ind AS 17)
 2.    IFRS     Ind AS 117 is   Insurance Contracts, and will replace Ind
       17       under           AS 104)

IFRICs/SICs included in the corresponding Appendices to Ind AS (As
on April, 2018)
As per the scheme of formulation of Indian Accounting Standards, the
interpretations issued by the IASB, IFRIC and SIC be added as an appendix
with the relevant Ind AS.
  S    IFRIC     Corresponding                    IFRIC/SIC
 No.    / SIC       Appendix
         No.     included in Ind
  1.   IFRIC    Appendix A to Ind   Changes             in        Existing
       1        AS 16               Decommissioning, Restoration and
                                    Similar Liabilities
  2.   IFRIC    Appendix C to Ind   Determining           whether       an
       4        AS 17               Arrangement contains a Lease
  3.   IFRIC    Appendix A to Ind   Rights to Interests arising from
       5        AS 37               Decommissioning, Restoration and
                                    Environmental Rehabilitation Funds
  4.   IFRIC    Appendix B to Ind   Liabilities arising from Participating
       6        AS 37               in a Specific Market --Waste
                                    Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  5.   IFRIC    Appendix A to Ind   Applying the Restatement Approach
       7        AS 29               under Ind AS 29 Financial Reporting
                                    in Hyperinflationary Economies
  6.   IFRIC    Appendix A to Ind   Interim Financial Reporting and
       10       AS 34               Impairment

 S    IFRIC     Corresponding                  IFRIC/SIC
No.    / SIC       Appendix
        No.     included in Ind
7.    IFRIC    Appendix D to Ind Service Concession Arrangements
      12       AS 115
8.    IFRIC    Appendix B to Ind Ind AS 19 -- The Limit on a Defined
      14       AS 19             Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding
                                 Requirements and their Interaction
9.    IFRIC    Appendix C to Ind Hedges of a Net Investment in a
      16       AS 109            Foreign Operation
10.   IFRIC    Appendix A to Ind Distributions of Non-cash Assets to
      17       AS 10             Owners
11.   IFRIC    Appendix D to Ind Extinguishing Financial Liabilities
      19       AS 109            with Equity Instruments
12.   IFRIC    Appendix B to Ind Stripping Cost in the Production
      20       AS 16             Phase of a Surface Mine
13.   IFRIC    Appendix C to Ind Levies
      21       AS 37
14.   IFRIC    Appendix B to Ind Foreign Currency Transactions and
      22       AS 21             Advance Consideration (Effective
                                 from 1 April, 2018)
15. SIC-       Appendix A to Ind Government           Assistance --No
    10         AS 20             Specific Relation to Operating
16. SIC-       Appendix A to Ind Operating Leases --Incentives
    15         AS 17
17. SIC-       Appendix A to Ind Income Taxes --Changes in the Tax
    25         AS 12             Status of an Entity or its
18. SIC-       Appendix B to Ind Evaluating the Substance of
    27         AS 17             Transactions Involving the Legal
                                 Form of a Lease
19. SIC-       Appendix E to Ind Service Concession Arrangements:
    29         AS 115            Disclosures
20. SIC-       Appendix A to Ind Intangible Assets --Web Site Costs

      S    IFRIC       Corresponding                       IFRIC/SIC
     No.    / SIC         Appendix
             No.       included in Ind
            32       AS 38
      Appendix corresponding to IFRIC 2, Member's Shares in Co-operative
      Entities and Similar Liabilities Instruments, is not issued as it is not relevant
      for the companies.
**    Appendix corresponding to SIC 7, Introduction of Euro, is not issued as it is
      not relevant in the Indian context.

IFRICs/SICs included in the corresponding Appendices to Ind AS ­
not yet effective
      S    IFRIC    Corresponding                         IFRIC/SIC
     No.    / SIC   Appendix
             No.    included in Ind
     1.    IFRIC    Under formulation      Uncertainty over Income Tax
           23       (As an Appendix        Treatments (Effective from 1 January
                    to Ind AS 12)          2019)

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