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Companies (Incorporation) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2016
October, 03rd 2016
    [Io   bc plrbLished in tlrc Cazcite   oi lndia, F.rtrnu |1r4. Pdrt Il, Secnon i. Sub-
    stion (i)l
                               Govcmment oI ln.lia
                        MINISTRY OI CORI'ORAI I] AT'IIAIRS

                                                     N.!!   |   )clhi, 1" O.iober, 2016

    (2) of scctnnr 469 d thc com|'anics Aci,2013 {18 of 2013)' tlt ccftril
    Govemment hercb! makes the fol!(Ni,r8rules iurthernr amend theComPa'rics
    ( In.-orF)ration) Rulcs, 20lt nann'ly:-

     l. (1) lese rules nuy be .all('d lhc ConrPrnics (ln.orporation)                     fourth
    Amendmellt Rules, 2016.
    (2)Save as otheffis. Prolil1ed, thre rules shall.ome into f(r.e on thc date of
    thelr publication in the Ofln:ialGa7ttc
     2. In thc Companies    (IrtorPoraircn) ltulcs, 2014 (kreinalter rcicrted k, as the
    prin(ipal ruk's), iD .ulc 31, for suluult' (2), the l(rilou,ing shnll bc substitutcd,

    "(2) subicct 1o the p(,visi(n oI subjulc (1),      fo  effe.ting the (onversion of a
    fublic comPanY into d frivaie..ffFary" a.of! of ordor ol the
                                                                                  I ril'unal

    approvinB the altentlnnr, shalt bc filed lvith the Registrar in Irorm No lC'27
    with fc together with lhc print.{ coP.} of altercd articles lvithin fift@n dals
    from thed|k'otrcce41tof theo.dcrfrom the lribunal"
     3. ln the principal rules, aftet rule 37, the following rulc slrall bc inserted, with
    effe.t lrom 2^rOctobcr 2016, natncly:
    "38. Simplifn'd Protorlna for lncorPorating ComPany Ele.troni.allv            (sl'lcli)
    (l) The sinrplified integratcd pro.ess for incorPofation of    in I ornl
                                                                         a companv
    No. rNC-32alongwith c-Memoran(lum of lssociation inlitrm No LC'33 and
    e ,tticl.sof Associati(lr in lorm No.INC-34.

    (2) Thc     provisbns of sub-.ule (2) k, subrulc (13) of rulc 36 slull appl! riirrdr'
    ,     tnr,/is fd hcorPoralbn un.ler lhis rule
I    l'fovided that for the Furposes of relcrcnces to fonn numbcrs tNC 29, tNC-
     30 nnd INC-31in rul.:16 with Form No. INC-32, Form na. INC-33 and li,rm
     No. lC-34 sha ll tx. substitDted rst{! tilclv-
    4 ln thc prin ipal .uk.s, after tule 3u { so inserted thcsc rules, ihe folkJwing
    rule shall be inserted with elfect from 1r' November,20t5, namelv:
    "39. Convercion oI a company limited by guarance into a companytinlfted
    by shares (1) A company otber than i comFan! regist(r,.t uder *ction 25
    of lhc Companies A(t, 1956 or e.ti('n 6 of the ComFanie A.L 2013 md!
    .onvert itself irno a ()mpany limitcd     sharcs.

     (2) the company seking conversion shallhave         a share   .apitat equivalcnr to
     thc guardtcc aDount.

     (l) A  spNiat resolution is pa$d b, its members authorising sudr i
     roDv.Bnh omjttin| thc guarmtcc clausc inits Vcmomnctum ofAsecllrion
     and alt.ring thc A.ti.lcs of As$.iati()n to provi.l. l(r ihe arti.les rs irc fortlcompany limited bv slMres.
     (4) A.opy of th. spc.ial rcsolutnD shall bc fik'd with ihc Rcgisrrdr ot
     conpanies inForn] no. NlCTl,l t!irhitr rhirtv da!s fr(nn the dateofpassi,rg
     ot th. same alonS with fe as prcs{ribcd in  n the ComFarn6 (Registr.ltion
     Ofli(cs and Fees) Itulcs,20l4.
     (5) An applicatjon   if
                         lbnn No lNC,27 shall bc filcd with itrc Rcgjslrar of
     C(tnpanics within thirty dars f(,n .1ate of thc prssing of thr spc.irl
     resolutior enchsinB the altcrcd lvrlnornndum of Associarion and dlt(ycd
     A rti.lcs of ,{ssNiation and a list of |nenrlt6 s ith the nu,nber oI sha.e, hcld
     allltrogating to a minimum paicl up c.pilal whi.h is .quivatcnt to thc amounr
     of Suarante hiih.r t() prcvided bv its m mbers.
     (6) lhc Itegistraf of(inrpdrlies shill t.rko a.te.:isi()n or tho applnlti,D filrtl
     ullder these rulcs wi$h thhg ddys ironr thc dato oi fc(ciFi of appln.alk)n
     comPlete iD all resFst. a.d uPon app.oval of Form No. INC-22 the
     comPany shall be issued $,ith a certificateof in.orporalioi in Fo.m No. INC-
     l   t.".
a                                        Fom No. lN( -l   ld                   fom shall be
3.   In the principle rules, aftcr the                         the followin8

                                     "Fom No. INC-l1B
      Crrtificate of Incorpordtion pGunt to coNrsion of a company                   limid
                    by gudant into a company limited by Bhds

      lPursuant io secrion 18 oftheCompanies Act,2013 read with n'le 39 of th
      Companies (In orporation) Rules, 20141
      I hereby certify that...............(name of the company Fior to convEion)
      limited by guaranbe has been converted into-. -......(name of dt company


      aftet conversion) a company limited by shares with efiect from the date of

      The CIN of the company is.

      Given under mv hand at............... this..................... day of .
      two thousanct... -......,.,, ,,.,
                                                                 Registrd of Companies


      6. ln the pnnciple ruls for   Fom No. INC-22 the following form shall be
      Eubstitut!i, namelyr
a                                                           Conv.Bion of plbli. comp.ny
    "FORI{ ]{O. rNC-27
    Itu          6tur..dtaot6.                              into pnvale @mpany or p.ivate
                                                            .ohp.ny into publi. @mpany
                                                            and conv.r6lon ot Unllnlt.d
                                                            rlablllty comp.ny Into .
                                                            comp..y Llmitcd by 3haE o.
                                                            g|larantc or conve.slon ot
                                                            guarante .o.npany         into   a
                                                            .onDa.v limitd by 3h.ro3

    1   .    Application   tor o Conversion of private company into public company
                              o conveEion of public @mpany into priv6te ompany
                               o conveGion of unlimited Liability company into company umited
                                 by shares or guarantee
                                o Conve6ion of @mpany limited by guarantee Into a company
                                  limited by shar6

    2.        (a) Corporate identity numbe(clNl of conpany
            (b) Globar Locahon Number

    3. (a)      Name of the company
            (b) Address or rgistered ofiice

    'Part(ulaB or r'l'ng Fom No. MGT.l4 w'th Reg'strar or Compan'es (RoC)
               (a) sRN of fom No. MCT-14
                       of passlng rhe spe(lalregolution
                       of flllnq Fom No. MGT-14
                        of the order ofTribunal

    6,                the company at the nme of                     be drsplayed 'n the
                                                    'ncorporaton 0o

    7. (a)       Details or members p@nt at the meting whre thedecrsrd of @nv6ion
            was taken and number orshares held by them
            (il 'Nunber or membeE
            (ii) Number or shares held
            (iii) Totalamount or guaranree
O   (b) Detalls of the members who voted in favour ofthe prooosaidnd numberof

    (i) 'Number or membeG
    (li) N!hber of shares held
    (c) Details of the members              against the proposaland nuoberof shares

    (i) rNumbr or menbers
    (ii) Number or shares held    by them

    (dl   DP   d 5 of meFber $ho dbrdired lron vorr.9 cro rLrbe   of sFd F -Fld   b/
    (r)  Number of membe6
    (ri) Number or shares herd by rhem

          'Minutes of th membeE mftting,
          - Copy of altered f4morandum
            Articles of Associarion;
    3.    order ror condonaton of delay f any;   f^;*l
    4. 'Copy of special reso uUon;               f^*.h l
    5. rCoDy of newspaper pLblicatonj
    6.     order of TribunaLj                    t;;;l
    7.     D

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